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Everything posted by Eastcoastdiesel

  1. I wish i could meet some of y'all folks, I have to go back to jersey sometime this year, I demand to see someone
  2. I really wanna do this to one of the visions, but I think imma get in trouble!
  3. Welcome back, what a cute little pup mack, I wish I was in Sweden too, have two friends over there!
  4. And I just melted what an adorable peice of flesh!!! I want to snuggle it!!
  5. The rake method is what I was doing in the pasture horse turds and leaves would just get stuck to it. I would get so upset. Hence the 300 dollar fun toy I bought. I am no master lol
  6. That sounds fun, but I think it's just my awe of snow since South Carolina gets next to none. Other dog, I just bought a husky 50cc backpack blower. Great, but 5 acres of leaves that have been there since I bought the property last year bites took me like 3 hours just to get my back yard haha... Then again never really used one before this.
  7. Haha other dog! That's great!! My day consisted of me burning leaves, I hate leaves!
  8. I would of died to see that!! He needs to YouTube that
  9. That's just sad, I see people being dumb around me all the time. I just really hope that people take this into account. Turn on your radio, and put your phone outta reach!
  10. I always enjoy your travels pics od! Wimmin barred such good scenery!
  11. It was mandatory for me took two French classes and one Spanish. Ugh
  12. I ride in rodeos, and one year I had the honor of carrying the flag on a friends horse, I had some liberals there who didn't stand up or put their hand over their hearts made me so angry
  13. Ok I just got to work, are these the pins your talkin about staxx? I feel pretty new when it comes to this variable crap
  14. Hahaha I know someone who would do it!
  15. Hey guys I know it's not the muffler bearings, :/ it's sucks. Oh well I'll replace the actuator tomorrow. I am pooped!! I hope y'all had good days. Ps I want a boom truck.
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