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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by grayhair

  1. I dunno about a shortage... There is a shortage of 5 carat D Flawless diamonds unless you have $700K to spend, then no shortage at all. There is a shortage of immaculate 1966 Pontiac GTOs unless you have $80K to spend, then no shortage at all. And there is a shortage of drivers until the pay and benefits are really good, then no shortage at all. Just sayin.
  2. Bald tires, no brakes, no insurance, no problemo.
  3. I hear you guys talking about the cold weather. Here in Dallas, TX area it is 20F. right now with wind chill zero. I need to get that nitwit Al Gore on the phone and tell him what I think about his global warming BS. Just sayin...
  4. Yea for the "good old days of TV" except it was black and white and I had to get up off my ass and go across the room to change the channel or adjust the volume. Of course there were some good aspects... It didn't cost me $220./month for 450 channels half of which are shopping channels and a bunch of dud movies. I dumped HBO from the lineup. Their content is less and less quality every year.
  5. Yes, looks nice. Please keep the progress photos coming
  6. Congratulations! Wishing you a very long and happy retirement! You have earned it.
  7. 1963 -1967 Corvette had vertical radios. Re-pops available online but pricey. Probably not a bolt-in.
  8. Or, how to tell if your ass is too small...
  9. I think the F meant "axle forward." B would B for axle back.
  10. Because the fitting was invented by Oscar U. Zerk, who worked for the Alemite Corp. Patent issued in 1929. (I know the question has been nagging you for years, lol.)
  11. Welcome! This the right place. Lots of experts read these posts and I'm sure someone can help you. Photos are helpful.
  12. This one has some incredible photography! I think it was created by a Canadian railroad company a few years ago. Has sound too. holidaytrain.pps
  13. Yes, it's not really a video. It is a PowerPoint slide show. Glad you enjoyed it.
  14. I like the photos of the polar bear playing with the wolf or German Shepard or whatever it is. The bear's claws are bigger than the dog's head. Yes, aurora borealis aka Northern lights.
  15. This is truly an inspiring video and a glimpse into a different way of life. (I'm sure your kids and grandkids will enjoy it to, Lots of reindeer, polar bears, etc.) You will need to have PowerPoint on your computer to view it. Turn on sound. FROM THE FIRST SLIDE, Hit "page down" to start it. Runs automatically after that. Enjoy! Laponsko.pps
  16. Nice photo and Christmas present. Congratulations on the new arrival!
  17. Bet this option never occurred to you...
  18. Yeah, it's a S10 for Pete's sake. Pretty lame. But I suppose he must like it.
  19. As seen in the Lowes paring lot. Bumper sticker is one thing, but the exhaust stack is pretty goofy looking.
  20. 220cummins, 41chevy, thomastractorsvc, and other dog, you guys are very insightful and informed indeed! It's a pleasure to know you even if only by posts. Seems my bloviating (a propensity for verbosity) got you guys all wound up. And yes, there is plenty of blame to go around. As George Carlin said to his audience "The problem is Congress is a club. And you don't belong." On a lighter note... So the kid behind the counter says... "Timing light? What year model sir?"
  21. Yeah, I got my first Craftsman 3/8 ratchet set for Christmas 55 years ago. Worked on everything from lawnmowers and go carts to trucks and a dozen cars at least in between and still working. Never had to replace any of the set. It's a damn shame the government can't figure it out... Value added manufacturing is the true source of all wealth. Example - Man "A" mines iron ore, employs hundreds of people to refine it (adds value) and all those people pay income taxes Man "B" makes the iron ore into steel, employs hundreds of people (adding value) and all those people pay income taxes Man "C" draws the steel into wire coils, employs hundreds of people (adding value) and all those people pay income taxes Man "D" forms the wire into bolts, employs hundreds of people (adding value) and all those people pay income taxes Man "E" assembles bolts and steel sheet and a 1000 other similarly manufactured items into farm tractors (or airplanes, or trucks, or vacuum cleaners) and a similar story for 1000's of manufactured products. And all those workers employ doctors and dentists and plumbers, and accountants, etc. But when you tax the living shat out of the employers you can finally, eventually, kill the whole damn thing. Not to mention the non-enforcement of our foreign trade agreements. Sorry to bloviate. My two cents.
  22. Yes, Welcome!! By the way, photos always appreciated.
  23. Just needs new parking lights and then buff it out. It'll be just fine. Got that nice patina going on.
  24. FYI, for sale on EBay if anybody is interested. No connection.
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