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other dog

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Everything posted by other dog

  1. Man, look at that Peterbilt...sure is clean! Figured i'd take it's picture...who knows when it'll be that clean again! And some random photos of an old GMC I saw on rt. 220 in West Virginia, between Franklin and Petersburg and the view from the mountain on rt.33 after you cross into West Virginia,west of Harrisonburg,Va. I erroneously said it was on rt. 42 near Mt. Storm,and the views are similar, but noted West Virginia highway and byway expert Big Jim noticed that there was a climbing lane coming up,which Scherr mtn. doesn't have, and the mountain at Scherr is 10%, not nine. What a clean Pete....oh, and I put another video on youtube today, pulling out after i'd gotten loaded at Sharon Coatings (formerly Winner Steel) in Sharon,Pa.
  2. Here' an A40s in Moneta,Va. Owner unknown, but I did find the chassis no.- A40S 10268. Date of manufacture on the gas tank said 53-11
  3. well,ain't this a geographical oddity-two weeks from everywhere!
  4. you're not talking about me are you?..you know my feelings are easily hurt
  5. geez...y'all make me feel so...so...well, fine actually. I'm just a stupid a$$ truck driver,have been for almost 30 years, but then everybody can't drive an airplane- I don't want no parts of 'em. I'm pretty happy, see - . I'm glad to be here and pester Rob- one of my heroes!
  6. It do, it do! Actually mine was solid red and I had the fenders painted black in honor of Old Bill, the Diesel Gypsy. Was gonna paint the top of the hood black too, but it has a couple of dents and I figured black would make them more noticable.
  7. the water underneath was something else I saw on TV, the bacon strip was my idea, figured it couldn't hurt. Never did either before, but Jo said the ones I'd cooked before, just on the grill over direct heat, were a little dry so I tried something different and it came out great. And the wood gives it a great smoky flavor. I'm a dog lover too, and I was very upset about the dog. I still miss him, but i'm happy now that I know he's gonna be OK. And...in honor of me? I...I (sniffle) just don't know what to say
  8. OK,the title is overhyped. Got my last roll of film developed yesterday, and some were taken so long ago I don't remember what they were, or where I took them, but here's some of them for your enjoyment anyway. Been very busy this week, felt much better after finding out Big Tail was gonna be all right. I went to Orchard Park Monday, then to Brookfield to Roanoke, then from Lynchburg to Orlando, then loaded 60' beams at Nucor in Huger, S.C. going to Fort Washington, Md.( D.C. area ). When we got to Fort Washington Friday I thought we were at the wrong address, but unfortunately we were not. It was at an apartment complex, and we couldn't figure any reason for 60' beams to be there in the first place. Turns out there was a large sink hole behind the very back building, and that's where the steel was going. We had to blind side back in off the street into the apartment complex, then back about a quarter of a mile, including 3 sharp bends, to get back to where we unloaded. There were cars parked on both sides too, to make it more interesting. I only took the one picture of this site, after I'd gotten unloaded. When we backed in there was a white Ford pickup parked in the spot just to the left of the dumpster in the picture, so that was the tightest spot to get around. They unloaded us with a boom truck, ( there was three of us ) and it was an all day job. Billy Bob and myself left there at 4:30 pm, right on time for the worst of Washington D.C. rush hour Friday evening traffic. Now, what you've all been waiting for- pictures...and my comments, best I can recollect- and sorry, I forgot to resize the ones I took here with the digital camera. a salmon fillet I smoked on the grill,indirect heat on both sides, strip of bacon on top, with pans of water underneath to keep it from being completely dried out. the home made hot sauce I made today and put in recycled bottles. All the peppers came from my garden- and Jo's happy, because when I do this stuff I don't make a mess! the Fort Washington apartment complex. going over a boat on rt. 526 in CharlestoN, S.C. a girl I saw lying in a field getting a tan in Florida. ...yes, there really are Piggly Wigglys, Jeff Foxworthy didn't just make it up. and sometimes I don't mind having to stop in construction zones, you just sit there and enjoy the view! might as well include my favorite billboard ever, Jacksonville,Fl. This billboard's been there a long time. my mixer truck, after a wax job. I must be off now, Joe's sending an IM.
  9. you threw it in the second drawer from the top, on the left side of the big tool box, with the miscellaneous paperwork and outdated owner's manuals for equipment bought in the '60's and thrown away in the '70's...I saw it on Google Earth.
  10. and 'ya know, Rob has never been known to be wrong about anything... yet.
  11. hmmm...I wasn't going to comment because I didn't know, but then that really never stopped me before, did it? Now i'm more confused than I was at first- I drove a '74 Transtar with an rto9513 and it had the range selector on the shift knob, but then I used to drive a '74 Transtar with an rt9513 that had the range selector valve separate, mounted on the stick. I'm pretty sure Hard Rock's '77 Transtar and Underdog's '78 KW, both with rto12513's, both had the 3 position knob. So...in other words-I have no idea, except that both were probably still used at that time, but for what exact application... I couldn't say. Glad to help, anything else I might not know about don't hesitate to ask. You know what they say, if you don't know-ax somebody.
