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April 14-15, 1912

1958 F.W.D.

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In memory of the 1,514 souls who perished exactly 100 years ago tonight and the early morning hours of April 15, 1912. The RMS Titanic was due to arrive at pier 59 in New York City but instead met her fate at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean in some 12,000+ feet of water approximately 338 miles east of Newfoundland.


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I have visited the Titanic Museum Exhibits in Orlando, FL and thought it was fantastic. Also the museum in Pigeon Forge, TN. As you enter the museum, you recieve a Boarding Pass to enter the ship. I actually recieved the Boarding Pass of Thomas Andrews, the designer of the Titanic and other ships for the White Star Line. He wanted to double the number of life boats to 64 and wanted a double hull built extending up to the B Deck which would have prevented its sinking but was overrulled in these issues.

He was last seen by Mary Sloan a stewardess on the ship throwing deck shairs into the Atlantic to save lives. John Stewart, a steward on the Titanic, reported Andrews was last seen in the First-Class Smoking Room staring at a painting " Plymouth Harbour " above the fireplace depicting Plymouth Sound which the Titanic was to visit on the return voyage. He is considered a HERO.

I'll always remember


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They also have a fantastic titanic exhibit in the Luxor in Vegas. It was set up very cool, they actually built mock decks built to scale to show you how small of an area that people had to stay in. At each area they had mini exhibits of people that were on the ship which included their logs and journals along with personl effects to add a personal touch to the whole thing. If you get a chance I thought it was worth while to see. Oh and they claimed to have the biggest piece of the ship on display there, it was a 26 ton (if I remember right) piece of the hull.

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I was just talking to my dad a couple of days ago and was telling him the Titanic anniversary must be here or near because of all the Titanic stuff on tv lately. Also when I was Vinnies age I built I forget what scale but it wasa pretty good size model of the Titanic. Got board one night and shot it to pieces.

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