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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by tkobes43

  1. Doesn't look like it to me. Whats that cabover in the background? Tom
  2. i gots em too! LOL lets see who can post em first... Ready, set GO!!!!!!
  3. Well said brotha! Your right, this s**t has to stop. For crying out loud its his damn property! Tom
  4. No problem just trying to help out in anyway i can... Tom
  5. Stil sucks mike, If you want any help with them by trying to sell them email me some pics and ill ask around here and post a few adds on CL. Just let me know mike. If you need anything let me know! Tom
  6. Once its home i will. Still haven't gotten around to get up their yet. Gotta give him a call today. Tom
  7. We need pics!!! Good luck on the restoration! Tom
  8. Thought id give this a bump for any new guys that want to add their truck... Tom
  9. Congrats on the grab! Nice looking rig, another o'l dog saved! Tom
  10. Cab and steering components is what I'm interested in.
  11. Totally agree! Sorry bout this mike! Tom
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