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Status Updates posted by mowerman

  1. looks like your might proud of that battery box,lol...lol.bob,did you get my last post?

  2. makin good progress,man,,i had to put doors on mine,,got lucky,found 2 perfect doors off an old UPS cabover,got then for $150 each,,hope you can also get a deal...good luck,bob

  3. man,,,i like your car,,i had a 62 wagon,same color got off original owner 77 th miles,,wish i didnt sell it,guess everone, s sorry they sold something.bob

  4. man,,,that sucker is tough,,,grew up with allota them,,but havent seen one in years

  5. oh,,,looks like your slim and trim like me,lol...see you were out there was wondering how you were doing?im coming along pretty good be back ta work,aug 30,,less something pops up.bob

  6. oh,,,thanks for adding me to friends list,,,that was nice...bob

  7. oh,man aint that a bitch?well guess if its that annoying,,,you can reshoot it,thats what i would have to do..bob

  8. oh,sorry man,,,just noticed your reply,ahrite,im also a yanks fan,but i got a brainstorm,lol.bob

  9. oh,ya,,im sure you pop,is just dazzled lol,,im also fixin on putting a flatbed on my DM,,it was a 12 yard dump truck,,swapped the dump body even for the flat bed,,other guy got the better deal,but he also helped me take it off,,he has a big payloader,,,bob

  10. saw a p17,in an old crime series the other day,,,thought of you right away,or at least i thought it was,double winger bob

  11. sorry,,just noticed the coffee deal,,sounds good,,right now im down,with a slipped disc,been off work since march,,got surgery in 2 weeks,,let you know when i can walk again,,lol...bob

  12. still new at this website,trying to figure it all out

  13. thanks,rob,,,i couldnt even stand for couple minutes,and that was full of pain pills,,will start writing more,in a few more days,when i can situp little longer,thanks,bob

  14. that was very clever,,,babba,beautiful job,,,just saw it on the posted pictures,very nice,,,bob

  15. the surgery went excellant,,,recovering nicely now,,,hard to sit too long,be a few more days,before can spend a little more time on this thing...bob

  16. was just wondering how you made out?...bob

  17. was reading up on that brockway restoration,,been painting vehicles on and off for years didnt realize everything had to be vertical,to match,,that was very helpful

  18. was wondering if you guys happen to see that U model truck paper few weeks ago,,was $7500,but looked perfect,low mileage,new tires

  19. was wondering if you new anyone with directions to DM800 model,,,i have model,no instruction sheet.was hoping someone put one together,and saved the box,,,thanks bob

  20. was wondering if you wre a yankees fan?bob

  21. was wondering what happened to ya,,,had,ntheard anything in a while.bob

  22. was wondering what happened to ya,,havent heard anything???happy friday...bob

  23. wasnt sure,if you had the right page,this is mowerman,with a DM600..bob

  24. welcome aboard,,,lotsa good info here.bob

    1. mowerman


      might take you a while to figure it all out..bob

  25. well appreciate the heads up.lol,that is hilarious..i had two look twice..have a splendid weekend,my freind...bob

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