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Pedigreed Bulldog
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  1. 609albert's post in Help with my 51 Mack Fire engine. was marked as the answer   
    Really nice Mack L , I want through the same process on my 54 L pumper, www.whitepost.com in Virgina cost about $700.to rebuild the hydrovac, changed all tires and rims to Daytons rims and 1100x20 radials (better ride) after I had a flat on the steer tire ,the locking rim was very rusted out and dangerous,so what would the others look like ? came from snow country
    Changed the oil filter system from the old sock canister (only filters about 10% of your oil) to a spin-on,you have to make a bracket easy to do , I can send a photo to your phone. also changed the points in dists. to Petronics( electronic) ,must be made for positive ground if that is what you still have. Changed the batteries from 4- 6v to 2 -12 volt
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