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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by cgallamore

  1. good thing you are just sprucing up the intierior a bit, i would hate to see it turn into a big job.
  2. u know some of the places im talking about, like between green river and salina utah.
  3. keep in mind i am in a lot of places that a jump start cost $500 bucks
  4. called the dealer new oem batteries $85, aftermarket interstate $125 wich would you put in yours??????? thanks
  5. i have been a mack lover since birth, if the dealership is good, a mack is the only way to go, but if not, its like being in love with a crackhoe, nothing but heart break @ dissapoinment. these days i would go with the best dealer
  6. i noticed auto trans, i could throw an 8ft. utility bed on there and have a cool pickup
  7. honestly most of us just think hoods are cool and every girl i ever dated had one.
  8. only on here could a picture of a smokin hot brawd turn into this lol
  9. thats what the chairs are there far aahh
  10. doc put me on bp med. this spring the side effect is can't take the heat, i turn brite red @ can't breath, if there is any body around they freek, want to call paremedics, i just get in the shade for a few and im okay for about anouther 10 min. or so. dont know what would happen if i got that hot??????
  11. got one setting in my back yard id like to see gone
  12. never seen a 14 speed aahh
  13. oh yea it mite be the first time i had this mack in the mud but not the first time ive been in the mud with a mack.lol
  14. i need to stop where ive got 3g and download new flash player and other updates, but i have to print instuctions first, i like the point and clik stuff
  15. if i don't stay out of narth dakota,im gona start talking weird aahh

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. hatcity


      could be Canadian, eh?

    3. vision386


      if you ever watch that movis "fargo" you will see what he's talking about LOL!

    4. cgallamore


      narth derkota aahh

  16. i have vista the edsel of the computer world, i cant get to it
  17. i stopped at beach,nd. wensday around 4pm, run the milage on nd.16 and 85. i was pretty shure you were talking about mt.16. nd.16 was 85 miles shorter than going over to hwy85,i had plenty of daylite left so i went nd.16 kinda winding ran in 10 and 11 gear all the way no towns or grade to speak of. when i left williston,nd. i came down hwy85, after crossing the little missouri river at the top of the only hill in nd. they had removed about 3 or 4 miles of the hiway and was routing traffic off thru a feild and around, holy shit they had 2+ in. of rain the nite before, i have seen a lot but i aint seen no shit like that ever, trucks getting stuck other idiot trucks trying to go around the stuck trucks, a chineeze firedrill of epic porportion. 3 hrs later whith the trucks pulled out and the road rebuilt i travelled on. it was well worth the wait to see super truckers that had never been on a soft jobsite.
  18. cgallamore


    that sounds like a fair price considering the work that is involved. what do you think about masking door jams and such? so it would be easy for someone to return it to its original color.
  19. cgallamore


    would changing a rawhide from gray to white spark your intrest??????????????????????????????????
  20. had planed on making it up on hwy 84 befor dark but got held up in those const. stop lites on 93 for over an hour only made it to jackpot ill give you a holler a couple days in advance if i make it out to winnamuca next month
  21. i ran up 93 last nite to jackpot and layed up, crossed a little ditch this morning, rite befor hwy 84 i think its called snake river holly shit what a veiw
  22. im a big dummy, with the issues im having with my engine brake, i thought i would play it safe and run 15 up to 90 so i could stay out of the hills, now i wander if 20 to 191 mite have been the flater route, i should have asked, im near bozeman now and you know what kind of hills i came threw grama said if your gona be dumb you better be tough
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