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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by umodelnut

  1. Didn't someone put an E9 in that truck I heard? Or am I crazy?
  2. We used acrylic caulk on the soft parts that were cracked and painted over it. Don't know if that will help. And theres a hole on the passenger side floor of my U model too that someone cut.
  3. Papa and I were kinda eyeing that truck up earlier this month. Not really anymore though.
  4. Red R model tractor with spokes and the Lund visor is my favorite.
  5. Me and you are in the same boat restoring a U model. Looks like youre a little ahead of me. So if you need to know something ask. I should know.
  6. Im 13.....my parents talk just like you guys do. And i realize those are some worthless oxygen wasters out there. I guess im in the born 40 years late boat too.
  7. Do you have a picture of the U-600 emblem? If it isnt broke id buy it.
  8. Sweet little steeldash R! Nice shape too. Any interior pictures?
  9. Me my stepdad and my mom pulled into Walmart today to see if there was people waiting outside because my stepdad didnt believe it. We pulled in and surprisingly there wasnt. If there was id like to drive by with the window down and flip them all off.
  10. Yeah definitely not an 83'. I like it. Solid truck too. Id say its in the 60's.
  11. Sorry to jack your thread but I had no clue your Superliner had a Cummins. Thought it had a 350! Sorry to hear she went.
  12. Jeepers look what happens when im not around.
  13. I bet the U model'd pull that in first gear.
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