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America's Top Exports?


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First of all Happy New Year to everyone, America's top export? Gasoline Diesel and Jet fuel!! Thats right people check it out!! And soon to follow ? Natural Gas!! All that gas we are getting out of the PA & NY shale gets loaded on tanker's and brought down to the port and sent to China Thats right China!!! So this is what I see happening over the next 10 years or so... First off after Obama is sent back to Chi-Town (HOPEFULLY!!) an the drill baby drill people get there own way, (and I hope they do) all of the crude taken from our country will go into the OPEC pool, now we cannot let that happen again like Alaska, I'm pretty sure tax payers paid for the pipe line, but most of that is sold to Japan at a higher dollar!!Good business?? Yes, but what about the American People?? Where do we fit in here?? If we become mostly self suffient on oil that we the people own then why should we pay OPEC prices?? We should not be selling our oil period!! we should refine what we need and save the rest... for us!! Then you will see the price of fuel in this Country go down to .50 cents a gal. Those of you that think I'm crazy, just think about it for a minute.........VZ. Chavez bad guy right? (and he is) he is the only oil producing country that sends us cheap oil for people that can't afford to heat there homes, all the US companies with millions in net profits...NET!! refused to do the same, VZ and all the Middle east Countries sell there oil to ther own people @ below 1.00. So my friends when are we going to do something about it?? Well I guess we can start next Nov. But... we have got to keep an eye on the oil that we are going to start drilling for in the Mid West as well as th Natural gas that we are now gettin from PA & NY State!! We the people of this country are gonna get screwed big time if we don't watch our Elected Officials!!We have got to let them know that we are in control an that they work fo us!! By the way ya know the only one thats has talked about the way we get screwed by OPEC an China??? Donald Trump!! and some people think the guy's crazy!! Well I don't think he is!

Over an Out


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First of all Happy New Year to everyone, America's top export? Gasoline Diesel and Jet fuel!! Thats right people check it out!! And soon to follow ? Natural Gas!! All that gas we are getting out of the PA & NY shale gets loaded on tanker's and brought down to the port and sent to China Thats right China!!! So this is what I see happening over the next 10 years or so... First off after Obama is sent back to Chi-Town (HOPEFULLY!!) an the drill baby drill people get there own way, (and I hope they do) all of the crude taken from our country will go into the OPEC pool, now we cannot let that happen again like Alaska, I'm pretty sure tax payers paid for the pipe line, but most of that is sold to Japan at a higher dollar!!Good business?? Yes, but what about the American People?? Where do we fit in here?? If we become mostly self suffient on oil that we the people own then why should we pay OPEC prices?? We should not be selling our oil period!! we should refine what we need and save the rest... for us!! Then you will see the price of fuel in this Country go down to .50 cents a gal. Those of you that think I'm crazy, just think about it for a minute.........VZ. Chavez bad guy right? (and he is) he is the only oil producing country that sends us cheap oil for people that can't afford to heat there homes, all the US companies with millions in net profits...NET!! refused to do the same, VZ and all the Middle east Countries sell there oil to ther own people @ below 1.00. So my friends when are we going to do something about it?? Well I guess we can start next Nov. But... we have got to keep an eye on the oil that we are going to start drilling for in the Mid West as well as th Natural gas that we are now gettin from PA & NY State!! We the people of this country are gonna get screwed big time if we don't watch our Elected Officials!!We have got to let them know that we are in control an that they work fo us!! By the way ya know the only one thats has talked about the way we get screwed by OPEC an China??? Donald Trump!! and some people think the guy's crazy!! Well I don't think he is!

Over an Out


I don't know much about Mr. Trump and his political abilities. I do think he is a very stalwart businessman and this country very much needs to be run like a business. What we are doing now as a country does nobody anyplace any good long term.


Dog.jpg.487f03da076af0150d2376dbd16843ed.jpgPlodding along with no job nor practical application for my existence, but still trying to fix what's broke.



