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Luckiest Dumba$$ on the planet!


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In all fairness I've had no issues with state troopers, I've had speeding tickets in both Ohio an PA and the troopers were cordial in both circumstances. The PA trooper even bumped my speed down 6 mph to keep me out of more serious trouble (I was clocked at 71 in a 55 :pat: )

It was with locals and a few DOT officers that I've had issues.

For me, its the state cops that are the pricks. The county cops are generally easy going...

When approaching a 4-way stop, the vehicle with the biggest tires has the right of way!
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My parking brakes apply on all 4 drives....and they flat-out hold. Even loaded to 80,000 pounds and parked on a hill, my truck won't roll. If I tried moving the truck with the parking brakes applied, I'd either stall the engine or break some part of the drive line.

...now if the spring brakes didn't hold all that well, it would be a possibility...but if that were the case, I'd be looking into WHY they don't hold all that well. When I set the brakes & walk away, I don't want to worry about whether or not the truck is going to stay put.

you can left foot the brake pedal too, I could always overpower the spring brakes and it stayed on hills, the key is an 1810 driveline in good shape and some LOW gears to get the torque multiplication needed to slip em.

"Any Society that would give up a little LIBERTY to gain a little SECURITY will Deserve Neither and LOSE BOTH" -Benjamin Franklin

"If your gonna be STUPID, you gotta be TOUGH"

"You cant always get what you want, but if you try sometimes you get what you need"

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Nice story, red Superliner looks especially attractive with snow background.

Glad to know you got out safe.

We here like to make snow driving and a New Year holiday time also. But I prefere a forest and off-road vehicles.

That yellow tracktor in the movie has V12. But that guy forced the river not for enjoy but for a work. I suppose.

Никогда не бывает слишком много грузовиков! leversole 11.2012

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you can left foot the brake pedal too, I could always overpower the spring brakes and it stayed on hills, the key is an 1810 driveline in good shape and some LOW gears to get the torque multiplication needed to slip em.

I usually do try to use the service brakes....unfortunately they apply on the steer & trailer axles, too...seems like it would be counterproductive adding stopping force to 6 non-driving wheels in the effort to get those 2 non-spinning drive wheels to start spinning, but sometimes all you've got to do is get the non-spinning drive wheels to start turning and they'll keep turning...

When approaching a 4-way stop, the vehicle with the biggest tires has the right of way!
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I usually do try to use the service brakes....unfortunately they apply on the steer & trailer axles, too...seems like it would be counterproductive adding stopping force to 6 non-driving wheels in the effort to get those 2 non-spinning drive wheels to start spinning, but sometimes all you've got to do is get the non-spinning drive wheels to start turning and they'll keep turning...

left foot braking for traction doesn't work well with a trailer but if your spinning on soft or slick ground and it gets the drives to bite it helps.

"Any Society that would give up a little LIBERTY to gain a little SECURITY will Deserve Neither and LOSE BOTH" -Benjamin Franklin

"If your gonna be STUPID, you gotta be TOUGH"

"You cant always get what you want, but if you try sometimes you get what you need"

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1st winter I had my rs700 I almost hit a car at a stop light. Was on my way back bobtailing from having rear pads and bushings done. A dusting of about 1/4" of snow was falling. Got off the 55mph roads and onto the 40mph back roads as traction was poor on all roads. I was coming up on a intersection that had been green for a while. Slowed down to about 25-30 mph, got about 300' from the light and it went yellow. I lightly touched the brakes and all 4 rear corners locked killed engine, Let off the brakes pushed in clutch to let them roll and tried agan, the wheels locked again. Seamed like i went faster when on the brakes...Restarted truck jammed it into 4th and let out the clutch, truck started to slow but i was going to stop somewhere in the middle of the intersection. Luckly the side of the road was gravel so i brought the trucks right side to the shoulder and got some traction in the gravel. The truck skidded thru 30' of the gravel then back on pavement where it stopped over the line as a car was crossing thru. i had just a few feet of space untill i was in his lane. If I did not find that gravel it would have been bad news for me. I Had new tires on the whole truck but my truck has No front brakes. That's my dumb ass story of my trucking life...

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1st winter I had my rs700 I almost hit a car at a stop light. Was on my way back bobtailing from having rear pads and bushings done. A dusting of about 1/4" of snow was falling. Got off the 55mph roads and onto the 40mph back roads as traction was poor on all roads. I was coming up on a intersection that had been green for a while. Slowed down to about 25-30 mph, got about 300' from the light and it went yellow. I lightly touched the brakes and all 4 rear corners locked killed engine, Let off the brakes pushed in clutch to let them roll and tried agan, the wheels locked again. Seamed like i went faster when on the brakes...Restarted truck jammed it into 4th and let out the clutch, truck started to slow but i was going to stop somewhere in the middle of the intersection. Luckly the side of the road was gravel so i brought the trucks right side to the shoulder and got some traction in the gravel. The truck skidded thru 30' of the gravel then back on pavement where it stopped over the line as a car was crossing thru. i had just a few feet of space untill i was in his lane. If I did not find that gravel it would have been bad news for me. I Had new tires on the whole truck but my truck has No front brakes. That's my dumb ass story of my trucking life...

