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Everything posted by Eastcoastdiesel

  1. Thank you so much for the encouragement and stories guys. Matter of fact it is the summerville YMCA I have joined. I just hope I can find awesome friends like y'all have to give me that extra push!
  2. Oh my goodness!! That is just plum adorable!!! That's just wonderful work, you really made a tiny masterpiece!
  3. Best of luck I will pray for ya and I hope those people see the light! Almost as bad as my friends ticket of " you should of stopped faster because you have more tires" :/
  4. So I am a little excited and a bit nervous! I have been a gym rat in high school, and stress and depression had really taken a till on me, enough to make me just give up. Wasn't a pretty sight to say the least, sat on the computer and played online video games, Instead of getting out there. Well! Even though my job is pretty physical, I'm gonna get in shape again! Wish me luck my family
  5. Got the flu right now! Get better!
  6. Had a driver in our fleet use a GPS and went 240 extra miles off of his route. Yay! Lol
  7. Haha. Gotta have a great looking heifer! Just look up a Belgian blue!
  8. Just tell her your sorry, and that church is a very important thing to you. It's be just silly if she stayed mad at you for that!
  9. I bypassed the diode. Thank y'all for y'all's input! I wish I could give ya some big hugs!
  10. Mack pinnacle 12/2008 cxu613 Got a road call about a dash not working. So upon further inspection with my power probe, saw fuse was blown, gave it power... Dashed smoked. Took off speedohead and this is what I saw Melted like what... Not a big computer chip person. He has no brake lights and I need to get him rolling.. His boss is freaking because its a Walmart load. Any suggestions? Please someone be my knight right now
  11. Merry Christmas my awesome friends! Back to work!
  12. I send all my love to you all!! Life is really busy! And worse part is I have no phone right now. I really hope in a few weeks I can return to you all! But for now, one of the only things I have time for! Horses and Mack's! I'm going to reply here and there but all the time is gonna be hard!
  13. I could do that have a picture with specs?
  14. It's my first time drawing a car or a truck in this case. Tell me what ya think.
  15. .... How did you guess?! My topic turned to balloon cleavage and nipples
  16. In other news I got a superliner belt the other day.... Don't know why.... But I bought it! Hey belts!
  17. Oh jeazzzzzz that's some funny bullsnot right there!!
  18. That actually sounds pretty derned yummy! I guess it was good you showed up!
  19. I could think of a few peop ..... Uh trees to splat some of those pumpkins at!
  20. Have any of y'all foster animals? Thinking about starting to foster horses through l.e.a.r.n rescue. If so any pointers?
  21. Drive shaft, new fuel tank and valves on a peterbilt and then state fair
  22. I got to go to somerville nj, I left something important up there and need to get it back, so I could just go through pennsyltuky on the way home. I will definitely reach out to y'all, and try to make it to that event. Marked it on the calendar.
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