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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by GearheadGrrrl

  1. Again, ownership is all over the world. If you look at Navistar, I wouldn't be surprised if MAN has some say in the running of the company, given that they supplied the designs for Navistar's 11 and 13 liter engines. Looking at Paccar, they bought DAF from the Dutch government IIRC and with DAF came British Leyland and they bought Foden too. No doubt many shares of Paccar stock were used to make those acquisitions and those shares may still be in Dutch and British ownership. Fact is, these are stock companies with world wide operations, and anyone in the world can buy the stocks and they can source their boards from anywhere in the world. Thus there are really no big truck manufacturers left that any country can exclusively claim ownership of. And if you think the Paccar products are "all american", go to www.paccar.com and click on the "DAF" logo!
  2. BTW, none of the truck makers are "American" companies- Anyone in the world can buy stock in Navistar, Volvo, Daimler, or Paccar. I'm an American and I own stock in Volvo, for example...
  3. Actually the Cat is a junk International, Volvo couldn't screw up a truck that bad if they tried!
  4. Obama will be re-elected. Grow up and deal with it.
  5. You guys forget that your not the majority anymore... Not everyone is male, rural, straight, white, old, and bitter!
  6. If Navistar hadn't dumped Cummins, they'd have an option to keep them in business...
  7. What color is the sun in your world? And do you realize that your radio and TV can receive other stations besides Faux News and the one Rush et al are on?
  8. I don't know if your up on this, but the most homophobic people tend to be the most aroused by gay porn!
  9. Good to see the Titan sleeper finally make it into production! Should be just the thing for 400 mile across South Dakota with no maximum weight limits...
  10. Guys, let's face facts- the republicans had the economy in a slide into the deep ditch called depression when Obama took the wheel. Obama steered us away from the precipice and is getting the nation back on the paved road and up to speed again. Give Obama another term and we'll have full employment and you'll all be so busy you won't have time to whine about Obama.
  11. BTW, the Teamster's endorsement is decided by a poll of the membership... So if your Teamster Bros ain't supportin' Obama, they're in the minority!
  12. Barack's been in office over three years and he still ain't red tagged any trucks or grabbed any guns... Get over it!
  13. This Teamster will be supportin' Barack- He done good for us!
  14. 350 Mack horses are plenty. I've driven 355/380 Maxicruise E7s that would pull 3% grades in top gear, quite a change from when I used to crawl up them at 30 MPH with Cummins or Detroit power.
  15. Is that the boxy cab they used on the last Travelalls or the more rounded cab from the Loadstar? If it's the boxy cab my neighbor's got one laying around here in southwest Minnesota.
  16. Just got back from an awesome press event, full story at www.GearheadGrrrl.com
  17. Right on the swing clearance- you won't be able to slide the 5th wheel forward as far as you could before.
  18. I wrote about it in my blog last week. I wouldn't lose too much sleep over it- I don't think they had one at MATS and for all I know it only exists on computer screens... a "vaporware" truck. Should be interesting to see if Navistar can figure out how to weld stainless. None the less, good to see Navistar trying (and probably failing) to catch up with the 35 year old MR!
  19. Every manufacturer is experiencing parts shortages- Freightliner recently said they would have built more trucks last year if they could have gotten the parts from suppliers.
  20. Having driven a lot of hours (but not that many miles) in MRs, I love to see them dressed up like that!
  21. Picture taken just before the bulldogs chased it off...
  22. Mack "seeded" at least one CH prototype with common carrier Advance-United back in the mid 80s. My first impression was that it looked like a Renault design...
  23. He has some good points- I'm a democrat too and pretty much agree with him.
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