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Hillary Clinton Apologizes for Saying ‘Illegal Immigrants’


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The Washington Times / November 224, 2015

Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Rodham Clinton bowed to pressure from Hispanic activists Tuesday and apologized for using the term “illegal immigrants” at a town hall earlier this month.

Clinton said it had been a “poor choice of words.”

(Why is the accurate phrase to describe these people's status in the United States a “poor choice of words”?)

Clinton has been pressed to retract her use of a term that offends people who entered the U.S. illegally, according to Hispanic activists who are demanding expanded immigration rights and citizenship for the country’s estimated 11 million illegal immigrants.

She was prodded into an apology during a Facebook question-and-answer session hosted by the Spanish-language TV network Telemundo. The question came from Jose Antonio Vargas, a filmmaker and journalist whose organization, Define America, has led the charge to remove the term “illegal immigrants” from presidential campaigns.

Mr. Vargas asked Clinton if she would stop using the term.

“Yes, I will,” Clinton responded while logged in to Facebook during a stop in Boulder, Colorado. “That was a poor choice of words. As I’ve said throughout this campaign, the people at the heart of this issue are children, parents, families, Dreamers. They have names, and hopes and dreams that deserve to be respected.”

Dreamers refers to illegal immigrants who were brought into the country as children and grew up in the United States. Under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, these illegal immigrants are eligible for a renewable two-year work permit and exempt from deportation.

Clinton used the phrase “illegal immigrants” for people who enter the U.S. illegally during a town hall meeting in New Hampshire.

Defending her record on border security, the former first lady, senator and secretary of state said that she voted numerous times “to spend money to build a barrier to try to prevent illegal immigrants from coming in. And I do think you have to control your borders.”

The support for the fence angers immigrant-rights advocates, but her use of the term “illegal immigrants” has landed her in more hot water.

The Dream Action Coalition, a group advocating an end to deportations, said it sounded like Clinton was having an “identity crisis.”

“Not only is Hillary’s casual use of the word ‘illegal’ offensive and dismissive, it shows us that she is out-of-touch with the community she claims to be advocating for by reducing them to a derogatory term,” said Hina Naveed, co-director of Dream Action Coalition. “There is no room to uplift a community when the conversation begins by taking away their identity.”

Two founders of Dream Action Coalition, who are no longer with the group, have taken jobs with Clinton’s top competitor for the Democratic nomination, Senator Bernard Sanders.

In her campaign for the White House, Clinton has promised to fulfill a wish list of activists who want an end to deportations and citizenship for illegal immigrations.

She has proposed expanding President Obama’s executive actions on immigration, implement reforms to immigration laws and open a pathway to citizenship for most illegal immigrants.

Clinton’s apology coincided with Sanders releasing his immigration agenda. He described it as a platform for creating a “humane” immigration system.

He promised that within his first 100 days as president that he would expand Obama’s executive actions. The executive actions, however, have been halted by courts while the legitimacy of the actions are litigated.

Sanders, a Vermont independent and avowed socialist, said that he would allow all undocumented immigrants who have been in the U.S. for at least five years to stay without threat of deportation. He said that would cover nearly 9 million illegal immigrants.

Furthermore, he would pursue a complete overhaul of immigration laws and open a path to citizenship for current illegal immigrants.

The gushing praise for Sanders’ plan underscored the tentative relationship Hispanic activists have with Clinton.

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Hillary Clinton pledges not to use term 'illegal immigrants' again

The Guardian / November 24, 2015

Hillary Rodham Clinton said on Tuesday that her use of the term “illegal immigrants” was a “poor choice of words” and she pledged not to use it anymore, responding to criticism from immigration activists.

The Democratic presidential frontrunner was asked about her use of the term to describe people who are in the US illegally during a question-and-answer session on Facebook held by Telemundo.

The question came from Jose Antonio Vargas, a filmmaker and journalist whose organisation, Define American, has said the terminology is offensive and asked all presidential candidates to stop using it.

“Yes, I will,” Clinton wrote during a stop in Boulder, Colorado. “That was a poor choice of words. As I’ve said throughout this campaign, the people at the heart of this issue are children, parents, families, DREAMers. They have names and hopes and dreams that deserve to be respected.”

DREAMers take their name from the acronym for legislation that lays out a process toward citizenship for immigrants who were brought into the country illegally as children and grew up in the United States.

