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Double L

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Double L

  1. Yeah my mom asked for my opinion on a woman she has working for her, I told her to give her a 3 day suspension and if she doesn't get her act together then terminate her. You would think someone with a family would put be more mature and not screw up their job just to play on the internet. That is why I do my own repair work while I may not be the sharpest saw in the drawer I try my best to get it done right. I just don't trust anyone to work on my vehicle, sure I'll ask for their advice but I rather do the work myself and blame myself for breaking or messing up something. I take that back the only person I trust to work on my vehicle is my dad.
  2. People think everything they deserve is a right when it's a privilege. It's not a right to have a job, it's a privilege and the same can be said about cell phones, computers, internet, cars, and driver's license.
  3. When he is on the phone texting he is stealing from the company....Stealing their time!
  4. All this time I thought black women were violent. Looks like Rob is at it again.
  5. Why did you get in trouble for her having her window down while you went through the creek? She should have known you was going to "wash" the truck.
  6. Rob isn't making any excuses either, it's suppose to snow tonight but I doubt it'll stick.
  7. The work ethic of people today has gone by the wayside. Potential employees beg for a job and pride themselves on being dependable and trust-worthy in the initial interview. However, once they are hired a different person seems to show up for the job. They report to the first day of training fifteen minutes late. Within the first week they tell the boss of all the days they have to have off for one reason or another. The new employee now has decided they can only work a certain shift and only on certain days. It’s as if the employee has suddenly forgotten that during the interview they said they could work “any and all” shifts. Not to mention that working weekends was not an issue during the interview but now it just is not feasible. Apparently weather conditions should apply to work as they do in school. Snow accumulation is in the forecast, can’t make it to work. Wind is blowing too hard and it might mess up the hairdo, can’t make it to work. Even better than calling off by itself is when an employee waits to call off until twenty minutes before their scheduled shift begins. Furthermore, the employee does show up for work. Now let’s pay said employee an hourly wage to just stand around and do absolutely nothing of importance to the job. The employee wants a job to pay them so they can text, talk on their cell phone, get online and check face book, or stand around talking to their friends for eight hours. However, at the end of their shift they act so tired from “working” as if they had done something so strenuous. Whatever happened to the day when having a job, no matter how menial, actually meant something such as the days when people never called off work even if they were extremely sick. With the economy the way it is today, jobs are very difficult to find. Having a college degree is not even a guarantee of employment anymore. Ironically, some people still choose to treat a job like it is a joke and they think they can just go out and get another job without any problems. Although the majority of employees that fall into this type of person are younger, there are older ones as well. That is probably the scariest point of all. These employees are not confined to any one category. They are from all ages, races, classes, and backgrounds. Most are just getting started in life. However, some are in the middle stages and some are on the downside of life. What causes this poor work ethic in people? It could be the upbringing or it could be personal attitude or it could be any number of things. One thing is certain, work ethics of people today is not the same as it was years ago in the days of our grand-parents. Maybe when people can’t buy food for themselves they will realize that flipping burgers is better than going hungry.
  8. Where can I get one of them ole fancy Mack machine's for free paid by government?
  9. $82.25 for a car wash....I would have took it to the streakin beacon for that much!
  10. Shrimp tacos, never heard of them. I wonder if it's any good as much as I love shrimp and Mexican food.
  11. Thank you Barry! It's much better than scrolling down and doing all that. I got one question Does it show every new topic/reply posted on only the most recent that are new?
  12. That ole Other Dog is a riot!
  13. Just out of a curiosity can you install a pac brake on Mack engines?
  14. I befriend Beelman Trucking on facebook and here is a picture of their old R model's they use to run. I hope they switch back to an all Mack fleet again in the future.
  15. He sure as hell didn't accomplish much now did he? NOPE!!
  16. I will agree about the soft comfort ride, no doubt about that. But it makes the truck ride good but it still has that truck like feel.
  17. As much as I like the new Silverado's my big gripe with them is all that space in the rear wheel well.
  18. Where you use your mind to make sound judgment decisions such as whether or not to buy another truck or please Momma and massage her back and feet.
  19. Now you know I would use more common sense than that Tom!
  20. I never had either problem, she is as reliable as they come and I keep up with the maintenance on it. The next thing I need to replace is the shocks. When I got the truck they put a new motor and tranny in it and the only reason the owner was selling it was because he had a baby and needed something bigger.
  21. It's more like I'd be pulling you and Rowdy out with my Chevy Tom!
  22. Here is my 90 350 V8 Chevy C1500 Silverado:
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