Thats an ass pukering feeling when you hit the brakes and it starts going sideways. Few weeks ago we where stayed in Raton,Nm night before a big storm came in. Also got down to -1 had to idle the truck in the motel lot. not happy. Left the next morning roads where alright not great but not horrible. I was light on the drives the way I had to scale had alot on the lift axle and steer. light on the trailer. pulled all the mountains great not 1 spin or anything. Got just south of Santa Fe and it got interesting. Some jack ass got on the highway and into the left lane. (now mind you I am not having any traction problems) I hit the brakes to start slowing down and truck is slowing but not like it should. I am getting on them harder and harder. Then I feel the truck getting pulled towards the median. Let off snap back straight and hit the brakes again with the Jake. Caught something in the mirror that time. since I was leaning left with the crown the trailer shot into the median. I got an 844 Deere on. Let off the brakes and the guy in front of me decided he didn't want to be out front anymore and got back over. Shot by him never slowed down and must of been 5 miles I was out of all of it then west bound towards Arizona.

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I've got several "almost had the big one" in snow and ice stories. Been stuck a couple of times, never really almost had the "big one" but once though, that was in Wyoming a few years ago when I had to pass a car on the right- on the shoulder. Ran through a snow storm, road was about as slick as i've ever seen-ice on the bottom,snow on top. Cars in the ditch and the median. I was easing along making good progress when I came over a little hill and saw a car near the bottom just barely moving. Another truck was coming up on me in the left lane- i'd look at the car,look in the mirror...look at the car,look in the mirror. I knew if I touched the brakes it was all over, I was going to jack knife- it was that slick. When I realized that the other truck wasn't going to get by me before I hit the car I just hit the shoulder and passed between the car and the guard rail. I had decided to quit smoking a while before that trip, but after that incident I stopped at the next truckstop and got 2 packs of Marlboros.

Producer of poorly photo-chopped pictures since 1999.

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January 2nd 2001, My first trip driving the race hauler ant the new job. Was heading south on I-65. Was 8pm and was about 20 deg out with fog, I was don't about 45-50 mph due to poor visibility came around a bend in the hi way to see there was a cop car in the median, with lights going,about a 1/2 mile away. The roadway decended into a valley with a bridge at the bottom. I was in the right lane and a car was passing me in the left. We got about a 1/4 mile from the cop when I see the car that was passing me just start to rotate and now I'm looking at his head lights. I grabbed the brakes and the truck just went quiet,rpm needle went to 0, drives locked up ,im on ice! I pushed in clutch and took it out of gear. That car spun out infront of me and ended in the right side ditch. As I was passing the cop I saw about 3 other cars in the ditch and against the wall of the bridge. I made it passed safely. But for about 20 seconds all I could hear was the wind and my hart racing. First day on the job and almost wrecked a 2million dollar rig.... But I do give myself credit in all my time driving trucks or cars I have not hit anything.

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That's one advantage I've got....I can drive on the slick stuff without much difficulty. I learned to drive in Chicago during the winter in a little rear wheel drive Ford Ranger. I was prohibited from doing donuts....so I improvised. Personally, donuts never really seemed all that interesting. I'd rather drift around corners, make right turns by turning left, left turns by turning right, and get the vehicle to spin around precisely as far as I needed it to, then steer it out of the spin and proceed (albeit a little slideways) in the direction I wanted to go. I learned how to get that truck to do exactly what I wanted it to do, when I wanted it to do it. I've been cruising down a curvy 2 lane road at 50 mph on snowpack and kicked it out to full lock....feathering the throttle....more gas pushes the rear out, a little less brings it in again....as long as the front tires are pointed where I want to go, it doesn't matter WHAT the rear end is doing. It's all about keeping calm and being smooth and deliberate with any inputs to the steering wheel, throttle, and brakes.

Hell, I've even taken my motorcycle out to play in the snow & ice before....

Then I started driving tractor trailers. I can still drift the tractor around a curve...and I've had the trailer start to come around, too.....just got to keep your head on a swivel and know what is around you, what each part of your vehicle is doing. Personally, I LOVE driving in "adverse" conditions. Any idiot with half a brain can keep a truck between the ditches on the big road on a clear summer day. Takes skills to run narrow little hilly twisty curvy fun roads that are covered in snow & ice when the wind is blowing and the sun ain't up yet.

When approaching a 4-way stop, the vehicle with the biggest tires has the right of way!
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