During a town-hall meeting in New Hampshire earlier this month, Clinton said she voted “numerous times when I was a senator to spend money to build a barrier to try to prevent illegal immigrants from coming in. And I do think you have to control your borders.”

Clinton has called for expanding President Barack Obama’s executive actions on immigration and overhauling US immigration laws, providing a pathway to citizenship for those living in the US illegally.

Her plans mark a sharp contrast with Republican White House hopefuls, who have vowed to roll back the president’s immigration orders. Many Republican candidates also routinely use the term “illegals” to refer to immigrants in the country illegally.

Clinton, during a subsequent rally in Boulder, said the US was “fighting for human rights and dignity and freedom” against terrorism and said the US was justified in allowing refugees to enter the US after a “strong vetting process”. Republican presidential candidates have largely opposed allowing refugees from Syria into the country. Republican frontrunner Donald Trump has suggested he would support ways to track Muslims in the US.

“I’ve heard all of this loose and inflammatory talk about refugees,” Clinton said. “And I don’t think that does us any good at all in waging and winning the fight against criminals and killers who misuse religion and promote a different set of values than the ones that we believe in.”

Clinton met in Boulder early Tuesday with relatives of mass shooting victims, and she later vowed to fight gun violence with tougher gun control laws.

Clinton met with Jane Dougherty, sister of Mary Sherlach, who was slain at the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, in 2012; Tom Sullivan and Matthew Jenks, the father and brother-in-law, respectively, of Alex Sullivan, who was killed in the 2012 movie theater shootings in Aurora, Colorado; and Coni Sanders, daughter of Dave Sanders, killed in the 1999 Columbine High School shootings in Colorado.

“If 33,000 people were dying every year from something else, we’d surely do something about it,” Clinton said of US shooting deaths at a Denver rally.

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mate I didnt read it all what hope has the US got when the people at the top are to spineless to call things what they are surely with events unfolding around the world these gutless wonders at the top need to stop pussyfooting around and call a spade a spade and to hell with what the rest of the world thinks and lead with whats true and right

Yeah yeah I know Im not a yank but this crap gives me the jimmy brits and we have the same weak people running our show I was talking to a good friend the other day about how to fix the show and he and I agreed look back to when we were going good replicate it !!! After all it worked and worked well it made countries like ours the envy of the world and I can tell you it wasnt done with weak spineless leaders it was done with men yes men (and Im not sexist but it was men) that had vision on how things should and could be done to benefit all

sorry for my rant but Im getting a bit dagged off with these so called wanna be leaders


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First and foremost Sanders and Clinton are just in bed with the illegals for the voter base, after the election it's business as usual.

You sneak across the border like a criminal, well guess what? You are.

Hillary says they have names, well you can use your name to file an application for a Work Visa or Citizenship.

Now a question, What does the Sandy Hook, Columbine and Colorado Movie shootings have to do with her using the term illegals?

One other little tidbit of useless info. We have in Suffolk County a group called the Coalition of Hispanics .They made the rounds of the Eastend Farms and Wineries to inform everyone that it is in "our best interests to hire their people". We were told at a meeting with Suffolk County officials, the Suffolk P.D.,Riverhead Township, and the Hamptons Townships that they do not see it as threat but a friendly suggestion for their people to get work.

Plain English.If you are not here with a Visa, Work Card or through legal emigration channels . . .you are breaking our laws and are Illegal!

Si no está aquí con una visa, tarjeta trabajo oa través de canales de emigración legal . . .you están rompiendo nuestras leyes y son ilegales !

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 “Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting ‘Holy shit, what a ride!’


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votes,,,lol thats always the bottom line....hey hillary,,,still wondering when your going to be concerned about the rest of us,,,,and why illegal alians always get priority,,,and are first in line for everything,,,,(HEY) howbout us paying customers????????whats in it for us??oh ya,,,,(you just pay our bills,,and keep quite)....ya ,thats what i expected (IDIOTS)....bob

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mate I didnt read it all what hope has the US got when the people at the top are to spineless to call things what they are surely with events unfolding around the world these gutless wonders at the top need to stop pussyfooting around and call a spade a spade and to hell with what the rest of the world thinks and lead with whats true and right

Yeah yeah I know Im not a yank but this crap gives me the jimmy brits and we have the same weak people running our show I was talking to a good friend the other day about how to fix the show and he and I agreed look back to when we were going good replicate it !!! After all it worked and worked well it made countries like ours the envy of the world and I can tell you it wasnt done with weak spineless leaders it was done with men yes men (and Im not sexist but it was men) that had vision on how things should and could be done to benefit all

sorry for my rant but Im getting a bit dagged off with these so called wanna be leaders


Sounds like what Donald Trump is talking about... Maybe that's why he is so popular with average middle America working people. He makes politicians nervous on both sides, maybe that's a good thing.


Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hillary Clinton promises 'path to full and equal citizenship' for illegal immigrants

The Guardian / December 15, 2015

Speaking in New York, Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton has promised she would remove barriers for immigrants on a path to citizenship if elected president.

Clinton outlined a progressive immigration agenda, vowing to waive application fees associated with naturalization, while repeating calls to expand on president Obama’s executive actions and push to create “a path to full and equal citizenship” for the more than 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the US.

“If you work hard, if you love this country and want nothing more to build a good future for you and your children, we should give you a way to come forward and become a citizen,” she said.

The speech was a clear attempt to reach out to the crucial Latino bloc for whom immigration has become a central issue, along with the economy, education and health care.

During the address to the annual National Immigrant Integration Conference, Clinton was interrupted several times by hecklers.

One criticized remarks she made in 2014: that unaccompanied minors fleeing violence and poverty in central America be “sent back” to their native countries.

Another was angry she did not call explicitly for an end to all mass immigration detention.

“We are tired of the same machinery,” said Marco Malagon, an activist from Texas who carried a cardboard sign that read “Not Ready 4 Hillary”. “Declare a moratorium on detention. Declare a moratorium on immigrant detention until immigration reform passes.”

Clinton was introduced by Luis Gutiérrez, a Democratic congressman from Illinois and a forcible voice in the push for immigration reform, who referred to her in Spanish as the future “la presidencia de los estados unidos”.

“Hillary is with the Latina community and I am with her,” Gutiérrez wrote. “She will do what is best for Latinos and all Americans. Hillary is poised to propel the country forward and I’m proud to be with her.”

During her speech Clinton took aim at some of her Republican rivals, drawing a link between Donald Trump’s anti-immigrant rhetoric and the rest of the field.

“They’re all moving toward the extreme and away from the rest of America,” Clinton said.

Clinton has made immigration reform a central focus of her campaign, framing it as a moral and economic issue.

“I want to put an end to families being torn apart,” Clinton said on Monday.

In May, Clinton held a roundtable discussion in Las Vegas with the Dreamers, a movement of young activists who were brought to the US as children. There she promised to expand on president Obama’s executive actions and push for a path to citizenship for the more than 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the US.

She also called for measures allowing the parents of Dreamers to apply for legal status and a recalibration of targeted enforcement procedures. She also promised to end family detention and close private detention centers.

Yet Clinton has made missteps in her outreach to the Latino community. She was criticized by immigration activists and a Democratic challenger for using the term “illegal immigrants” at a campaign event in New Hampshire. She has since said it was a “poor choice of words” and pledged not to use the term [call a spade a spade, from that day forward].

In October, Clinton was heckled during a speech at the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute Gala in Washington by a young organizer with United We Dream Action. The group wanted Clinton to stop accepting campaign donations from lobbyists associated with the two largest private prison companies. More than 60% of immigration detention beds in the US are operated by for-profit companies [i.e., unnecessarily profiting from U.S. taxpayers].

Subsequently her campaign said it would no longer accept campaign contributions from those corporations or lobbyists working for them.

America Rising, an anti-Clinton super-PAC, released a video on Monday that attempts to show inconsistencies in the former secretary of state’s record on immigration, contrasted with previous comments by Gutiérrez noting that she struggled to respond to a question during a 2007 debate about whether she would support giving driver’s licenses to undocumented [illegal] immigrants. She now supports such proposals.

(Driver’s licenses for illegal immigrants???........these criminals aren’t even suppose to be here........What in the world? Why weren’t they arrested at the Division of Motor Vehicles?)

“Secretary Clinton’s willingness to say or do anything reached new levels in 2015 when she completely abandoned her previous positions in order to win a primary,” said Jeff Bechdel, America Rising PAC communications director. “While not surprising it’s a clear indication Clinton is a carefully poll-tested politician, and that’s exactly why a majority of voters say they don’t trust her.”