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I don't know much about Mr. Trump and his political abilities. I do think he is a very stalwart businessman and this country very much needs to be run like a business. What we are doing now as a country does nobody anyplace any good long term.


Agreed, thanks Rob

Ernie, Oh by the way ......Thats Billions in net not millions! How stupid of me!! LOL

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First of all Happy New Year to everyone, America's top export? Gasoline Diesel and Jet fuel!! Thats right people check it out!! And soon to follow ? Natural Gas!! All that gas we are getting out of the PA & NY shale gets loaded on tanker's and brought down to the port and sent to China Thats right China!!! So this is what I see happening over the next 10 years or so... First off after Obama is sent back to Chi-Town (HOPEFULLY!!) an the drill baby drill people get there own way, (and I hope they do) all of the crude taken from our country will go into the OPEC pool, now we cannot let that happen again like Alaska, I'm pretty sure tax payers paid for the pipe line, but most of that is sold to Japan at a higher dollar!!Good business?? Yes, but what about the American People?? Where do we fit in here?? If we become mostly self suffient on oil that we the people own then why should we pay OPEC prices?? We should not be selling our oil period!! we should refine what we need and save the rest... for us!! Then you will see the price of fuel in this Country go down to .50 cents a gal. Those of you that think I'm crazy, just think about it for a minute.........VZ. Chavez bad guy right? (and he is) he is the only oil producing country that sends us cheap oil for people that can't afford to heat there homes, all the US companies with millions in net profits...NET!! refused to do the same, VZ and all the Middle east Countries sell there oil to ther own people @ below 1.00. So my friends when are we going to do something about it?? Well I guess we can start next Nov. But... we have got to keep an eye on the oil that we are going to start drilling for in the Mid West as well as th Natural gas that we are now gettin from PA & NY State!! We the people of this country are gonna get screwed big time if we don't watch our Elected Officials!!We have got to let them know that we are in control an that they work fo us!! By the way ya know the only one thats has talked about the way we get screwed by OPEC an China??? Donald Trump!! and some people think the guy's crazy!! Well I don't think he is!

Over an Out


Stop your moaning.

The President has very little to do with this issue. The House is the same. If you want to look at the people responsible, look in the mirror (figuratively). Exxon and similar companies own the oil in Alaska, not the President. Exxon sells it to the highest bidder (wouldn't most people)? One can't even look at the Exxon exec's as being the responsible party….go back to the mirror. The Exxon execs answer to the board members….that's the people that own the stock in Exxon……That's the regular guy. The regular guy who owns stock in the company wants his bank account to get bigger. They tell the Exxon board to make them more money. The board tells the execs to make them more money, and the execs sell to the highest bidder. If the highest bidder is another country, then there are two winners, the other country and the people that own Exxon stock. Vote for who you want, but this problem is not caused by the Government, its caused by stockholders.

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Stop your moaning.

The President has very little to do with this issue. The House is the same. If you want to look at the people responsible, look in the mirror (figuratively). Exxon and similar companies own the oil in Alaska, not the President. Exxon sells it to the highest bidder (wouldn't most people)? One can't even look at the Exxon exec's as being the responsible party….go back to the mirror. The Exxon execs answer to the board members….that's the people that own the stock in Exxon……That's the regular guy. The regular guy who owns stock in the company wants his bank account to get bigger. They tell the Exxon board to make them more money. The board tells the execs to make them more money, and the execs sell to the highest bidder. If the highest bidder is another country, then there are two winners, the other country and the people that own Exxon stock. Vote for who you want, but this problem is not caused by the Government, its caused by stockholders.

