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The Chaos Continues - Coming soon to a neighborhood near you


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But the Beltway is displaying "leadership" More gun laws, more talk on the "great racial division", more talk of the need for aid to help them "rise above their surroundings", more talk of uncaring Whites as the root cause of these events. They act like animals and we are the cause and pay in the end.

They riot and what to we do? We rebuild the businesses and homes they looted and burnt down. "We" build new housing for the ones they destroy. Throw money at them with "Community Out Reach Centers". Me, I'd pay the business to open in another area and as for the rest of it? Screw them! You destroyed your neighborhood businesses and housing tough crap. Act like animals, you can live like animals. Try that in my area there will be only one story in the police report. I have a tail light out, I get hassled. They loot, riot and commit arson and the excuse is that it's where the live or they need jobs or the best one is Slavery caused this problem.

Why just look at the Federally sponsored program in Baltimore to help the areas of color. They placed ex cons in the area to patrol and prevent crime. Theory being as "former" criminals they knew better what to look for than LEO's. They were busted for running a protection and drug operation after many business called for help.

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 “Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting ‘Holy shit, what a ride!’


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The President mentioned in a resent "chat" in Detroit that "a cop murders(!) a black person every 28 hours and wounds one every 3 hours" . There is a non inflammatory, calming, helpful statement for the man in charge of the ENTIRE country.

So under his and the DOJ rules, Police cannot do these things

Cannot arrest illegals for crimes.

Cannot ask for proof of being legally allowed here.

Cannot racial profile Criminals or Middle Easterners.

Cannot return fire when shot or threatened with bodily harm.

I guess only White, Christian, Working people can be targeted in his and the DOJ's eyes.


 “Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting ‘Holy shit, what a ride!’


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The President mentioned in a resent "chat" in Detroit that "a cop murders(!) a black person every 28 hours and wounds one every 3 hours" . There is a non inflammatory, calming, helpful statement for the man in charge of the ENTIRE country.

So under his and the DOJ rules, Police cannot do these things

Cannot arrest illegals for crimes.

Cannot ask for proof of being legally allowed here.

Cannot racial profile Criminals or Middle Easterners.

Cannot return fire when shot or threatened with bodily harm.

I guess only White, Christian, Working people can be targeted in his and the DOJ's eyes.

lol...excellent man,,,,was just saying the same thing to the old lady,,,about an hour ago...bob

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The President mentioned in a resent "chat" in Detroit that "a cop murders(!) a black person every 28 hours and wounds one every 3 hours" . There is a non inflammatory, calming, helpful statement for the man in charge of the ENTIRE country.

So under his and the DOJ rules, Police cannot do these things

Cannot arrest illegals for crimes.

Cannot ask for proof of being legally allowed here.

Cannot racial profile Criminals or Middle Easterners.

Cannot return fire when shot or threatened with bodily harm.

I guess only White, Christian, Working people can be targeted in his and the DOJ's eyes.

Fiction: ‘A black man is killed in the US every 28 hours by police’

The figure comes from this unofficial and unashamedly partisan report by a black nationalist organisation, the Malcolm X Grassroots Movement.

The data is a collection well-known cases usually reported by local media. The group claims 313 black people were killed in 2012 by “someone employed or protected by the US government”.

But not all the killers are police officers, or even government employees. They include shop workers, private security guards and members of the public.

In one case, a 13-year-old girl was shot dead by two school friends who found a gun in an off-duty policeman’s car.

You would have to look carefully at the circumstances of every killing before deciding that every one was an example of police racism.

How about this almost equally widely discussed stat which Rudy Giuliani, the former mayor of New York, produced in a heated post-Ferguson TV debate:

“Ninety-three per cent of blacks in America are killed by other blacks.”

His point was that black-on-black violence claims more lives than police killings, while attracting less publicity.

He’s right about the 93 per cent, which comes from Bureau of Justice Statistics research into homicides from 1980 to 2008.

What he failed to mention is that the vast majority of white victims were also killed by whites in the same period – 84 per cent.

