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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by cgallamore

  1. i seen a valva yesterday that looked a lot like the titan
  2. the e9 500 that i posted was built at osbornes, got their road sevice nb. in case i need it
  3. glad to hear your trucks doin okay, i adjusted my fog lites to shine far right, mite not help but maybe scare me another second or two befor i hit it. if im gona run like that after dark im gona have to get me a cow catcher.
  4. coming across wy. sunday nite perty much flat out for 600 miles, grossing 80,000 fan cycled like it was sopose to would lock up around 200 dg and unlock about 175 dg. cycles were about equal on as much as off.
  5. i think we should change their title from broker to, liein cheatin stealin parasites
  6. thanks gambi every little bit helps. u ever gona deliver them granades
  7. from big springs,nb. to larame,wy. is hard pull for 200 or more miles, i was pretty much flat on the mat for 3+ hrs. when i wasn't thinking about coolant i was thinking elk.
  8. happy birthday paul. hope you get lots of viagra for a birthday present
  9. now i understand the reason for the fan kiking on at a stop. i was just getting agravated wen it was not kicking in wen i need it. i had an airbag failure on the trailer sat nite, put me way behind on my monday 8am del. in brigham,ut. had to run 75@80 mph from central nebraska all the way about 700 miles. exhaust temp ran between 1000 and 1200 all the way, i kept thinking about egr cooler. day's of thunder, was kinda fun but getting to old for that..
  10. reefer, 18 spd on tall rubber with 365 gears hauls apples so fast thay aint got no peal left
  11. i had both, sold my tandem duell very easy. i have the 3 axle still. hauling the same piece of equiepment on the different trailer, with the same truck. other than the tire thing, the frame on the tri axle is over a foot wider, felt better loading and cornering.
  12. the jackobs brake on my 01 and 04 locked the fan when decending a grade made a huge difference, but the eb itself was much stronger the 01 would throw your ass on the dash in 6th gear. i have been told the power leash will not hold like that but the fan would help. i went off a 5% grade 2day in 6th gear and still had to touch the brakes frequiently to keep it of the chip. bruce run the overhead replaced the o rings, checked everything close. the 04 fan would kik out wen the temp got low but i could overide it. dono why the overide doesn't work on this one. it works fine at idle or running down the road at speed. dono why fan locks up wen i stop every lite or sign, stays locked up into 11th, 12th somtimes 13gear even if temp is low.
  13. i was just talking to mackpro about my fan, under (hey mackpro) egr. would appreciate your 2 cents thanks for your time
  14. what do you think about the guy out east with the egr fix??? what do you think the cost will be??? what do you think about some reprograming on mine, fan kik in during engine brake???? or accept the overide switch would work.... fan stays locked in during take off regaurdless of engine temp. even 160dg, every stop sign, stop lite, till 11th or 12th gear. but will not kik in during engine brake, not even with the overide switch. overide switch will work, when idling or driving, ?????????????????? turbo and frame are both dry now and have not used a drop of oil,this service 7,000 miles>>>>> as allways thanks for your time.....
  15. this is gona be a long post. sorry i bought my truck in feb. 2010. i was told it had a fresh service, didnt trust em, was a mack dealer and it had hastings filters on it. i ran about 10,000 miles, thought id save a buck and change it myself. went to mack for filters, i had 4 gallons of rottella 15-40 so i went to wally world and got enough rottelllo to finish the oil change. i have run this in my other trucks and equipment with no problems. i thought all (same weight) oil came out of the same barrell just different jugs. in the 10,000 miles my truck didn't use a drop of oil. i pulled out for salt lake city, ran to little america,WY. about 1,300 miles. noticed frame was wet under turbo, appeared turbo leaking oil. checked oil next morning 1 gallon low. when i left it looked like the place was on fire, so much smoke from my truck. contacted mackpro for a turbo replace, as soon as i could work my way to ky. i ran about 9,000 miles and put in 8 gallons of oil. mackpro suggested we try putting mack oil in it and see if that would help. when i seen the price of the turbo i was easy to talk into letting it go one more change. so he put mack oil in. i ran it 15,000 miles turbo and frame still damp, but acceptable. had to add three gallons on that service. i was trying to get as much as i could out of the turbo. im on the next change now, have put 7,000 miles so far and has not used a drop of oil, also turbo and frame are dry. this is kida a long winded way to say i will never mix oil, and will do my best to find out what has allways been used............ THERE IS NO WAY I WOULD HAVE BELIEVED THIS STORY IF IT DIDN'T HAPPEN TO ME......
  16. i carry a paper clip to use as a jumper in case of a coolant sensor failure, or to check the coolant sensor.
  17. i bought the power breed from f and c in st.louis it is very discuraging when something as simple as buying batteries (had the cores with me) can get screwed up enough that i wish i would have made the trip to paduka,ky. to get them......
  18. i never shut mine off out there, but ya never know
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