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other dog

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Everything posted by other dog

  1. Yep, that's what it was. I didn't remember what was on the bottle, but I remember it being orange.
  2. OK, here's a picture of Roman looking out the window. I made that little platform for him to sit on.
  3. OK, if there's 2 boobies for every 1 rear end, let me think, that would make 42 truck pictures scattered amongst them too.
  4. Oh, by the way- I often wondered just how many pictures I had on the computer. I don't get on the computer a lot any more, because we're still waiting for the high speed Internet that's supposed to be coming. We only have so much data we can use per month now, and Zina needs it because she works from home. But I put some pictures on the computer from the camera the other day, and when I turned it on it started doing the "automatic updates" deal- "windows is installing updates, do not turn off your computer, blah-blah-blah". So when I finally got to "Photos" and tried to import the pictures everything was different. But it did tell me that I had over 29,000 pictures saved. That's why it takes me a long time to find a particular picture sometimes.
  5. And Smith's Transfer out of Staunton, Va.
  6. Thanks Bob, I thought it was the best too! Replied to the wrong comment, not the best Chevy flatbed, the best hot sauce! And funny thing, I just noticed that the trailer behind the F model is an old McLean trailer.
  7. It rained all morning yesterday but it stopped for a while in the afternoon so we rode down to see the Trucker's Parade Against Cancer. They do it every year, it goes from Charlotte Court House to Keysville. It's pretty neat to see people along the way, sitting in fields, in driveways, anywhere they can find a spot to watch all the trucks go by. We went to the same spot we stopped at last year, just an old logging road that turns off of rt. 47 between Charlotte Court House and Drakes Branch. Not many Macks in the parade this year, but this was a nice one- And we saw these units in Madisonville. I've posted pictures of the Bmodel before, but I hadn't seen the F model before. And this was just up the road from the Macks.
  8. I told Zina one time that ''it's too bad I can't figure out a way to convert this hot sauce to cash". But I've always just made it and gave it away. I don't know what would be involved to sell it as far as permits, licenses, inspections, etc. Besides, it gives me something to do.
  9. I think Vicki from Florida got that for us when we were in Florida. It had hot sauce in it originally, I don't know what kind it was but it was orange. I liked the bottle too and kept it and when I was looking for something to put leftover hot sauce in I saw it and the old light bulb came on!
  10. They probably sold gas too, most country stores did, a long with whatever else you might need. Groceries, clothes, hardware. I remember a lot of old country stores when they were open, and as small as they were they seemed to have a little of everything.
  11. Just in case anybody was wondering, this truck won the slow truck race this year. Wasn't even close! I've been to Gladys twice this week, we need to get a move on over there so we can sell it. I like to take the back roads all the way. These 2 old stores are at a crossroads along the way. Every time I see an old store like this I wish I could go inside just to look around, and I always wonder what it was like when it was open. Saw these halloween decorations in a field too. I pass by this old mill too, i'd also like to take a closer look at this but i've never stopped. Meanwhile, on the home front i've been processing peppers, making hot sauce and drying a lot for seasoning use. My old dehydrator quit, so I had to get another one. When I don't have enough sauce left to fill a fancy new bottle I just pour it in the old grenade bottle, I keep this for myself. I think i've come a long ways making hot sauce. I've been making it for years, just for a hobby. It gets better all the time, I think anyway. I used to just grind up raw peppers in the blender with enough vinegar to liquify it, then put it in a pot and bring it to a boil, then pour it into bottles- pulp, seeds, and all. I used recycled hot sauce, worcestershire sauce, and little wine bottles to put it in. Now I order new bottles to put it in. I cook the peppers down almost to a mush in the crock pot with vinegar, sea salt, and garlic, then we stick the hand blender thing in there and liquify it, adding more vinegar if needed. Then we strain it before we bottle it, makes a much better sauce I think. I've done about 3 dozen bottles so far, i'm going to make more as soon as more cayennes turn red. I also filled in about 6 holes in the back yard yesterday. The two underneath the back porch were the biggest ones. I have an idea how they got there, but I have no proof.
  12. Thanks Vlad, this lady was driving the orange Big Horn!
  13. Yep, like Charlie Tackaberry. He drove that International hauling a Dodge Bighorn down from Canada. Got there Friday, unloaded, then everything was pretty much over with. Long ways to come to get rained out.
  14. We were planning to go to the Dying Breed Diesels Family Reunion in Columbiana, Oh. this weekend but we called and cancelled our motel reservation. The show was only for Saturday afternoon, but we thought it would be a nice drive across the mountains in the fall. But, again, they're saying there's a 100% chance of rain Saturday so we called it off.
  15. Yessir, there were several trucks there this year that I hadn't seen before. Quite a few actually, but overall I think it was the fewest trucks i've seen there. I think I said the same thing last year, but this year I'll blame the weather. There was a 90% chance of rain on Saturday and it did. A lot of trucks were leaving Friday afternoon. We went Saturday morning for just a few minutes and probably half the trucks were already gone.
  16. holy mackle! On the last truck I drove with air wipers, a '77 F model, I would disconnect the air line going into the motor and pour some air tool oil in it periodically, like you put in an impact wrench. That seemed to help them.
  17. Finally!..about time, but i've been busier than a 3 legged cat covering up doo-doo. Busier than a 1 legged man in an ass kicking contest. Busier than- well, you get the idea. Y'all know the deal- just click on the picture for more exciting photos.
  18. I already had visions of rolling into the Hellertown Truck Stop in that unit.
  19. I was all excited when I saw this truck in the "for sale" lot in Macungie. I thought I'd found the truck I was looking for, a GMC with a 2 stroke Detroit , 6V-53 with a 5 speed and 2 speed rear. Unfortunately, it was just parked there in the unloading area until they parked it on the show grounds.
  20. When I drove that T660 with the PACCAR engine it went through 2 turbos after it got backed into on the ramp in Pa. that time. The turbo was $6,000 for that engine, but the warranty covered them. Took 2 failures for them to figure out that the pipe in the grill had a hairline crack in it from when the guy backed into me.
  21. Well, I would have, but I just didn't have time.
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