There’s a simple explanation for this. Most murders involve the victim’s family and friends, who are more likely to be from the same race.

Reference: http://blogs.channel4.com/factcheck/factcheck-black-americans-killed-police/19423

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This is the President, Facts are less important than half truths... the media wlll push it long enough that most of the great unread will accept it as truth.

Remember the 12.7% that he caters to take his words as gospel.


 “Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting ‘Holy shit, what a ride!’


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Ferguson Rioters Chant Something Scary After Cops Shoot Close Friend of Michael Brown

Washington Post op-ed


Michael Brown’s death was tragic whether you believe that he was a criminal or not. To have Michael Brown’s friend shot by police seems ironic in a tragic way. But that’s exactly what happened.

Tyrone Harris, Jr., whose father said he was “real close” to Michael Brown, was shot by Ferguson police after opening fire on police (bad idea). Of course, Harris’s father thinks the police aren’t telling everything, just as Browns family does.

Now, who they’re going to war against doesn’t seem to be clear except that the police are included. It’s this kind of blind emotion with no reason to direct it that got Obama elected on “change.” Strong emotion with no thinking: a fundamental liberal problem that is rampant in America today. See the Unfortunately, Ferguson residents decided to do a repeat of their reaction to Brown’s death by demonstrating and looting and chanting such encouraging and life-affirming words such as “We ready for what? We ready for war!”


 “Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting ‘Holy shit, what a ride!’


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People in this country are gettin fed up bull shit thanks to guys like Dr Ben Carson and Donald Trump!! Just give it a little more time and these people will be talkin to the person in the mirror cause none one is gonna listen anymore! Thank God for Trump!!


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The common law-abiding American family is, now at this juncture, becoming victim to the lawlessness that is spreading across America at breakneck speed.


Where is government leadership in American society development today?

The events taking place in American society today are shocking.......and shameful. The definition of “socially acceptable morals and values” is clear to any ordinarily prudent individual.

However, unlike the automobile and truck which have “evolved forward”, from primitive machines into the highly sophisticated ones we know today, American society appears to be “regressing”, moving away from the signature morals and values that for decades defined America, and made our great country the envy of the world.

The American government, I feel, inherently bears significant responsibility in guiding the positive forward development of American society.

Over the last 20 years, we have observed what to us in our youth was unthinkable. Who on this forum in their teenage years would have walked into a school and taken the life of another human being. The thought never crossed our minds.

When tragic events occur, leadership utters politically correct words like "troubling" and "heartbreaking", and then resumes their normal routine.

At some point several decades ago, the values that shaped our morals and values stopped being taught to a sizable portion of the masses, and we’re seeing the effects today in the form of senseless tragedies.

Our government refuses to speak of (acknowledge) America’s crisis in society, apparently taboo in Washington, and has taken no steps to address it.

An American society with strong moral principles and values is not an option........it is a necessity to safeguarding our future.

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In America today, due to a lack of government leadership in society's development, your chances of being victimized.....anywhere, at any time......have increased to unacceptable levels.........we've reached critical mass as far as I am concerned.

I don't want to hear our statesman making their routine sorrow statements with the words "heartbreaking" and/or "troubling". Rather, I want them to acknowledge the situation, and its severity, and initiate a viable strategy that can resolve the problem, so as to get our great country on a (much) better track.



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In America today, due to a lack of government leadership in society's development, your chances of being victimized.....anywhere, at any time......have increased to unacceptable levels.........we've reached critical mass as far as I am concerned.

I don't want to hear our statesman making their routine sorrow statements with the words "heartbreaking" and/or "troubling". Rather, I want them to acknowledge the situation, and its severity, and initiate a viable strategy that can resolve the problem, so as to get our great country on a (much) better track.



Here we go again...........every time the news is "white kills black", race is made crystal clear by the media and we also hear from the "Black Lives Matter" bunch.

But in cases such as this when "black kills white", the race of the killer and victim is not mentioned by the U.S. media.



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