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Posts posted by 41chevy

  1. An other reason for military service to be required to run for office. But that will never happen.

    I was talking about this a while ago with a neighbor who is an orderly at the Stony Brook Vets Home. Interesting slant on it. The Civil Servants won't get cuts for two main reasons 1) their union and 2) they are a large Democratic Voting bloc. The military on the other hand generally votes republican and they generally are not allowed to be vocal. The veterans on the other hand are vocal and organized but garner very little mainstream media coverage. When we do at least here, we are generally shown in the most derogatory light as possible. I.E. poor confused people who don't know what is good for them.


  2. Well Joe, I can't go on vacation til we got a crisis....ya know I always leave during a crisis.

    You kind of have one Barry!

    I DO????

    Yeah! Did you see Robs post about the Muslim Brotherhood cutting sending people over who run 7/11s, gas stations and drive taxis?

    Somethin about meddling in the Mid East'

    A crisis,can't waste that! You know my motto Joe, "Never let a good crisis go to waste"

    Well we got to do something, you know America runs on 7/11.

    Geez Joe, I already apologized to the Talibon and Al Quida ....maybe if I tell em the guy what wrote that lost his Gorilla....Yeah! That could work.

    Well solved another problem....this president thing is easy!!! I got the whole place running as smooth as butter.

    Hey Joe?

    What now Barry?

    Can I have some toast an butter? Some body mentioned butter and I want some...

  3. Now that we had lunch Barry, I think we should work on unemployment. Lowering it could help our re election.

    Right Joe. I was thinking about that while we was eating them pickle boat samwiches. I was looking at all them people standing in line at that place for people what don't have jobs.

    You mean the Dept of Un Employment?

    Yeah. I realized that we could say it's work to be unemployed and count it as a job. It would lower that numbers by a whole lot.

    But Barry its not a job!

    Sure it is Joe, You gots to get up to sign in to your unemployment account, walk to the mail box for your check, go to the ATM to take your unemployment money out. Thats work.

    But Barry, nobody will believe that.

    If i say it is, the media will too and all 57 states will believe it.

    But.. But ....aw heck it'll probably work out fine....we can always blame it on George B 2.

    See Joe, I solved the unemployment problem in 2 seconds. Now lets do something about gas.

    Lowering gas prices Barry?

    Why Joe, is there a problem? I was talking about the gas I got from the samwiches..... worse than Michael gets from all that fancy Champagne and Beluga caviar she eats on her weekly vacation.

    Vacations Barry?

    Good idea Joe I need a week or two in Hawaii to rest up after helping my subjects.... er... people.

    Think they like me Joe??

    Sure Barry, can't you see how they never stop talking about you?

  4. We have a local chapter here. Went to one of their all welcome shows with my Marmon. Was not only an unwelcome entry but had my truck critisized as below the chapter standards! Like their Pa and Va shows, not impressed with them as a whole.

  5. One hour later........

    Update on Barry and Joe's Big Adventure in Washington.

    Hey Joe.

    Yeah Barry?

    Now that I solved that Air Craft Carrier thing, I was thinkin bout them Pickle boat things we got..

    The What???

    Them things that look like Michaels turds.... you know?


    You know ,the pickle boats what keep sinking under the water.

    You mean Subs??

    Subs Joe???........MMMMMM....

    Hey Joe.

    What Barry?

    You going to Subway?


    You mentioned subs, I want lunch.

    No you mentioned subs Barry. You had a plan for them.

    Oh.I did?....Well I am hungry....wanna got to the place that makes the pickle boat sandwiches?

    To be continued Be sure to catch the next " Barry and Joe's Big Adventure in Washington"

  6. After listening to them blame the lack of drilling and such on GWB2 . Thought we needed so insight to the daily White House activity. Paul

    "hey Joe ya know what?"

    "What Barry?"

    "I bet we could line the deck of an aircraft carrier with enough solar panels to make it run on electric motors."

    "But Barry, What about the airplanes?"

    " Gee I don't know Joe! Do we need them??

  7. I think I saw somebody do that once....it wasn't pretty. This is were I got the B, my AC's and the mail box holder in my avatar. The yard was closed down during a work day by the IRS in 1966. There were other trucks with loads in them including a White Mustang with a tank of road oil in it. It looked like time just stopped. Even the concrete plant was loaded. Eerie as all hell. When I was estimating the cost to remove all the equipment, I kept looking around for people. Paul

  8. Update on Barry and Joe's Big Adventure in Washington.

    Hey Joe.

    Yeah Barry?

    Now that I solved that Air Craft Carrier thing, I was thinkin bout them Pickle boat things we got..

    The What???

    Them things that look like Michaels turds.... you know?


    You know ,the pickle boats what keep sinking under the water.

    You mean Subs??

    Hey Joe.

    What Barry?

    Your going to Subway?


    You mentioned subs, I want lunch.

    No you mentioned subs Barry. You had a plan for them.

    Oh.I did?....Well I am hungry....wanna got to the place that makes the pickle boat sandwiches?

    To be continued Be sure to catch the next " Barry and Joe's Big Adventure in Washington"

  9. You very much have an open opportunity and invitation to submit your best offer so please take advantage of them; or remain mute. I don't like this type response and will not offer tolerance to using this website to openly attack, or oppose ideology contrary to your own concerning antique trucks, and/or their collection.


    Here!! Here!! Ditto!!

  10. Sorry 41, when you first posted, it had nothing really.

    That young boy you spoke of, 9, and training wheels and all that protective gear?

    He is one of the reasons dodgeball is not allowed in schools anymore.


    Yep...sometimes I stretch things out in parts....lets my body catch up with my brain or something deep like that

  11. Don't forget his anti nuclear stand from weapons to powering our ships..."hey Joe ya know what?" "What Barry?" "I bet we could line the deck of an aircraft carrier with enough solar panels to make it run on electric motors." "But Barry, What about the airplanes?" " Gee I don't know Joe! Do we really need aircraft on an aircraft carrier?"

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