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Everything posted by Barry

  1. If your username changed during the site upgrade, you can now change it back to your old display name or choose a new name! Because this can confuse everyone, we have allowed only 1 name change so choose wisely! If you make a mistake, PM me and I can fix it! Here is how to change your display name: 1. Click on your current display name on the top right side of the forum and then select ACCOUNT SETTINGS from the drop down menu. 2. Click on the tab that says DISPLAY NAME 3. Enter your desired username and click SAVE when your done! I can't make it any easier, LOL!
  2. Barry


    The old IPB system used a crazy system of usernames AND display names. When they went to version 4, they did away with the usernames and kept display names so if you had a different name before, PM me and I will change it for you! The system used now is a lot better! We also lost some stuff like the Dealer forum but I will have a sign up form for it again real soon! It's a hurdle but things will be a lot better for the future!
  3. I know...I used the logo in the header but that doesn't mean I like it...lol Sent from my LG-G4 using Tapatalk...
  4. There is also a darker theme coming soon! It will be in the theme changer in a couple days...
  5. OK guys, I have been working on a new theme that incorporates some Mack imagery and is a little more fetching than the dull IPB default theme. Without further ado, I introduce you to...Flux! I still have some work to do but it should be functional! I hope you guys like it...I've been working on it for 3 day! I will also be releasing a darker version for those of you that don't like the fresh, bright look! That theme will be coming in a few more days. Sorry guys, I know you don't like change but this was needed in order to keep the forums safe from hackers! Look at the bright side...we are now
  6. 'Mark Read' is at the top right also...
  7. Now come on...you know that would never happen! I'm looking for a new theme now so it don't look Volvo'esque!
  8. Pictures and signatures will be back soon...the forum is still updating in the background. I'll be working on some better themes tomorrow! Don't worry guys, we will get this bad boy back to normal soon!
  9. Barry


    Sorry guys...didn't have any time for warnings, we had a potential hack and I couldn't gett he code out without upgrading to the latest forum software. I tried to hold out as long as I could but this change was inevitable! Post pics and signatures should come back soon...the forum is actually still updating in the background. It will take a little while so it doesn't crash the server. Don't worry, we will get through this, LOL! It's not thaaaaaat bad!
  10. I'm learning as well! This new software is kind of cool but it is a learning curve! Try UNREAD CONTENT top right...I see some other options once you click that...
  11. Sorry guys, we had a few issues piling up from the software being a little out of date so we went ahead and upgraded to the new IPB4 software! I know it is a bit different than the old software but it is safe, secure and should be a helluva lot faster! It might be a few days until I get all the old features working again! Post here if you notice anything missing that I didn't catch!
  12. Thanks guys...I'm huddled indoors trying to stay warm! Sent from my LG-G4 using Tapatalk...
  13. They are from the same molds that we used to sell...another caster purchased them and took over production. The quality is better than the previous caster! Much better!
  14. http://www.wattstruckcenter.com/store/index.php?route=product/category&path=59_67 Hey guys, just a quick note to let everyone know that we have most of the B-Model chrome hood emblems back in stock! B61 B81 MACK Script Half Dogs (sold as pairs) Thermodyne Diesel I can get several other B numbers as well but it may take a week or 2 to get them in. Quality looks great! The emblems are made and chromed under the same roof now! Thermodyne and diesel emblems should still be fitted before final paint!!
  15. Merry Mackmas everyone! I hope everyone has a safe and happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year!
  16. Hubcaps are on sale today...$62.50 each!! http://www.wattstruckcenter.com/store/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=112&search=hubcap
  17. Thanks guys! Appreciate the support! Makes me look good to the bosses!
  18. Hub Cap BOGO is on! Today only! http://conta.cc/1NZztPa
  19. http://www.wattstruckcenter.com/12-days-christmas/ Be sure to register for the prize give-a-ways from the link above!
  20. Not on this calendar...I would need to do an entire new calendar with different sourcing to make this happen. Not sure if I can swing it this year but I like the idea and will do something for the Benefactors definitely for next year. Not saying it couldn't happen this year...just a strong likelihood that it will be next year! The end of this year is already stacked up with stuff to do including the 12 Days of Christmas event that I am currently working on graphics for. I did come across this from Lulu...just posted yesterday: http://email.lulu.com/public/?q=preview_message&fn=Link&t=1&ssid=13620&id=h235oyt0pgmjqzcxyx1ozug2bdpki&id2=78w4pgszmzj8mb654ikkrk5wh29ed&subscriber_id=akxzskghzsqshqrrglmivsecofhfbim&delivery_id=aufzxzoczvtqthefmlhywolamsyibhm&messageversion_id=besmegqgrleurwaxrzbbktoyrhntbpd&tid=3.NTQ.CFKEQg.HME4.A_1Bnw..BTu1fg.b..s.AYxu.b.Vjbt0A.Vjbt0A.VYS63A Free shipping! Unfortunately, it is not retroactive to those that purchased already. Sorry, this comes from Lulu, not us...LOL!
  21. We are building an Email list to use with Constant Contact Email Service. The emails will be parts, sales and service specials, discontinued and clearance item specials, new product announcements and any other TRUCK ONLY related topics. We will not sell, give or exchange your email addresses with anyone else! Emails from use will be periodic so you won't get them every freakin day like some other places do, LOL! There will be specials for old truck parts as well!! Sign up here: http://www.wattstruckcenter.com/mailing-list/ Thanks! Barry
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