First off I'm not moaning, I'm just another American fed up with being screwed by Exxon an all the rest of the oil co's, an if your not then go back an count your Exxon stock. Secondly if you go back and read my post I never blamed the pres. and if you voted for the guy then maybe you should go and look in the mirror? You do know that the tax payers give the oil co's money every year... do they not? so who do you blame for that, the guy in the mirror? Maybe, as I said in my post we have to vote in people who will work for us!! and not Corp America.The point of my post was to inform anyone that does not know that we are selling off our NG and Oil to other Countries at a higher price, then they should be informed, I don't see it on the news do you? and you won't! Also I do know how it work's in the American free system and the politics involved as opposed to dictatorships of other countries,again if you read my post, and stop moaning about how it will affect the share holders. What I'm trying to say is that it has to change!! we have to stop putting regulations on the oil companies and start putting laws into effect that when the oil is extracted from our soil the oil co has to give the American people a break! first and utmost! and not lining the share holders pockets! but that does that excuse the big oil co.s today from not helping American's that can not heat there homes? Again I said selling to the higest bidder is good business but that has to change, if the oil co's are making billions of net profit, there's room in there to help us

Ernie DS

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It is my impresson that what we are exporting is refined products like gasoline, not unrefined products, like crude oil, which we import.

If you want to make this more difficult, go ahead. It will put more Americans out of jobs when that work moves offshore, and may end up costing even more jobs if it turns out to be cheaper refining the products elsewhere where the laws are more lax, and shipping it here. This will also leave us more exposed to other countries jerking us around.

As for other countries selling things like gas for subsidized prices, there are actually a lot of countries what do this aside from Venezuela. They include Russia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and until recently, Libya. None of them are famous for their civil liberities, nor are any of them considered stable countries.

All things considered, I prefer things the way they are.

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It is my impresson that what we are exporting is refined products like gasoline, not unrefined products, like crude oil, which we import.

If you want to make this more difficult, go ahead. It will put more Americans out of jobs when that work moves offshore, and may end up costing even more jobs if it turns out to be cheaper refining the products elsewhere where the laws are more lax, and shipping it here. This will also leave us more exposed to other countries jerking us around.

As for other countries selling things like gas for subsidized prices, there are actually a lot of countries what do this aside from Venezuela. They include Russia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and until recently, Libya. None of them are famous for their civil liberities, nor are any of them considered stable countries.

All things considered, I prefer things the way they are.


If you go back and read my post it says nothing about crude oil that the USA is importing and refining, (we are taking in more then we are using an selling off the rest, good business!) Natural Gas is being shipped out, and those jobs aren't goin nowhere, as a matter of fact the state of PA stands to gain hundreds of thousands of jobs related to the NG drilling. Now what I said is if the drill baby drill people get there own way and the United States starts producing more crude then we need, then we as Americans should not be put into the OPEC pricing game, the crude oil is comming from us. Now I know thats not the way it works today but if we become one of the leading producers of crude oil in the world within the next ten years or so, do you think that the American people shouldn't benefit from it or should the oil co's get all the gravy? If you prefer things the way they are then thats what's going to happen. Stev I'm with you 110% on the propaganda machine of Venezuela and Russia and all the rest of the countries that you listed in your post and Joe Kennedy telling us what a nice guy Chavez is (he has since changed that now It's 'the people of Venezuela' but don't you think the US oil co's should help some of our people? and not a bum like Chavez! Also the reason I brought politics into my post is that some of the laws have to be changed, like some of these speculators that drive up the price of oil and the list goes on an on (I guess we could write a book on that) LOL Oh well!! Anyway good post Stev


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"The President has very little to do with this issue" ???????????????????

Who decides on building the Keystone Pipeline?

Who shut down drilling in the Gulf?

Why arn't we drilling off shore in the Southeast?

Why arn't we drilling on the North Slope?

Who lent three billion dollars to George Soros companies in Brazil?

Who has pissed away billions on loan guarantees to solar companies?

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"The President has very little to do with this issue" ???????????????????

Who decides on building the Keystone Pipeline?

Who shut down drilling in the Gulf?

Why arn't we drilling off shore in the Southeast?

Why arn't we drilling on the North Slope?

Who lent three billion dollars to George Soros companies in Brazil?

