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other dog

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Everything posted by other dog

  1. That's what I thought when Virgil Goode, plain 'ol southside Va. tobacco farmer, lost in the the last election. He actually listened to the people, and actually replied to phone calls and mail. Did his job in other words. Was dead-set against illegal immigrants. But he lost to a big shot city slicker lawyer type democrat in the last election-who's done nothing by the way. I think the "you owe me a living, i'm looking for my handout now" people outnumber the rest of us. And that is a problem.
  2. not sure if these are real-the one of the man shoveling snow is a secret satellite spy shot, taken someplace in Illinois. could it be?..
  3. post some more after it rains. been pouring here all day.
  4. potential tire spokesman for a national ad campaign
  5. later that day, after spending $82.25 at the local car wash- all in quarters...
  6. First daylight pictures-looks great! Post some more right after you wash it.
  7. send me an appliction-or can I just do it online? I took a load of kyanite to Greensboro in a van today. My flatbed was supposed to be loaded when I got back, going up the road somewhere, but it wasn't. Maybe it got rained out...anyway, i'm back at home.
  8. sawzall + 12.50-38 Super Swampers = no problem have to change gear ratios though, I could only fit Q78's on the front-36''
  9. i'd say the trailer work justifies it's being at the shop, that's mainly what they use it for. Gotta get 'em in and out quick sometimes, and they have over a hundred trailers.
  10. yeah, you could donate to the "Other dog ain't got no money and ain't likely to git none no time soon" fund. Cash, checks, and money orders accepted.
  11. wow, ain't that a bitch-I didn't know they had crinimals in Harrisonburg, but I guess they're everywhere.
  12. I sold mine at a yard sale. Besides, Jo wants me to hang my clothes in the closet- like that makes any sense!
  13. It saves a lot of time because you can do a whole axle, sometimes both axles, at once instead of jacking up one side at a time. It'll free up a jack and stand or two if you need to jack up something else and when you're not using it you can lean tires against it or even use it like my old excercise bike, to hang clothes on.
  14. they use one similar to that, only a little smaller looking, a lot at the shop. They use it to lift the whole back of a trailer off the floor, and under the back of the frame on trucks when changing tires and lining brakes.
  15. thanks, I needed a better picture of your sign for use in future photo projects.
  16. Yes, the R-model came out in '65, the RD in '71, RWs in '78. B-models were discontinued in '66. R's were made until 1989, but variations of them were made after that. The RB model didn't come out until 1989, and were made until the end of the century...they might still make them, that's as far as the book goes. The CH came out in '88. The RD had a higher weight rating. The Superliners had a different hood and huge grill to accomidate a bigger radiator to keep the V8s cool. from the Mack book, "Driven for a Century"
  17. gee...forgot what I was gonna say. Anyhow,
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