  12. That's a good start- I'd fill the master cylinder up with fluid first, then check for obvious leaks, starting with the master cylinder, then the booster, then all the wheel cylinders. If all that checks out OK, check all the brake lines for leaks. If they're all good, and even if you have to rebuild or replace any of the above, you'll need to bleed the system to get any air out, and you should have a good pedal. You'll probably have to jack each wheel up and adjust the brakes with a brake spoon through the slots in the backing plates too in order to get a full pedal...(condensed version). If you're lucky, maybe all they need is bleeding,but something had to cause them go away in the first place. You need an assistant too, to help with this by pushing the pedal down while you look for leaks and especially during the bleeding process, unless you use a pressure bleeder. Hope this is a little help anyway-good luck with your project.
  13. are they air brakes, hydraulic, or Fred Flintstone type?
  14. oh...I was thinking more along the lines of one like Snoopy wore while pursuing the Red Baron
  15. Airport? Thought I might see you on the road somewhere, but if you're gonna be flying it's not too likely. I'll look up periodically anyway.
  16. now THAT'S what i'd like to see a picture of! You should wear a helmet too.
  17. I bought a pair of chrome ones with the bulldog on them for my truck. One dog's looking this way and the other one's facing that way.
  18. I'm just mad...and angry...irate... and hurt-I don't know what to do. Really nothing I can do. Jobyna just popped me upside the head,then threw the phone book at me after I told her if she wanted to leave I'd help her pack, and haul her stuff...where ever,as long as it was away from here. Not the Brookneal phone book either,she went with the much,much larger Lynchburg book, complete with the yellow pages. I told her she was lucky she's a woman,or she'd be dead right now,cuz i'd have killed her ass. This dog here has been here longer than I have. I remember the first time I saw him,standing on the front porch looking in the door grinning-he had an over bite or something,and he always looked like he was grinning. He was as big as a shetland pony and there wasn't a mean bone in his body. He was just a big overgrown puppy,loved to play.His tail was about 4 feet long,we always called him "big tail". When ever i'd come home he'd meet me in the driveway like Dino meeting Fred Flintstone. He chased cars,but he was very selective about which ones he chased. He'd be laying in the back yard sound asleep, but when he heard a particular vehicle he'd jump up and run to the road and chase it. Most he paid no attention to. He never bothered anybody or anything. We fed him,and I wormed him several times,because you could count every rib he had at first,but afterwards he was fine and healthy. He was a happy dog,living a dog's life. Then the a-hole family moved in next door,with the whiny little brat-the one Jobyna sprayed "Off" on before,and he ran home crying like she'd sprayed him with high test gasoline and handed him a lit sparkler. She called me Tuesday crying when I was on the way from Birmingham to Pittsburgh and told me the dog had jumped up on the little bast-oh,might not oughta say that here, little...uh...kid next door,and his fat a$$ bitc...uh,oops-er,momma called the animal control officer to come get him. Never mind that they'd been playing with him when he jumped up on him,throwing toys to him,and he'd bring them back. Animal control (the dog catcher) came and put a noose around his neck ,threw him in the back of the truck and hauled him off. She said if nobody claimed him in 5 days,he'd be euthanized. Killed-put to death-for doing nothing! I wish I could go rescue him,but like my momma said, if I went and claimed him the next time he jumped on the little bast-sorry,I meant whiny ass little brat,they'd just sue me. I have less than an acre of land,no fence,and he's never been tied,so he'd probably go crazy or strangle himself if I tried to tie him. I'm glad I wasn't here when they took him away. I've been known to act first and think later-like the time I threw that big mug of beer,mug and all,on that softball team in the Red Lobster in Lynchburg. But that's another story. Ive asked everyone I could think of if they wanted a dog-nobody did. He's a good dog-I liked it better when he was on the front porch barking at sun up wanting breakfast than since the sorry a$$ good for nothing deadbeat neighbors moved in...needless to say,they're not on our Christmas card list. I hope they're eaten by bears...just kiddin' On second thought,Old Bill told me to always be honest-I really do hope they're eaten by bears. I thought a lot of that old dog. Then I found out today that Rick Wright passed away Monday,the 15th. from cancer. Hope somebody has some good news... Big Tail update-good news- http://www.humanecampbell.org/animals/detail?AnimalID=910519 I called animal control before I left Monday to see about rescuing Big Tail and they told me to contact the humane society. I called them and I talked to a very nice man there, totally unlike the dogcatcher who picked him up, and seemed to enjoy her job way too much-she's the one who told Jobyna the dog would be euthanized in 5 days,which was totally false. The guy I talked to at the humane society told me they had to hold him for 5 days before they could do anything, to give the owner time to claim him. If he wasn't claimed in that time then he became the property of the county,and would be put up for adoption. He said they only euthanized animals that were considered mean or dangerous and "that's a very friendly dog". I said "I know". I wish I could get him back myself,but i'd better not. I am gonna make a donation to the humane society though, and perhaps pay for his shots and other boarding fees that have to be paid before he can be adopted, that way he might be adopted quicker. If no one takes him i'm gonna get him and sneak him down to the shop so he can be a junkyard dog. He always told me he wanted to live in upstate New York though.
  19. also available in crunchy and extra crunchy!
  20. is that like winter bush? ,or...uh..,I really like Cannon Ball,an old Canadian TV series. I have a few episodes on DVD. I like bush myself,but a lot of people don't. Bigger the better. Anyhow,..uh, Democrats and tree huggers-they're tryin' to kill us all.
  21. Once again- I'd forgotten about that! Wow,Rob-he's tha' man!
  22. Amen Brother! ...speaking of that,wonder where Bulldog Man is? ...might oughta organize another search party
  23. This time I'm serious (no-really!)-that is so true.
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