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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by grayhair

  1. Here some interesting immigration history. In the attached, on Page 2, see the "Oath of Allegiance" that passengers on ships to the new world colonies had to sign - an Oath of Allegiance to King George. I believe my ancestors had nothing to lose and therefore gladly signed the pledge. Note the names of the ships and the passengers. Maybe you can find one of your relatives too... Rotterdam ship Pallas 1763.docx
  2. I dunno, I think maybe here in the U.S we need a couple of new federal regulations, such as; * In addition to mercaptan, all natural gas sold in the U.S. shall contain not less than 1 ppm swine blood vapor. (That will solve the large-scale commercial bakery thing since their ovens are gas fired.) * All fertilizers and insecticides used in in crop dusting applications shall contain not less than 1 ppm swine blood extract. (That will take care of the wheat and produce foodstuffs.) * All semi trailers shall be marked to provide notice that said truck/trailer combination may have been previously used for swine products transport despite any statements or certifications to the contrary.. From there I see the problem pretty much going away on its own.
  3. I posted this last year but here it is again for those who may have missed it. Nice to show to youngsters who may have never seen reindeer and polar bears and the northern lights. Note: You need to hit "Enter" one time to start the slide show. It will advance automatically after that until it reaches the end. Enjoy. Laponsko.pps
  4. Yes, and later on June Cleaver (Barbara Billingsley) learned to speak jive...
  5. One can only hope. What a massive waste of money. One of the original goals of DOE was a better grid and energy Independence. Maybe Rick Perry can also do away with the Rural Electrification Act (1936) which has long since served its original purpose. Talk about the need for a giant RIF (reduction in force as it was known to employees of Jack Welch.)
  6. Raised in the Philadelphia, PA, projects, Ernest Evans went on to musical fame, known as Chubby Checker. Here is an interesting video montage put to his most famous recording.
  7. Sadly, Harold passed away several years ago, 2/2014 A huge talent, actor, director, writer. If interested you can find his info on Wikipedia. A staggering list of accomplishments, almost unbelievable for one man. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GDkVjsSSDbg (watch this one first) (then this one) https://www.youtube.com/watch?list=RDGDkVjsSSDbg&v=XJqlfMP-klM
  8. Gentlemen, I knew you would want to see this setup
  9. I think we could properly be criticizing once he actually takes office and does something in an official capacity. IMO
  10. Hey, no problemo. Thanks for being the go-to guy, undertaking this task!
  11. I think the data entry form has been corrupted. Some fields like model and year wont accept digits entry. Or maybe its just me.
  12. Probably but, no, got enough projects already.
  13. Noticed this on CL, no connection https://dallas.craigslist.org/dal/hvo/5901139835.html
  14. http://www.infowars.com/report-hillary-became-physically-violent-after-she-realized-she-had-lost-the-election/
  15. On January 10, 2012, Hostess Brands filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy for the second time. In its filing, the company said it "is not competitive, primarily due to legacy pension and medical benefit obligations and restrictive work rules". According to Hostess, it employed 19,000 people and was more than $860 million in debt. The company said it would continue to operate with $75 million of debtor-in-possession financing from Monarch Alternative Capital, Silver Point Capital and other investors.[5]
  16. Old white clinker here checking in. Pretty snotty comments. Particularly considering your beloved broken-ass Teamsters Central States Pension Fund won't be able to pay you squat unless U.S. taxpayers decide to take pity and bail it out.
  17. I am in favor of deporting all West Coast Democrats.
  18. I think it is pretty clear. Trump did win the majority vote of the people who work for a living. If you subtract out the millennial basement dwellers... So we get it, you don't like that Trump won, you don't trust him, you are quite sure 60+ million of us were duped, and you secretly hope he fails so you can "tell us so." Got it. And the several few of you don't like the function of the electoral college when things don't go the way you think they should have. Got it.
  19. The Tax Policy Center is hardly impartial, but rather a political tool of the left wing liberals. And the Financial Times article is long on opinion and conjecture and a bit short on real facts. Just what I'd expect from them. And frankly, I am proud to have voted for someone that Buffett dislikes. I'm sure there are millions of us working stiffs out here in fly-over country that are tired of being told we must vote for either the Bush dynasty or the Clinton dynasty.
  20. I see this as a real win for the working man and his family. If the Donald can follow through on some of his initiatives. Can you visualize what it means if: School choice for poor inner city families that want their kids to get a good education just like suburbanite kids. Corporate tax structure that encourages relocation to the U.S. and repatriation of trillions of dollars. Insurance companies able to compete across state lines. Fix the veterans administration and the EPA. Reduce foreign aid to countries that hate us. Begin to deport foreign illegal criminals / cut federal aid to sanctuary cities. He's gonna need some really big pipes to drain the swamp that Washington has become.
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