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Double L

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Double L

  1. GM all the way, I was born and bred GM!
  2. I do remember seeing a black Beelman Lone star a few months ago.
  3. Not a bad deal Rowdy not a bad deal at all. I don't plan on keeping it in my pick up forever. I'm waiting til I get a job driving truck and then it'll go into the rig.
  4. All the vehicles I've owned never had the ac work. I don't need ac only ac I got is 2 windows and whatever speed limit it is but I got to have heat though.
  5. I agree with that last line, and the biggest part of comes from the antenna and coax cable. If you don't have good coax cable or a good antenna your performance is going to suffer. Especially if you got high SWR that will really hamper a setup and burn up some finals. I'm with ya there man I hate thieves myself and that is why I went to a Cobra 29 Classic which I love to death cause it seems like a 29 is a less desirable radio to steal as compared to a General Lee or Connex.
  6. This CB radio business is expensive...You know what CB means don't ya? Constantly Buying and it's true.
  7. That ain't bad at all in my opinion.
  8. I'll agree on the Mack as far as real job site heavy duty work no doubt about that but I' m not sure if I want to agree with you on the Ford even though I owned a Ford F150 in the past and I kick my self in the ass everyday for getting rid of it. I've rode in my share of Mack's to know they will stand up to the abuse of anything you can put it up against.
  9. Have any of you wondered what would happen if all the satellites we rely on everyday just all of a sudden went out? I know Europe relies way too much on technology especially the trucking industry with the use of digital tachographs, GPS and all that stuff. Europe seems to pick on us cause we don't rely too much on technology. Well I look at it like this if all the satellites were knocked out everyone would be lost cause how many people these days can read a map? I know I can! I grew up looking up places for my dad and I came to enjoy it. What about the big fleets who rely on Qualcomm and paperless logs for their business, how would they be affected by such an event? I don't have a problem with technology but I think we all need to stop and think what would happen if such a situation should occur. While I don't have a problem with technology, I don't go out and buy the latest thing cause it's what is in now. Why upgrade if what you have works. It's like the blackberries and Iphones, I don't need internet on my phone when I got a laptop. I don't need touch screen or all of that, sure I text but I rather press a keypad not a touch screen. Sure technology helps us in our daily lives but if you don't know the old school non technological way then when something happens to such technology what are you gonna do to survive? Are we getting lazy as a society to the point that we need computer controlled cars to drive us to work? Now robots, what happens when these robots go into full force and then decide to take over the world and turn against us?
  10. I take it you drive that ole Mack most of the time everywhere ya go huh? You do better than me Rowdy, my Chevy loves to go through some gas, she ain't too bad if your easy but get up in her and you'll see the gas gauge go down to empty very quickly.
  11. They say you must run a spring in order to bring the antenna to 108". I thought about getting one of them 102" but I'm quite happy with my Wilson to change. I don't want to smack everything and be faced with fines for damaging anything and I never expected anyone to run a 102 on a rig. I know ya can't run one on them new Cascadia's or 387's or T2000's cause they got that stupid cab mounted antenna so it would make a 102" way too tall.
  12. I wish the Chevy's came with those old Detroit's instead of the Duramax. I thought owning a truck was like a 2nd wife?
  13. Yeah man you can't destroy those 102" and for the price it's worth it. The good thing with the 102's and is you can mount them anywhere and pretty much have a flat swr unless you got a grounding issue. You running a spring on your's Rowdy?
  14. I would be careful of Carter Cat man. My uncle took his T800 which has a 3406B in to get an overhead done it and Carter Cat didn't do it correctly and within 3,000 miles wiped the cam out and they say that they were not responsible for it. So he bought a fresh 3406B since they said they were not responsible. I thought that was messed up.
  15. Amen brother, when I took the fuel pump out it looked like it never been changed at all. Well you own a Ford so that explains all your fuel pump issues. Naw in all seriousness it seems like the fuel pumps you get from the auto parts store these days isn't as reliable as it once was. Seems like they make them to fail thus throwing money at it all the time. I really don't care for Autozone much, I prefer Carquest or Advance Auto. If I can I'll go down to the junk yard but most of the time they want you to pull it yourself and if it's something that'll take all day I'll pass on it. While cheaper by the time you figure in the labor and cussing it would have been easier and cheaper to go to the auto parts store to buy what ya need cause with the junkyard you ain't guaranteed if it works either. The last couple things I bought from the junk yard was the oil cooler lines and new distributor shaft cause while changing the pick up coil I broke the magnet off the old shaft and this one had a pick up coil and ignition control module already on it so if one of them fails, I got the ones off the old shaft to use. I saved $50-$100 bucks so I can't complain.
