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Status Updates posted by mowerman

  1. was wondering if you guys happen to see that U model truck paper few weeks ago,,was $7500,but looked perfect,low mileage,new tires

  2. makin good progress,man,,i had to put doors on mine,,got lucky,found 2 perfect doors off an old UPS cabover,got then for $150 each,,hope you can also get a deal...good luck,bob

  3. got the instructions today,,,thank you very much,will make it worth your while,,still having trouble sitting up,,but think next week ill be able to start finishing the model...woohoo,,,have a splendid weekend my friend...bob

  4. wow,,,that cab is in real good shape,,,i see you guys are not wasting any time..bob

  5. gotta makem short for now,,the post,,,still cant sit up too long..bob

  6. 30 years,,,wow,,well alrity then,,hey thanks vagain for the instructions,,this is pretty exciting,,enjoy your weekend,,bob

  7. oh,man aint that a bitch?well guess if its that annoying,,,you can reshoot it,thats what i would have to do..bob

  8. thanks,rob,,,i couldnt even stand for couple minutes,and that was full of pain pills,,will start writing more,in a few more days,when i can situp little longer,thanks,bob

  9. looks like your might proud of that battery box,lol...lol.bob,did you get my last post?

  10. hey,,tom,,thanks for the wishes,,surgery was a big success,,recovering nicely,,be a while longer till i can get back to the swing of things,,still cant sit too long,,and could use a haircut,and shave,,look like an old dog,lol...bob

  11. been off for a while,,had back surgery on the 5th,,,went real well,,recovering now..be a while longer,before i get back to practice,still hard to sit too long...bob

  12. the surgery went excellant,,,recovering nicely now,,,hard to sit too long,be a few more days,before can spend a little more time on this thing...bob

  13. ahrite,man,,,thanks for the update,and i like your new photo,woohoo,didnt notice the cab was shot,,,did see the passenger door was rough,,,sorry about the delayed response,i had back surgrey july 5th recovering nicely,,,but cant sit very long,,,be a few more days,and be able to spend somemore time on this thing,,,see if you can get photo,s of new cab,,,seeya bob

  14. holy mac,,my hat go,s off to ya,,wow, good for you,,wish a had your ambition,,went out the door with my youth.lol...bob

  15. oh,ya,,im sure you pop,is just dazzled lol,,im also fixin on putting a flatbed on my DM,,it was a 12 yard dump truck,,swapped the dump body even for the flat bed,,other guy got the better deal,but he also helped me take it off,,he has a big payloader,,,bob

  16. wow,,coming out real nice,,keep it up...bob

  17. do you still own all those trucks,at the same time?bob

  18. ya,,i took mine off also,since it was going to be a play toy,,more practical to put a flatbed on it,,boy your a lucky guy,,i woulda been pissing myself at your age to get that truck,good for you..talk to ya later...bob

  19. wow,,anxious to see the progress,,ive been dying to see that mack museum,,must have had the time of your life,good for you,,i hope to make it there,in the next few years..talk at ya later,my friend..seeya bob

  20. hey how did that big show turn out?

  21. hey,babba,,was wondering if you had done anything to it,lately...bob

  22. was just wondering how you made out?...bob

  23. ahrite man,,,appreciate your concern,,,ill let you know,,thanks,bob

  24. sorry,,just noticed the coffee deal,,sounds good,,right now im down,with a slipped disc,been off work since march,,got surgery in 2 weeks,,let you know when i can walk again,,lol...bob

  25. was wondering what happened to ya,,havent heard anything???happy friday...bob

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