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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by ThaddeusW

  1. That should be the new trend. Get fed up with your job, curse everyone out, grab a beer, jump down the emergency chute and go home.
  2. I like International's. The CAT-IH partnership an interesting one, I would like to see what else comes of this.
  3. Oh please: Ste. Claire, Quebec, April 7, 2010—Prevost is proud to announce that they will manufacture all of their vehicles with Volvo’s D13 Engine. OH MY GOD! REALLY! AMAZING! Just what I have been waiting for my whole life! (sarcasm) As if they would have announced anything different. Of course they are going to try and sell their own name, they are Volvo. Arrogant jerks.
  4. Yea, you would need a wire wound resistor. Either encased in ceramic or better yet, encased in an aluminum finned case to dissipate heat. You would need allot of carbon resistors to get 30 watts and 1.2 ohms
  5. I have dreamed of owning this truck for a while. To my great surprise it was re-listed BUT it has a wonky model number and is listed as cab only, my heart sank. I sent an email just to inquire what happened to the rest of the truck. http://www.truckpape...px?OHID=2446560 two more F models: In Maryland which is not that far, especially since I have friends living there. $3k isn't bad at all. Those 24.5's look out of proportion though, not a big deal. http://cgi.ebay.com/...mmercial_Trucks Another decent tandem with spokes (My favorite!) http://www.truckpape...px?OHID=2442793 Gerhart is still trying to sell their DM800's. You know, I love the DM800 series, wouldn't mind buying this one if it was oh about 8 grand cheaper . 65K rears on 24" rubber is just what the doctor ordered. Either leave it a coal truck for show or make it into a tractor. http://cgi.ebay.com/...Everything_Else
  6. Thanks David! You know what, that truck is very close to me. Wish it was a tandem but still, not bad at all.
  7. Yes I figured the resistor is used to divide the voltage for low speed. Why i said.. what i said, i have no idea, lol. For some reason I was thinking a few hundred watts but that is not the case. You can calculate the motors resistance using the formula R=E/I meaning Resistance (in ohms) equals the voltage (E) divided by the amperage(I). So for example: if we have a blower motor that draws 10 amps you divide 12 by 10 which equals 1.2. So to divide the voltage in half you need a 1.2 Ohm resistor. And since the current (amps) will also half, the wattage will be 6 volts times 5 amps which is 30 watts. So you don't need a very large resistor at all. I don't know why i didn't think that one out. You can easily source one from an online electronics supply company (digikey, mouser, newark) and just connect it.
  8. Very interesting! Thanks for posting that. MAN trucks from Germany had a horizontal engine setup as well. A bonus of this design is the cab can have a flat floor, although this cab appears to have an engine tunnel.
  9. Every time I see a Superliner or just about any other Mack from MA it is usually overpriced.
  10. If you dig around, you will find a post with pictures of some French built Mack's. They were imported from the US with no cab and fitted with Locally built cabs. They were quite unique looking with the French cab and stock radiator, hood and fenders. I would imagine this is a similar situation, a Mack shipped with no cab and then fitted with a locally sourced cab. Okay, I did the digging: http://www.bigmacktrucks.com/index.php?showtopic=10146&st=0&p=39804&hl=+french%20+mack&fromsearch=1entry39804 http://www.bigmacktrucks.com/index.php?showtopic=11399&st=0&p=43345&hl=+french%20+mack&fromsearch=1entry43345
  11. Sounds like quite a large resistor. How many amps is a blower motor? you could size up a resistor from an electronics supply catalog. I have a few large ones lying around but they are rated for 200 watts only, and those are actually huge.
  12. What is with this Pinnacle? That sure doesn't look like a normal Mack cab. The roof looks higher and the window looks much different. Then agin it could be the angle, paint job abd accessories that are tricking the eye.
  13. Same company and still making axles and transfer cases. The Orange 6x6 Granite at last years Macungie had a Marmon Herrington front drive axle. Also every Marmon was hand built to order. Allot of quality went into those trucks.
  14. Woah! A Scammell Crusader! They were a British lorry manufacturer (lorry means truck in British English) . They closed their doors in 1988. Very interesting to see one here in the states. Any other pictures of it? This Mack H model is also pretty darn sweet! Needs a good restoration though, makes a great toy hauler.
  15. I am guessing you are new to trucks. If you are from the Land Down Under, it should be a red octagonal or round dash knob (possibly even black). If your truck was never plumbed for a trailer then adding the plumbing will take a bit of effort to get working properly. Do not tap into the trucks brake lines, you can put yourself in a seriously dangerous situation if the trailer lines leak, come loose or the trailer breaks away. You wont have any brakes. What model and year is your truck? From there we can help you solve your problem.
  16. Gimme a F@%#ing break! "The internal draft written by officials at U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services outlines ways that the government could provide "relief" to illegal immigrants — including delaying deportation for some, perhaps indefinitely, or granting green cards to others — in the absence of legislation revamping the system." Brain dead move but it has it motivations. Keeping the minority vote is very important to the dumacrats (now I am using that word!). They will do anything to please them including trying to help those poor illegal immigrants. How about giving the US some relief from them by kicking them the hell out.
  17. Go with the T2 or T3 18 speed as parts are easy to get. Maintenance is a costly issue and parts availability is key.
  18. Best way to take a picture of a picture is to angle the camera so the flash is not reflected causing glare. It works pretty good but you have to take a few before you get the angle right.
  19. Almost a throwback tho the days when Mack made buses. But one thing is for sure, a Mack branded motor home would be pretty sweet!
  20. Honest immigrants are 100% fine by me. Illegal aliens are the huge problem. People who did not apply through the proper channels to come and visit or live here should not be here. The proper action is to arrest and deport them. For some reason people think its okay to let them stay because life is so hard for them in their country, we should care for them. Well that's too bad. I am not saying this out of callousness but through principal, the USA cant take in every poor soul in the world. Its just not possible. Yea it is sad some people have to live in an impoverished or war torn hell hole, everyone should be happy in this world as you only live once. But there are rules that apply to those who want to immigrate here. If we let everyone just walk in here the economy would collapse, national growth to support new comers cant take place overnight. There are those who believe that since we are a rich and wealthy nation (although that is highly debatable), they believe we are obligated to help those in need. As if we have a surplus of wealth and jobs for everyone. Shit if that was the case I am going over to Bill Gates house because he has so much money he can easily take me in. Hell why ask him when I can just walk into his home and make residence there, he shouldnt mind right? Wrong. I would be arrested and thrown in jail. Bill never gave me permission to come in. And neither did the American government let in all the illegal immigrants. So why should they get special treatment?
  21. LOL. Yea #3 is the longest run, thankfully
  22. Ah. So I see your a regular then?
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