When it comes to illegal immigrants in the United States, neither our clearly worded immigration laws (procedures) nor the will of the people (legal U.S. citizens) ever seem to matter.

Why does our government selectively enforce our immigration laws?

Want to immigrate from the UK?........then go thru the standard process dictated by U.S. law.

Cross the Rio Grande at night illegally into the U.S.......”Welcome, our President and politicians say you can stay without fear of retribution”.

(U.S. immigration applicants in the UK wanting an expedited process can fly into Mexico City and follow the crowds northward.)

I’m at a loss as to why any politician would promise illegal immigrants amnesty after the crime they've committed, allowing them to become legal U.S. residents.

When did rewarding criminals become an American standard?

Illegal immigrants are inherently criminals. That they would intentionally ignore our immigration laws and enter into the United States illegally, reveals a character flaw in every one of them which our country doesn’t need more of.

The 11.3 million illegal immigrants (aliens) in the United States should be deported, and black-listed from applying to immigrate to the U.S. in the future, the penalty for their crime.

The U.S. citizenship of all children born to illegal immigrants in the United States should be revoked. They should be deported with their illegal immigrant parents.

The U.S. citizenship of all birth tourism babies over the last 10 years should be revoked. The founding fathers did not intend for foreigners to fly into the US (and even US global territories like Saipan) to give birth, so the child's family could use this means (loophole) to immigrate later.

At any point in time, there are millions of people around the world who are waiting in line to legally immigrate to the United States. This is the process, the immigration law, of our country. Should any other individuals wish to immigrate to the U.S., they can apply through the normal process at the U.S. embassy in their home country.

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  • 10 months later...

Arizona Sheriff who arrests illegal immigrants charged with criminal contempt

Associated Press  /  October 26, 2016

The longtime sheriff of metropolitan Phoenix was charged Tuesday with criminal contempt-of-court for ignoring a judge's order in a racial-profiling case, leaving the 84-year-old lawman in a tough spot two weeks before Election Day as he seeks a seventh term.

The U.S. Department of Justice promised two weeks ago that it would prosecute Sheriff Joe Arpaio, but the misdemeanor count wasn't officially filed against him until U.S. District Judge Susan Bolton signed it.

Arpaio could face up to six months in jail if convicted. A misdemeanor conviction would not bar Arpaio from serving as sheriff.

Democratic challenger Paul Penzone said Arpaio, through his acts of political defiance, has no one to blame but himself for the charge.

"It's another example of the sheriff putting his own personal objectives ahead of the best interest of the community at our expense," Penzone said.

Arpaio lawyer Mel McDonald said the sheriff will contest the charge. "We believe that when the final chapter is written, he will be vindicated," McDonald said.

McDonald said Arpaio will not be arrested and no mugshot will be taken. He will plead not guilty in a court filing.

The criminal charges stem from the profiling case that Arpaio lost three years ago that morphed into a contempt case after the sheriff was accused of defying a 2011 court order to stop his signature immigration patrols.

Arpaio has acknowledged violating U.S. District Judge Murray Snow's order but insists his disobedience was not intentional.

Snow disagreed, concluding Arpaio knowingly continued the patrols because he believed his immigration enforcement efforts would help his 2012 re-election campaign.

Arpaio ran a TV political ad last week saying the Obama administration's Justice Department planned to prosecute him because of its opposition to his immigration enforcement efforts.

In the past, Arpaio has walked away from criminal investigations without facing charges and still has managed to get re-elected.

He faced a federal investigation four years ago on allegations that he retaliated against two local officials and a judge at odds with him by accusing them of corruption.

His office also was investigated for misspending more than $100 million in jail funds, including on those failed investigations into rival officials and his traffic patrols targeting immigrants who are in the country illegally.

Neither investigation led to prosecution of the sheriff or his employees.

County taxpayers have spent $48 million so far to defend Arpaio and his office in the profiling case. The cost is expected to reach $72 million by next summer.

The contempt violation led the judge to order the creation of a taxpayer-funded system for compensating Latinos who were illegally detained when Arpaio ignored the order.

Maricopa County officials have set aside $1 million for funding the system.

A Dec. 6 trial has been scheduled in Arpaio's criminal contempt case.




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