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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by yarnall

  1. Great job. It looks awesome. Keep the updates coming. Mike.
  2. From what I have heard, a fiberglass tilt hood was an option in the late production B53’s. Mike
  3. Welcome to the forum. You will gets lots of good advice here, but not from me. Mike.
  4. I remember you mentioning this a couple years ago. How much are they asking? Mike.
  5. My father bought one of those a couple years ago. I don’t know how we lived without it. Michael
  6. Where are you? I have a K model I would sell. I’m near Philly. Mike.
  7. What’s the plan for the truck and what else are you liquidating? I’m just down the road in Boyertown. Mike.
  8. Here are two D models from the Mack Museum. The green one is for sale if anyone is looking for a project. They also have one they restored inside but I could not find a photo. Mike.
  9. I put this a Napa 12v fuel pump on several of my trucks including my 1947 85LS. It works great without a pressure regulator. https://www.napaonline.com/en/p/CFPB0110E?cid=paidsearch_shopping_dcoe_google&campaign=GSC-Fuel-Emissions&campaign_id=10951730297&adgroup_id=113117085528&adtype=pla&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIit65676a7wIVxgeICR3ewQ4NEAQYFCABEgJmNPD_BwE& mike
  10. Would you please send me the contact information and better photos? I’ll send my number. Thanks. Mike.
  11. That’s cool. I’d love to see more photos. Would you consider selling me some parts when you are done with your project? I have an H69 that could use a few this. Mike.
  12. I must have forgotten that your truck is a smith truck. It looks great so far. What number was it? Are you painting it in the Smith livery? Would you post a before picture please? Thanks. Mike
  13. I have a loadstar like that with a hatch. It came from a steel fab company down the road. Michael
  14. Blackie Kufrovich from SHFS died a few weeks ago. Sad to see him go. He was a great guy. Michael
  15. Where is the truck located? A few more details would be helpful. And as mentioned above, photos. Thanks
  16. Nice find. They started using this emblem in 1923 or 23 on AB’s and AC’s.
  17. What a hard year. I am sorry to hear that. The ladder looks great though. Keep plugging away. Mike.
  18. Congratulations. Yes, photos please. Mike
  19. DS600. Sounds rare. Couldn’t have made many of them.
  20. My father has a B66 with a 540 in it. We could not find an exhaust manifold that wasn’t broken. Let me know if you find two. Good luck with the project. You are making great progress. Mike.
  21. Sorry about the glare. I can email higher resolution pictures. Mike.
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