Who has pissed away billions on loan guarantees to solar companies?

WOW!! Thank You Mr. David.... For A minute there I thought I was alone on an island LOL

Ernie DS

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WOW!! Thank You Mr. David.... For A minute there I thought I was alone on an island LOL

Ernie DS

I'm with you guys. This has got to change and not just with the sitting president. He is just the tip of the iceberg shored up by those below. Take them out and the tip of the pyramid cannot stand.


Dog.jpg.487f03da076af0150d2376dbd16843ed.jpgPlodding along with no job nor practical application for my existence, but still trying to fix what's broke.



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……. Now what I said is if the drill baby drill people get there own way and the United States starts producing more crude then we need, then we as Americans should not be put into the OPEC pricing game, the crude oil is comming from us. …...

……...Now I know thats not the way it works today but if we become one of the leading producers of crude oil in the world within the next ten years or so, do you think that the American people shouldn't benefit from it or should the oil co's get all the gravy? If you prefer things the way they are then thats what's going to happen. …..

(1) America is never going to produce more crude than it needs. There is not that much crude in the ground.

(2) If America produces crude oil (either a little or a lot), then American people will benefit from it, along with the oil companies. It seems really basic to me. You point out…."if we become the leading producers of crude"…… well if we are producing crude, we are employing thousands in our own land to dig and pump for the oil. We are employing those that build pipelines and storage tanks. We are employing the steel companies that manufacture the tanks and lines, the truckers, train operators, insurance companies that insure these folks…..it goes on and on. Yes, the oil companies may make billions, and at the same time the American economy will benefit.

It sounds like a good idea to me. Unfortunately, the economic system is not as simple as that. We live in a global economy, not inter-country. We buy and sell goods from other countries for many reasons. Some of those are strait economy (we buy and sell to the best source), and some reasons are political. Sometimes it is to the Country's benefit to purchase (for example) from another country, even though we could do that within the USA. We sometimes do that because if we do, the US gets a promise from that country that they will do something else the US wants or needs. Life needs to be this way, we are dealing with cultures that are different from ours and as long as we need things from those cultures, we will have to make deals.

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I am with Bullhusk and David (nice name) on this issue!

They found a bunch of nesting swallows (sorry Rob) under a bridge near me and had to wait to replace it for six months - guys sitting around doing nothing is not economic growth.

We also don't have to play by international rules unless the government chooses to do so. Our government often is the creator of the problem they are trying to fix.

But fuel was only #7 for American exports last year, behind #1 airplanes, #2 semiconductors, #3 cars, #4 pharmaceuticals, #5 car parts, and #6 industrial machinery.

Fuel exports were up 124 percent for the year though - next year who knows?

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I am with Bullhusk and David (nice name) on this issue!

They found a bunch of nesting swallows (sorry Rob) under a bridge near me and had to wait to replace it for six months - guys sitting around doing nothing is not economic growth.

We also don't have to play by international rules unless the government chooses to do so. Our government often is the creator of the problem they are trying to fix.

But fuel was only #7 for American exports last year, behind #1 airplanes, #2 semiconductors, #3 cars, #4 pharmaceuticals, #5 car parts, and #6 industrial machinery.

Fuel exports were up 124 percent for the year though - next year who knows?

Get rid of California, (the state) and 1/2 of the stupid ones can go with them.


Dog.jpg.487f03da076af0150d2376dbd16843ed.jpgPlodding along with no job nor practical application for my existence, but still trying to fix what's broke.



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Get rid of California, (the state) and 1/2 of the stupid ones can go with them.


Amen to that. California is responsible for all of the lame brain EPA laws that thrashed the truck and diesel manufacturing for the last decade.


What America needs is less bull and more Bulldog!

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Have any of you ever wondered why russia is a huge energy exporter? When i was younger, it seems that most of the big oil has been under water or near the equator. Now, Russia, a country that seems a lot like the US in physical charastistics, is a huge energy exporter.

