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Thoughts from a friend I'll share:


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Over the years I've often tried to explain to female friends just how bad the pain is for a man who gets a bad kick or hit in his testicles. It’s a bowel clenching, jaw dropping moment of agony that only another man who has been through it can understand. Funny enough are the responses from female friends which are fairly predictable; something like .."Pain huh, you want to go through childbirth to know what real pain is like". Now, while I appreciate that it probably stings a bit, it’s amazing how so many women a year or so after giving birth declare that it would be lovely to have another baby and add to the family. And yet, I don't know a man on Earth, a year or so after his "event" declaring.. "You know what? I really fancy another good kick in the bollocks".


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Dog.jpg.487f03da076af0150d2376dbd16843ed.jpgPlodding along with no job nor practical application for my existence, but still trying to fix what's broke.



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thats a good one have never thought about it but most women get some kind of numbing meds for child birth if we got a spinal block we might not mind a kick in the nuts but ive never had one so i dont want another kick ever

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In second or third grade my best friend at the time was a girl that lived near me. At recess at school one day every body was wrestling and rough housing in the school yard. We were all claming to be the toughest, strongest, bestest playground wrastlers when my friend Tiffany came over to the group of us. She said her mom showed her how she can stop any boy. Us being friends made me the guinea pig for her presentation. She faced me and grabbed me firmly by the shoulders, jerked me toward her and shoved her knee so far into my groin I thought I would never recover. I got to spend the remainder of the day laying down in the nurses office because I was in agony and woozy.

The problems we face today exist because the people who work for a living are outnumbered by the people who vote for a living.

The government can only "give" someone what they first take from another.

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In second or third grade my best friend at the time was a girl that lived near me. At recess at school one day every body was wrestling and rough housing in the school yard. We were all claming to be the toughest, strongest, bestest playground wrastlers when my friend Tiffany came over to the group of us. She said her mom showed her how she can stop any boy. Us being friends made me the guinea pig for her presentation. She faced me and grabbed me firmly by the shoulders, jerked me toward her and shoved her knee so far into my groin I thought I would never recover. I got to spend the remainder of the day laying down in the nurses office because I was in agony and woozy.

Did she continue to be your best friend?


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Over the years I've often tried to explain to female friends just how bad the pain is for a man who gets a bad kick or hit in his testicles. It's a bowel clenching, jaw dropping moment of agony that only another man who has been through it can understand. Funny enough are the responses from female friends which are fairly predictable; something like .."Pain huh, you want to go through childbirth to know what real pain is like". Now, while I appreciate that it probably stings a bit, it's amazing how so many women a year or so after giving birth declare that it would be lovely to have another baby and add to the family. And yet, I don't know a man on Earth, a year or so after his "event" declaring.. "You know what? I really fancy another good kick in the bollocks".


I've always thought pretty much the same thing, Uncle Rob. Especially the other day when my buddies and I were skrewing around and my buddy's fist ended up where I didn't want it.


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no, that was a deal breaker.

Never taught her the deal about "kiss, and make up" eh?


Dog.jpg.487f03da076af0150d2376dbd16843ed.jpgPlodding along with no job nor practical application for my existence, but still trying to fix what's broke.



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When I was a kid it seems I was always doing something that would end with me slipping and landing on my balls. Not just the usual stuff like on the steel equipment at the school playground or slipping off the front of the bicycle seat, either. I could fall forward and while most kids would get scrapes on their knees and forehead, my crotch would somehow hit the ground first. I was in constant pain from one mishap or another from age 6 until around 12 and never thought anything of it.

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When I was a kid it seems I was always doing something that would end with me slipping and landing on my balls. Not just the usual stuff like on the steel equipment at the school playground or slipping off the front of the bicycle seat, either. I could fall forward and while most kids would get scrapes on their knees and forehead, my crotch would somehow hit the ground first. I was in constant pain from one mishap or another from age 6 until around 12 and never thought anything of it.

Hhmmmm, that's intresting.


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