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Almost, but not quite 2.25 hours from start of the job till on the floor with the old. Will swap parts over on Friday when back in town and slip replacement in.

The old trans is a T2100, the new T2090. Need to swap the output yoke and a couple u-joints in the driveline. Should go easy. Certainly is nice having the right tools for the job.

Had one minor setback in the job. When I was removing the right side tank, the bottom stuck to the straps and put a couple gallons of fuel on the floor before I got the tank stood on end. It is rotted terrible. My floor drain is right there so no problem as it will hit the oil/water separator before discharge. Shop smells like diesel fuel pretty strong right not however.







Dog.jpg.487f03da076af0150d2376dbd16843ed.jpgPlodding along with no job nor practical application for my existence, but still trying to fix what's broke.



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Is the white one listed in your roster? Looking at the interior I would think it was newer than an '80.

Cats are cool, I don't know why some people hate them.

That is/was my truck and is a 1988 Model. The gent passed away that gave me the B67, and left me this truck in his will. His daughter is keeping the farming operation going and they have three aluminum end dump trailers so I let them have it back. Kinda of a nice little deal. I have use of the truck and a trailer at will, do all the work and maintenance, and they pay for repairs including this transmission swap. The T2100 ten speed was severely mismatched for the job so I came up with, (after help from this site) the decision to install a "ReMack" T2090 trans. This should make it more suitable for field and road work as the orginal trans just didn't have enough reduction in the low gears when heavy. The mainshaft is twisted in the ten speed but not bad and I'll replace it with a used one I have.

The cat is "Mouser 1". He continues to earn his keep.


Dog.jpg.487f03da076af0150d2376dbd16843ed.jpgPlodding along with no job nor practical application for my existence, but still trying to fix what's broke.



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That is/was my truck and is a 1988 Model. The gent passed away that gave me the B67, and left me this truck in his will. His daughter is keeping the farming operation going and they have three aluminum end dump trailers so I let them have it back. Kinda of a nice little deal. I have use of the truck and a trailer at will, do all the work and maintenance, and they pay for repairs including this transmission swap. The T2100 ten speed was severely mismatched for the job so I came up with, (after help from this site) the decision to install a "ReMack" T2090 trans. This should make it more suitable for field and road work as the orginal trans just didn't have enough reduction in the low gears when heavy. The mainshaft is twisted in the ten speed but not bad and I'll replace it with a used one I have.

That's a great story. I'm sure he's looking down and smiling at the way things have turned out.

Fuller Roadranger 9 and 10 speeds are (or at least were) the same way. The 9 direct had a low of about 12.50 while the 10 direct had a low of around 8.50. If you wanted more reduction you had to go with the 15 speed which was a 10 speed with double reduction. (forgive me if you knew this already).

The cat is "Mouser 1". He continues to earn his keep.


He's doing quite a job keeping that tranny balanced on the dolly.


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I have an almost identical shop cat, except mine is missing the last 4 inches of its tail - where the dog ALMOST caught it!

Everyone needs a good shop cat and a big jack

Both the cat, and that 20 ton floor jack have earned their places with me.


Dog.jpg.487f03da076af0150d2376dbd16843ed.jpgPlodding along with no job nor practical application for my existence, but still trying to fix what's broke.



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That's a great story. I'm sure he's looking down and smiling at the way things have turned out. Fuller Roadranger 9 and 10 speeds are (or at least were) the same way. The 9 direct had a low of about 12.50 while the 10 direct had a low of around 8.50. If you wanted more reduction you had to go with the 15 speed which was a 10 speed with double reduction. (forgive me if you knew this already).

No problem. I'm not much of a mechanic, (parts swapper actually) and until David gratiously provided the gear ratios I had no idea which way to go. The T2100 trans is very hard to shift in the lower gears due to binding of of the slider clutches on the splines. It is almost impossible to upshift without using so much force to pull it out of gear you "sail" through the neutral gate and crash into the next set of gears. Lifting the top cover and viewing inside the trans one can see the deformation of the splines on the mainshaft. I paid $20.00 for a used mainshaft so I'll repair the trans and use it in another older two stick truck. This way I can stay "Purebred". Fred, (deceased former owner)'s daughter Elernor, and her fiance' are continuing to keep the operation going and they told me that when a trailer was full of grain, the truck would really "hop" in the fields getting started from a dead stop. I'm certain this is why the mainshaft has suffered.

He's doing quite a job keeping that tranny balanced on the dolly.

I was scared shitless until he stabilized that tranny on the jack for me!!


Dog.jpg.487f03da076af0150d2376dbd16843ed.jpgPlodding along with no job nor practical application for my existence, but still trying to fix what's broke.



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Bernadette is the shop cat queen around here - showed up at our parish and jumped on my shoulder like she wanted to go home with me. Damn thing got grey hair on my suit!

I would not trade her for anything - I have never fed her, she keeps the shop mouse free and when there is no food to be had around the cattle pens, she heads to the wood piles for din-din.

I wish my kids were that easy of keepers.


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Mines just a table.


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 “Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting ‘Holy shit, what a ride!’


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Sorry guys but I HATE cats!!! My dog duke the golden retriever is always around me when I go to my nana and papas. He protects me by sleeping in front of my bedroom door. He always comes in the garage with me and my papa too. Also when the Mack is sittin outside in the summer he goes and lays under it for shade. You know he's a shop dog cause usually when he comes out... Like me... We are covered in greese. My nana tells me not to touch her furniture.


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