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Everything posted by Mcrafty1

  1. I have an E6 with a jake, the activation sensor/switch on the back of the fuel pump is leaking oil out between the brass and the insulation in the center. Mack wants $175.00 for a replacement, does anyone know of an aftermarket outlet for this part? Macks price is a bit extreme..at least by my standards.
  2. Ain't that the truth.......Anyone that will look at this photo and say that the one that the media spread around was taken at anytime near the time this one was is either a knowing liar or a left wing loon....like there was a difference. I don't Blame President Trump for calling them out on it, I don't like people pizzin up my back and telling me it's raining either.
  3. You two are doing a great job on that unit, It takes a lot of time and patience to make the kind of headway you are doing. It helps if you have a well equipped shop...which you obviously do. I'm anxious to see the finished product.....I like instant gratification...lol
  4. I agree, He's got four years rather we like it or not...Trump didn't get where he is today by being stupid, I believe he'll learn at a fast enough rate to keep ahead of the detractors, and in four years we'll find ourselves in a better place. I'll also admit I've been wrong before. I didn't vote for Trumps predecessor either time, However I did believe he could possibly be a decent commander-n-chief.....only because he was popular among the masses and I was missing something.......I couldn't have been more wrong.
  5. I do believe you have hit the proverbial nail on the head.
  6. I might add that it's important to America that President Trump remain resolute in this endeavor....and it can't hurt our cause if we do the same.
  7. I believe I understand what you are trying to say...But it is time America put it's people 1st. The global community needs to ween themselves off of US tax dollars supporting their causes ahead of our own countries needs. That, at least to me is what I heard President Trump say in his address. These events can and will be spun to suit the narrative off the author, I personally don't really care what the world thinks about that. Sadly enough, the liberal mantra has been allowed to become thoroughly entrenched in American culture.....America voted this past November to turn away from it, nobody said it would be easy. When you have Half of the American/illegal and legal immigrants in line with the socialist's is it any wonder that they are kicking and screaming about losing their movement? After all up until 9:00 pm EST this past Novrmber 8th they believed they had ALL or most of this countries people behind them.....I blame our politicians and the alt- left wing media for that, as we know now that wasn't the case. these people are frantic and they won't go quietly. Anyone that believed they would was not dealing with reality. JMHO
  8. Lol, I agree with tjc....You got the busy hair thing going on...but everything else screams 'heavy lookin on'
  9. You can't say this about the stuff that is being built today.
  10. Amazing that 8 dared try to operate.... with the union buzzards circling around over head. Maybe they figured out something the other 70 or so plants couldn't.
  11. If it helps you sleep nights good for you..... the truth of the matter is that the death blow on Hostess was before the last year, The union already had Hostess bled nearly dry (and in unmanageable debt by demanding more for the union so there was nothing left to pay the material suppliers) by the time they released their grip, kinda like letting Hostess put a band-aid on a severed artery.......but don't let that keep you awake nights your getting yours. Unions are going to get theirs too, hopefully sooner rather than later.
  12. I love Hostess Twinkies....even a little more now than before.
  13. Yeah, the entitlement generation took over.....they almost succeeded in taking over the country, then Trump came along.......suddenly their ilk is feeling the squeeze for a change.
  14. Hostess was one of them...... ....I guess I was a little late with this comment... but I stand by it just the same.
  15. Here's wishing everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving!...and an Extra, EXTRA Merry CHRISTMAS and a Happy New Year!!!!
  16. Very nicely done! I fear nobody that it will actually help will see it if it stays here though.....I don't believe there are many ....no any Snowflakes that come here, but it's the thought that counts...here's your trophy
  17. God smiled down on America today, I voted for Trump early Tuesday morning walked out, went to work and left it in Gods hands.....He came through but then again, He always does.
  18. I wonder how much she pays those koolade drinkers? I don't know about Trump but I can certainly imagine more than a few others would grope that group.
  19. Nice pics all....But that one of the lawnmower really caught my eye, I do so love the look of a well built......lawnmower, and that on just looks like it would be fun to get a hold of.
  20. Very well said, I couldn't agree more with everything you said. IMHO it's Trump/Pence or the end of America as we knew it (it's already circling the drain) I don't believe there has ever been a more important election in the history of this country.
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