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Posts posted by Vladislav

  1. Vlad: Do you have all of this regulatory BS in Russia. I would guess not. In Russia they control you with the Gun. Here in the land of laws not men they control you with all their regulatory BS.

    Yes, James, we have. Actually nobody here control you with the gun excepting police, like in the most other countries. There were lots of stupid regulations during Soviet times when you MUST have official employment (excepting women) and had no rights for any commercial property. A way you was making profits gets you in jail. In the 90's many such the things went off and there became a kind of anarchy. For now more and more new regulations are invented and many of them seem to me as an absolutely BS. Although not. They're not BS but well done principes to get money off folks straight to the govnt guys.

    As about BS it looks like there's a lot of in every country and is related to everybody.

    Just not a pleasure to be stepped on every once :whistling:

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