Where were did that come from? As it turns out, from a US scientist. He wrote a book about it:


It is an interesting read. Not too thick, if you get my drift, and not too technical. He doesn't assume that you have specific prior knowledge about any of the science involved.

US geologists and other scientists disagreed with his positions. The Russians, probably mostly because they were interested in science that was different than the common beliefs in the US, decided to take it up and run with it. Today, the Russians are the second largest oil producers in the world, after Saudi Arabia, according to the CIA factbook:


Tomas Gold, the author, was famous for challenging the status quo in various areas of science. I wonder if the stuff we are starting to see now (like fracking) are a result of people finally thinking he might have been onto something.

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  • 1 month later...

First of all Happy New Year to everyone, America's top export? Gasoline Diesel and Jet fuel!! Thats right people check it out!! And soon to follow ? Natural Gas!! All that gas we are getting out of the PA & NY shale gets loaded on tanker's and brought down to the port and sent to China Thats right China!!! So this is what I see happening over the next 10 years or so... First off after Obama is sent back to Chi-Town (HOPEFULLY!!) an the drill baby drill people get there own way, (and I hope they do) all of the crude taken from our country will go into the OPEC pool, now we cannot let that happen again like Alaska, I'm pretty sure tax payers paid for the pipe line, but most of that is sold to Japan at a higher dollar!!Good business?? Yes, but what about the American People?? Where do we fit in here?? If we become mostly self suffient on oil that we the people own then why should we pay OPEC prices?? We should not be selling our oil period!! we should refine what we need and save the rest... for us!! Then you will see the price of fuel in this Country go down to .50 cents a gal. Those of you that think I'm crazy, just think about it for a minute.........VZ. Chavez bad guy right? (and he is) he is the only oil producing country that sends us cheap oil for people that can't afford to heat there homes, all the US companies with millions in net profits...NET!! refused to do the same, VZ and all the Middle east Countries sell there oil to ther own people @ below 1.00. So my friends when are we going to do something about it?? Well I guess we can start next Nov. But... we have got to keep an eye on the oil that we are going to start drilling for in the Mid West as well as th Natural gas that we are now gettin from PA & NY State!! We the people of this country are gonna get screwed big time if we don't watch our Elected Officials!!We have got to let them know that we are in control an that they work fo us!! By the way ya know the only one thats has talked about the way we get screwed by OPEC an China??? Donald Trump!! and some people think the guy's crazy!! Well I don't think he is!

Over an Out


If you guys get a chance tonight, watch Bill O'Reilly's talking points on Fox News 2/23/12 I posted the above on Jan. 1 It's what I've sayin all along It's ' WE THE PEOPLE' not 'WE THE OIL COMPANY'

Thanks Ernie DS

PS Are you out there PanteraPilot?????

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I see that Russia, Canada and other countries are laying claim to the large deposits of Crude and Natural Gas in the Artic, enough that Russia is building military out posts to protect their interests....Us? Sorry the White House says it's an enviroment danger we do not need to be involved in, Like the Gulf, Key Stone and oh my... Nuclear plants and Hydro Plants bad for the fish and duppa flies.

Ask this also, Why do we give China Economic aid from money we borrow from them... Time for a few a little review of policies me thinks, but after the POTUS cripples PAC by taking all their money. (his quote "I can only stop it by using it" ) Paul


 “Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting ‘Holy shit, what a ride!’


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I wonder if the genius environmentalist have any idea how many birds are getting wacked every day by windmills?

They say the 2267 Bald Eagles and Condors quarterly are acceptable for the carbon credits save by the wind mills. Paul


 “Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting ‘Holy shit, what a ride!’


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It is my understanding that the environmental movement has been hijacked by the communist party in order to enlist unsuspecting environmentalists as pawns in their anti-capitalist agenda. I say "Drill Baby Drill". You see how the price of natural gas has dropped since they started fracking.

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