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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Gambi80

  1. Gonna take a shot in the dark and say he's on the clock more often than not with that unit...
  2. How do you figure..?? McCain lost my vote (and I think any real shot at being elected) because of her...she's just another f*^%$ng retard who's long, loooonnnggg ago worn out her 15 minutes. I still wonder from what she's going rogue...maybe I should be the 2,000,001th person to buy her book? I didn't vote for Obama...well, I didn't vote for anyone for president. Furthermore, living in Illinois precludes any vote I make anyway as Chicagoland does the voting for all of Illinois. It's a joke, all of it. I fear not so much for myself, but my kids. I think we're on a pretty slippery slope and losing traction big time...
  3. Quick question...and off topic...when did the MP7,8's show up in Macks? Were there any before the DPF...if so, were they any good? I saw an ad for an '07 advertised with 485hp MP8..? It had regular mufflers on it and the older style dash. One of those pre-DPF might raise my eye-brow...
  4. Proof that there are at least 2,040,000 morons out there.
  5. The enviro-mental-ists will counter your statement by saying all the worlds forests are being destroyed/harvested to be able to produce enough oxygen/consume enough Co2 to keep up. I'm not saying population control should be the answer...but it will no doubt BE the answer some day. Some powers that be will engineer some 'global epidemic', much like this swine flu is supposed to be now...they'll protect the people they want to keep, the rest will be left.
  6. Damn...wish my Mack truck had 890 Mack cubes under the hood...
  7. I think if at least 80% of the world's fertile population were neutered, it'd help immensely. Less people=less consumption. Especially where the present population can't be fed/cared for adequately.
  8. 'They' can keep both Rosie and NASCAR...they're both gay, a non-athletic sport and over paid for what they do.
  9. There are plenty of white women who act the same way. They're all nuts, it's just how they carry themselves when they're "off". And shame on anyone who pays any attention to goons like Sharpton. It's fools like him who use 'religion' to further their own selfish ambitions...namely money and the vertical smile...
  10. Drivers OLD and new in trucks across the board have made and will make that mistake every day. I've seen it a few times...and done it once, but not with bad results. I refuse to park behind a guy who jumps out of his truck and the brake lights are still on...
  11. Most of my tickets were for actually VIOLATING the speed limit. I'd be more pissed about a 72 in a 70 ticket than I would be the few I've gotten...84/65...70.63/55 (the cop from the airplane...a fucking airplane...got my speed down to the hundreth...and the 'arresting' officer had the nerve to write it on the ticket) 87/55...the list goes on. In a couple weeks Illinois is finally dumping the archaic 55mph split limit for trucks. Look out old people!!! The big bad semi trucks are gonna getcha!
  12. Drove to Florida a year ago a week before Christmas...me and my family in our Jeep, in-laws in the other vehicle. They 'led' the way with their trusty GPS. We had a total of 5 roads to take to get there. The GPS effed up and took us in a circle of some sorts. We got to where we had to go finally and I said...Told you so! Nothing beats a map...a stack of which I keep in the truck.
  13. Gambi80

    New Toy

    Yea how 'bout it!
  14. Funny thing about that, when my dad went to advertise and sell his old 79 R-model and equally as old hopper trailer YOU WOULD NOT BELIEVE how many foreign sounding people called asking for that truck for export. When my brother advertised his old dump trailer, it happened to be hooked to my dad's other R-model and part of it was in the picture...he got more calls about the truck than the trailer!
  15. Ahh...I can't stop laughing because of this topic... I worked as a full time temp at a certain state agency over the winter last year. Holy f&^%ng sh^t, you want to see some of the hardest working, most dedicated well trained hard ass, most bang for their buck workers of them all, go pay a visit, watch and learn!!
  16. I didn't know oatmeal cookies looked that good on my truck...
  17. Freight Relocation Engineer. Few years ago a buddy of mine worked as an oil changer at the local dealer...called himself a Petrolium Distribution Engineer.
  18. I'll anxiously await the photoshop...here's mine, although it's an old picture from last winter.
  19. Or maybe more like this... http://www.truckpaper.com/listingsdetail/detail.aspx?OHID=2215855&dlr=1
  20. I've seen some truck drivers who couldn't fit under a monster truck, let alone a semi.
  21. Shiney sides you mean? Some might have insulation on the sides...for hauling asphalt...covered with stainless steel or aluminum that's kept polished. I went cheap/lazy and did mine with galvanized. In the picture...(truck hasn't been this clean for quite some time...) is this what you're talking about?
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