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Well, Sh.......oot!

other dog

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I got up at midnight last night, drank 2 pots of coffee, prepped a turkey and had it smoking by 3am, cooked sweet potatoes and made 3 pies, cooked a ham, (well, ok,the instructions said to cook it for 12-15 minutes per pound but it was already cooked, just had to heat it up all the way through I think), and got them giblet things boiling now. Then I did some important research on the internet just as a public service.

My son and his wife were coming over today, but they changed his schedule- he works at the Wal-Mart store in Appomattox- so he can't come until tomorrow. OK, can't help that. Jo's son and his girlfriend were coming over too but they just called and said they couldn't make it either. They invited themselves, as usual- he just rubs me the wrong way, but it's her son. 40 years old by the way. Makes me want to lock the door and leave in the morning to go see Mom and Dad.

Was going to do that tomorrow anyway, but put it off until Saturday when Morgan said he couldn't come until tomorrow.

My Daddy just turned 80 last week.

Hope every one has a wonderful Thanksgiving, I am so far, and thanks for Barry and BMT, and thanks for an outlet to vent, I feel much better.

Producer of poorly photo-chopped pictures since 1999.

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My thanksgiving plans all got changed as well. My wife always does the whole shin-dig, but this year she is pregnant with our sixth kid so my sister next door took over the duties. The food was edible, but nothing like my sweet momma makes. The good thing was we did not have to clean up and we left as soon as the annoying outlaw/inlaws started to dominate the conversation.

I had more free time and I got to go home and feed my cows. They were so thankfull, when I got done they made me a pie - if you were here, I would give you a slice - see last photo.




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I got up just before 5 a.m., started doing that since my surgery, threw on the cloths to go for a walk. Passed by the Hardy's, thought I might want a sausage and bisquit but kept on going passed. Then the idea to go to the Cracker Barrel was even a better idea, just on the oppisite side of the interstate, I-65 North. WOW, not but a few cars there, so I wheel the truck in the parking lot. Not going to pass up a chance to go to Cracker Barrel. It is just a few minutes before 7 A.M. so into the lobby I went. GREAT......i'm the first person to sit down. Another WOW.......the fire is going in the fireplace. Man I feel like a KING. I ordered a Country Breakfast with all the good for the heart stuff. So now i'm off again, think i'll go over to the park and walk. As i'm driving by the park, looks like the park is closed. Well I go back home and now the sun is shining bright. So I decide to go for a motorcycle ride in the countryside. Rode about 40 miles on the GoldWing since I have not riden this bike since june, because of the surgery. Had to fill it up with 89 octane since it sat all this summer on a quarter of a tank. Got back home about 11a.m. and fooled around until 2 p.m. and got ready to go see my mom at the old folks home. I sat around in her room and she and I found a word puzzle game for her and I to play. I went with her down the hall to do her therapy and sat. Then we were invited to play a Wii game with other inmates. LOL........I left her at dark here about 4:30 p.m. and now have gotten to my g/f's house and finally got leftover Thanksgiving dinner from her wonderfullllllllll brothers home. ( He thinks his farts don't stink ). I guess I should be thankful that I still have some place to go instead of just my house. Nooooo I don't go to her brothers anymore.....OKKKKK!............ I hope all of you had a GREAT THANKSGIVING DAY!!!!!


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We uns all had a good Thanksgiving too, lots to be thankful for, had way too much food, whole buncha visiting went on, I prolly ruint my muscular boyish figure. Its just really great to live in a country like ours, we just dont realize how good we really have it. God bless the USA,,,,,randyp

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My cows don't want to have anything to do with anything bovine that has horns that wide, especially one named Clem. I would have to bust out my the plasma cutter and reconfigure the head chute to even think about getting a ear tag in that thing.

Happy Thanksgiving all - right before I butchered the turkey for the feast, it squawked "Eat more BEEF". Damn - now what are the chances I find another talking bird?

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olivetroad, kids are a blessing from above, god bless you.


Thanks for the support! My wife and I are both 41 and she is concerned about our age, but I just think it is good to know that all the plumbing is still working fine. The coolest part about this one is that this will be the first baby where I have a 16 year old son that I can coerce into changing diapers (hopefully).

No diaper change-ee = No car insurance-ee

If we only had the kids we thought we could afford, no one would.

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We uns all had a good Thanksgiving too, lots to be thankful for, had way too much food, whole buncha visiting went on, I prolly ruint my muscular boyish figure. Its just really great to live in a country like ours, we just dont realize how good we really have it. God bless the USA,,,,,randyp

Could'nta said it better myself! real nice time here too! way too much food,but sure look forward to having a fridge packed with turkey sammiches next week. Mother Vision put on the usual fine feast,Mrs Vision made some delicious pies and cakes (homemade granny smith apple for me) my B-model belt buckle's pokin' me in the gut as we speak! and i sure agree my friend,we have a great deal to be thankful for,i was sure glad to be home,spend time with friends and family knowing i aint going ANYWHERE tommorrow! (ceptin' maybe the beer store)......................Mark

Mack Truck literate. Computer illiterate.

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Could'nta said it better myself! real nice time here too! way too much food,but sure look forward to having a fridge packed with turkey sammiches next week. Mother Vision put on the usual fine feast,Mrs Vision made some delicious pies and cakes (homemade granny smith apple for me) my B-model belt buckle's pokin' me in the gut as we speak! and i sure agree my friend,we have a great deal to be thankful for,i was sure glad to be home,spend time with friends and family knowing i aint going ANYWHERE tommorrow! (ceptin' maybe the beer store)......................Mark


I'm glad you all have a good VISION. Hey b watchin tha mail box.....b sendin some TN treats soon before Xmas.


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We uns all had a good Thanksgiving too, lots to be thankful for, had way too much food, whole buncha visiting went on, I prolly ruint my muscular boyish figure. Its just really great to live in a country like ours, we just dont realize how good we really have it. God bless the USA,,,,,randyp

Amen brother! (bulldogman)

Producer of poorly photo-chopped pictures since 1999.

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