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Added a B42 to the collection

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I've been looking for a dump truck for a while now but nothing decent seemed to be showing up in my price range. About a week ago I was out tinkering on my A40, one thing kinda led to another and I ended up looking at the trucks on oldmacks. When I saw this B I thought about it for a couple days then decided I had to find out more about it. A couple emails later and I was in the car heading down to see it in person yesterday, once I heard her run I knew this was the truck for me.


She's had a little work done under the hood, the gas job has been replaced with a end673p. She fired right up and ran like a champ. Has maxi brakes with close to new shoes on the rears and i didn't notice any substantial air leaks. After I replace a few lights she should be road worthy.

Had a great time talking to Dennis and checking out his trucks. I also managed to sell my A, wasn't sure that I wanted to last week but the more I thought about it I would never be able to get the a road worthy so it was time to let her go and focus on one good truck. The B should be coming home next week some time, I can't wait to get her here and really take her out for a ride

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I've been looking for a dump truck for a while now but nothing decent seemed to be showing up in my price range. About a week ago I was out tinkering on my A40, one thing kinda led to another and I ended up looking at the trucks on oldmacks. When I saw this B I thought about it for a couple days then decided I had to find out more about it. A couple emails later and I was in the car heading down to see it in person yesterday, once I heard her run I knew this was the truck for me.


She's had a little work done under the hood, the gas job has been replaced with a end673p. She fired right up and ran like a champ. Has maxi brakes with close to new shoes on the rears and i didn't notice any substantial air leaks. After I replace a few lights she should be road worthy.

Had a great time talking to Dennis and checking out his trucks. I also managed to sell my A, wasn't sure that I wanted to last week but the more I thought about it I would never be able to get the a road worthy so it was time to let her go and focus on one good truck. The B should be coming home next week some time, I can't wait to get her here and really take her out for a ride

Great story. It really is a good feeling when something just "feels right".

Good luck with it. Nice looking little truck.


Dog.jpg.487f03da076af0150d2376dbd16843ed.jpgPlodding along with no job nor practical application for my existence, but still trying to fix what's broke.



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Im planning on buffing out the paint and repainting the areas that are bad, but thats a year or 2 down the road, For right now I'm going to replace the tail lights and marker lights on the box with new LED lights, I know not original but neither is the engine and I'm looking for reliability and LED's seem to hold up well. The cab markes will stay original, those are just to classic to mess with, I'm also going to add trailer wirring to the back and an electric brake contorller. Down the road I'll plum air to the back too but since I dont have a trailer with air brakes yet thats kinda low on the list.

I'm a little sad about the A leaving, thats one of the trucks me and my grandpa draged home before he passed away but she was a long long way from being road worthy and I really hated to see it just sitting rotting away. It did make a nice site truck but I cant justify keeping it when I only run it once a year and I'll be able to actually drive this B down the road.


The interior was also real clean, I dont think this truck saw a whole lot of salt in its day. Seems like everything close to me (upstate NY) is a rotted out flinstone special. I was figuring on ending up with a late 70's chevy or gmc but a C-50 would never hold a candle to a B mack :SMOKIE-RT: One things for sure when I get this truck on the road it should really turn some heads, my only problem is going to be choosing whether to tak this truck to a truck show or my 56 ford fire engine.... might have to recruit dad to drive one and have us a convoy :loldude:

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