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Allentown Spring Melt


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This had to be one of the worst years for attendance (by both vendors and customers) that I can honestly remember and I have been going for 20 years or more. 5 years ago, you'd arrive at 0830 or 0900 and the line to get in would be a block and a half long. Then, when you got inside it would be elbows and assholes and no room to move.....This year I got there at 0905 and walked right in with plenty of room to move about, stop in the middle of the aisles to talk to buddies, etc etc etc. I scored a couple if misc. adapters I have been looking for and a book. Was gone and home by 11:30. (I live 20 mins away.) Usually I have a get together at my place but we had some family stuff going on. 


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