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Joey Mack

BMT Benefactor
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Everything posted by Joey Mack

  1. no sir. im here 15 years, in the center part of the county, they knock down large lots and build low income housing. it's becoming a slum,, im out in the county, but it's making its way to my house. there is a wealthy drug dealer that buys all the rundown houses near me and in Spencer, and houses his drug mules and girls... It's sad.. I hate not haveing any thing good to say. there is so much u.s. history that is being replaced with rainbow flags and BLM signs. They have removed all of the monuments, and are pushing all forms of reperations and sensitivity training... too bad they dont teach, work ethic and fatherhood... im sorry
  2. Both are, very real statements... You guys help me get through the B.S. I live in Salisbury N.C. 35 miles north of Charlotte.....Talk about a bunch of people with hands out wanting my tax dollars, but not my opinion...Just shut up and "Pay"... there were people 180 years that had the pick in the garden... and you owe me...
  3. Holy crap Rob... I appreciate you.. You got balls... not much to say other than that..
  4. Holy crap,,, one more interesting thing to consider... I dont know what to do anymore going forward.. Other than keep my head up and drive on..
  5. That's really unfortunate... Canadians are just a s important to the world as us here.. Ya'll should have equal access... Heck here in central North Carolina, they are treating the virus as a racist thing that only greatly impacts non- whites.. wasting time on politics when other North American people need meds... they are even delivering vaccines to our Project neighborhoods becuase they say that the welfare people dont have access to transportation... anyway, a little bit of a tangent there. it's too bad... I hope I didnt offend you..
  6. The news said to call clinics to see about getting one of the extra vaccines. Is that an option for you?
  7. Please be as safe as you can.. like I said, I did a lot of the recommmended actions, and here I sit.... I'm only 51 and my doctor said I'm too young to really worry about the virus, and to just stay safe and clean and excersize and breath deep, and so on. go about my normal activity at home... I'm greatfull I have a shop to work in to continue to earn $$
  8. no it's not, I just dont know how I got it, considering my lack of public exposure and wearing my masks, and carrying Lysol,, I was not 100% effiecient, but I really did try to show respect for it.. No doubt sometimes I got aggrivated and wanted to rebell.. I have read many views here and try to keep an open mind, but sometimes I slip... anyway.. It's a tough one... I'm sad for the those who died from this virus..
  9. take the cluster out and clean the ground post on the cab frame. It's to the left, take the star washer out and toss it. trim any heatshrink glue that may have oozed out and re=install it. also do the same at the fues panel on the right side and also check the ground breaker on the firewall next to the starter relay, clean the frame ground behind the left steer tire and the big 5/8" ground bolt on the engine block in front of the starter... joey...
  10. well I was doing pretty good with Covid, until this morning. Day 7... Now I feel as bad as day 2 when it really came on.. so I guess I will set here and chat with my worldwide bud's... I have 2 more small engines in my shop to build, maybe later...Jojo,,, so glad I bought and used a hundred masks...
  11. well, i'm curious.. because to me it sounds fine, but then again, I am not a good study on this, i just knew when I was running a bit hot and would adjust as I went... It' been a while.... looking forward to some more comments just caus' jojo
  12. I know I steered this ship into Covid, just one more thing..... With all the masks, dissinfectant sprays, and gloves and such.... Is our immune system going to get so weak that we may die from a cough or a sneeze or a Boo Boo on the knee?? jojo
  13. 👍 youre good... theres plenty of us here to help you when needed... jojo
  14. So I just read an article on kickbacks for covid diag's.... Snopes reports that hospitals get $13,000.00/ death.... and $39,000.00/ death if they were on a ventilator. I never heard of snopes, and didn't find much more said about it, however there was a printed interview with Lord Fauci about this... I dont know how to post the link.. just curious if I just found some B.S. or truth...
  15. So true.. I only gave 10 years in the dealership. I knew quality was not job 1 for a while, but when my Dealership wouldnt entertain promoting me with a combined total of 20 years at the time on Macks,. I even made "Tech of the month" 7 out of 11 months and also made "Tech of the year" for 2018, because of the quality and efficiency of my work. instead they hired a guy who had a car repair garage, and never even drove a truck, forget working on one... I knew right away, I just needed to concentrate on doing it for myself and working on older trucks. I am currently building a 3 cyl. john deere engine in my shop and my customer is bringing me 2 more today. so I am here, chatting with you guys while I wait for them to arrive.. Go Bulldog! Jojo
  16. Both trannys are good. I'm always partial to the Mack, very strong... Keep the air supply to the Eaton shuttle valve and filter regulator clean, to lengthen synchro life.. The 300 series Mack has a few small differences from the 200 series. One is the sliding clutches are finer splined, I believe this helped smooth out gear selection, since macks tend to be a challange early on for Eaton drivers.. No biggie... AS always, good air system maintainance and clean oil, oh yeah.... and No slip seating,,,, and either trans will do a great job... I look forward to seeing other opinions.. Jojo
  17. howdy, Just curious? did you get the answer you were looking for? jojo
  18. to tell you the truth, i never checked. I always thought that if fuel pressure was 80+ psi, you were good and programming knew what to do with the fuel spray... therefore the pump is the same.... jojo
  19. Your right.. I think they are just inflating numbers for kickbacks. I feel just fine and have all of my sense's it's no different then the end of a bad cold or real flu, not Kung Flu..
  20. yes sir. i'm only 51 for another 2 months anyway,, i dont drive anymore, just fix'em. I dont see great financial success in my future, however, with the exception of my wifes Harley Tri-Glide payment, I do own everything, and dont need to make a ton to survive. So I will just keep on with what I have and maybe buy a lottery ticket here and there
  21. me too.. I have a modest home, and a few toys, and my beautiful wife... and 3 great dogs..... I am blessed, and do care about the less fortunate....
  22. A big waste of time.. it was all a ploy to destroy trumps success... they dont care about us.. I'm glad you are able to keep it together... jojo
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