  16. Yup while both PACCAR one is far superior in terms of quality and comfort. I thought someone tall would have problems getting comfortable in a Peterbilt someone short like me, I was truly amazed and shocked. I guess them petercar driver's don't care for comfort too much and want to look cool. I think you can look cooler in a KW than any ole Petercar out there but that is my opinion. I've always felt Peterbilt is for show while KW's is for work. No wonder why Peterbilt's are junky trucks then....Used scrap from quality KW's.
  17. Honestly as far as holding up in the truck a 29 holds up great as it was built to withstand the abuse in my opinion. I've heard with the Galaxy 949 they have a cold solder joint that tends to break which doesn't hold up in the truck very well. I think a Connex and General Lee would hold up great in a truck but I never used either one of them but I'm just going off from other's opinions. I never was big into export radios and thought they were a waste of money. Honestly if your gonna spend hard earned cash between the two you can't go wrong with a General Lee, now if it was a Cobra 29 Classic I would have recommended the Classic based on personal experience.
  18. Rob you got to watch them Virginia folk, they are good at coming up with crazy contraptions, trust me I know! As far as the Pete's go I drove one even though it was around the yard where I was working out before the economy hit the crapper, My knees kept rubbing the steering column and I'm only 5'4. I had no air in the seat and you know with being short had the seat all the way forward! These were 03-05 model years, I didn't have that problem with the old square dash Pete's but I haven't drove a newer KW or even been in one to see if my knees would hit the dash. I doubt they would on a KW cause you got more room a KW than ya do a Pete. I sat in a 90-93 T600 but it didn't have tilt steering so I couldn't tell if my knees would hit the steering column or not but I was comfortable in it, then again I've always liked Kenworth more than Pete especially the T600 and now the T660. Besides Kenworth is a better built truck and a much better laid out truck as far as interior goes and your not cramped like a Pete. I was so cramped in the Pete that I was literally right up on the dash and I didn't like that at all, plus these were day cabs if that really makes any difference. The Pete and KW debate is like a Chevy and Ford debate but KW and Chevy is gonna win every time in my book.
  19. I agree with Rowdy, your better off in an older used rig cause if you got to overhaul it and all that good stuff you'll have a new truck for half the cost and without the big payment. I guess people want a new truck to boost their ego or something who knows and then they wonder why they have to sell it cause they got greedy. I'm with Rowdy on the new pick up trucks I got a soon to be 20 year old truck next year, I got a 90 Chevy C1500 Silverado, while it may not be the best looking truck it sure holds up better than any new F150 or Silverado with those stupid cargo steps. I laughed when Ford came out with that stupid cargo step crap, c'mon now if you got to use a cargo step to put something in the bed of a truck your a sissy! Yeah I said it! The only thing major I had to do to my truck was a fuel pump (which didn't need replaced), pick up coil, water pump, lower radiator hose that goes to the water pump, oil cooler lines cause I broke that on accident, brakes shoes, brake drums, and brake pads. I say that isn't too bad for only having it a year! Other than that she is a solid good riding truck and actually rides like a truck. Only thing I got left to replace is all the shocks.
  20. Jersey don't buy that Cobra with the Bluetooth, I've heard them things were pure JUNK and I can believe it too. If it's like the 29's with the nightwatch, weather and soundtracker then it'll be junk. I don't see why anyone would need weather and a soundtracker when the NB/ANL works just fine. The Bluetooth will cut your radio's performance in half in most cases just like the weather and soundtracker does. I rather have me a 29 Classic, besides like Rowdy says that nightwatch produces way too much glare for my taste and Cobra uses tactical controls for that reason. Besides most Cobra's even if they are the Classic or the Classic with the nightwatch and soundtracker are set up just the same. The only additions I would want in a radio is a echoboard and talk back which I'm surprises doesn't replace the Delta Tune and I would by one in a heart beat, I don't need that Bluetooth, nighwatch, or soundtracker. Besides the only knobs I reach for most of the time is the squelch and volume.
  21. They figure every owner want trucks all the same with the same specs no matter if they run otr or heavy haul so the only thing that is different is colors.
  22. I agree with Hatcity I prefer natural plump breast, not the silicone crap. Natural is better! All this turkey talk sure brings the best of y'all out.
  23. Or maybe they figure newer is better with no problems. To me I rather buy used and not have the payment. Besides with buying used you don't have to work out the kinks. That is the thing with these new emission trucks, only the large fleets are testing them out, most small carriers know from 03 that they don't want to test or even upgrade their fleets because all the issues with the new trucks will cause them to go broke. Besides that this economy isn't helping matters none anyway.
  24. A RGN is a removable goose neck or in simpler terms a lowboy.
  25. I agree with Rowdy the trucks back then were ahead of their time and had class. Now these so called areo trucks are just ugly and no class.
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