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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Posts posted by ThaddeusW

  1. Mack looks to be the only company down under that makes a line of trucks specifically for road train operation (Trident, Superliner and the Titan). Raised cab for better airflow to keep the cab cooler, well placed air snorkels with filters under the cab (or hood I forget). And a large oversized hood and radiator to help with cooling. Tri-drive or tandem planetary hub end reduction axles from Renault help with the 170+ ton loads.

    The only other two American companies serious about road trains are Western Star and Kenworth. The Europeans and Japanese aren’t anywhere on the radar except for smaller B train or tandem operation. Mack is the top selling road train truck followed by Kenworth and Western Star last I herd. Once the MP10 arrives I am sure Mack will be another step ahead of the competition.

  2. Hey guys, I finally got my B model out of the shop and had a chance to run her up and down the road (secondary side road) but still got to get it out and make some smoke.....boy does it run nice and have the power..I have to finish up the lights, install the 5th wheel, and some other small things, but hopefully before too long I can hook it up to my trailer and haul my old cats this summer..I hope my pictures come out ok. Jeff.

    Sweet. Glad you have her together! Looking wonderful so far, be sure to get us some pics of it workin!

  3. Would a volt meter be able to pick it up if the battery is draining?

    You need an ammeter to measure the drain current. The battery voltage will drop but its not the proper way to check for the leak. Try this get a 12V bulb and disconnect one of the main battery leads (make sure the series parallel switch is in 12V.) Put the bulb in series with the battery leads. If it glows or lights with the ignition off you have a leak somewhere. Try that and pull the fuses one by one until the lamp extinguishes, if that doesent work then your going to have to dig around and disconnect wires till you find the leak. You can use a volt meter to probe around for power while the ignition is off (leave one lead connected to a good ground point). A dead short would melt any smaller gauge wires. IF the batteries die in one night then its a major leak as 4 12v truck batteries dont die so easily from obvious things like lights or radio left on.

  4. You can get the rev's per mile for different tire sizes from a Mack tech manual or the tire manufactures. For 11r22.5 my book shows 499.

    Consider this: You want 1500 rpm at the engine and 499 rpm at the wheels (that's one mile in one minute or 60 mph). The ratio of these two numbers is your final drive ratio. In this case it's 3.006 (1500 divided by 499). Your final drive ratio is also your trans high ratio times your rear end ratio. In this case it could be a direct trans (1.00 to 1) and a 3.00 to 1 rear. Or with 5.02 rears and a .6 to 1 overdrive (Mack T200, 5,6,7 or 8 sp), you will have a final drive ratio of 3.012 (.6 X 5.02). So we have (1500/499/5.02=.5988) The .6 overdrive is real close!

    PS: Tim, It's real hard to determine the revs per mile by measuring the tire because it does not take into consideration the change in the radius when weight is applied to the tire. If the radius is changed from 21 to 20, the revs per mile now becomes 504. I guess that's why the manual shows 499. I will look up other tire sizes if anyone needs them.

    Good Luck, David

    David just saw your reply and you are incorrect about the tire revs changing. The radius changes from the rim to the ground under load BUT the over all circumfrence stays the same. The circumference is what determines the revs per mile. The radius has nothing to do with the circumference because we just multiply the diameter by pi (3.1415…) to get the circumference.

    We also dont know his tire size, I just used 11r22.5 as an example and guessed 12.00r24 from the revs per mile he gave me.

  5. :SMOKIE-LFT::mack1: yesterday the 4th of march there was in rotterdam the european super pull invited was jr collins whit his buckeye bulldog he had pulled 4 times and was the top atraction we of the Dutch MACKFAN CLUB where invited to come whit 20 macks to this event this was for me the oppertunetie to make a picture of my mack with the BUCKEYE BULLDOG we wanne thank J.R. COLLINS and his crew for the great show he gave :mack1::SMOKIE-RT:

    Wow what a pretty looking F model, and great lookin Superliner too!

    Is that Y pipe on the Superliner stacks for indoor truck pulling?

  6. OK everyone calm down. Man for some reason this topic really got some people worked up. Every truck manufacturer in the world measures wheelbase the way HK and I described. If you sell your truck by measuring the wheelbase the wrong way it will appear longer to others looking to buy. We were just trying to inform everyone.

    Well, I guess I stand corrected.

    I guess that is the difference between somebody that does it only on paper and somebody that actually does the real thing. I have stretched enough trucks in the last 20 years so I guess I will continue to do it the WRONG way.

    What goes on paper is what rolls out the Mack plant.

    • Thanks 1
  7. Once again I second your answer,HK.I have had to argue this with others from time to time.All it usually takes is a tape measure and a copy of the factory spec sheet to prove this is the correct way of measuring whelbase.

    HK is right. For a tandem you measure to the CENTER of the rear axles. With a single axle you measure to the middle of the rear axle of course. With a tri-drive you measure to the center rear axle hub. Any other way is WRONG. The extreme measurement used in bridge formula is called Gross wheelbase, which is front most axle hub to rear most axle hub.

    If any of you doubting Thomas’s want more proof here is a picture strait out of a Mack CH brochure:

    • Thanks 1
  8. Here's one for ya, guy wants to buy my B81 which I was selling for 3500.00. He sends me a check for 6000.00, tell's me he's shipping it to London and the ship is waiting for the truck, could I please(he was very polite) send the 2500.00 to the shipper asap by Western Union. I said, sure thing, as soon as the check clears my bank. He sends me another e-mail and tells me the ship can't wait that long(a week is what the bank told me), could I just send 1500.00, again by Western Union and we could square up at a later date. Of course I said no, and lo and behold the check bounced(surprise, surprise). Anyway it cost me 10.00(bounced check fee) to learn a good lesson. But it didn't end there, two weeks later another guy sends me an e-mail trying to pull the same scam. The common thread between the two scams was that the e-mails had gone through a series of relays, so there was no way to track them down, and both wanted the money sent through Western Union. A good rule of thumb is when it comes to business and money, don't trust anyone but yourself, and always remember, no good deed goes unpunished. God Bless, Tombstone.

    Found this great story online a while back, thought you guys might want to have a look for a laugh. This goes to show you what goes around comes around, the scammer gets scammed. Bit of a read but well worth it.

  9. Im 26 and altho I have never smoked a joint, or abused any type of Drug...EVER! alot of my friends that I still have today , took drugs. I have freinds that smoked pot as young as 10 and even lost a few long time friends from cocaine OD back in my high school years. Drugs have been around for 1,000s of years but the rate at wich people fall victim is crazy I know people say pot is the gateway drug. but I say the problems all start in your head. It seems that the people that get hooked have other issues in there life and find drugs as an easy escape to there problems. most of the kids in my HS only did drugs with other users. Everyone would meet after school for a joint. or all meet up and look for someone with pot. It was pretty sad my 2nd year in HS when most of the students only wanted to smoke a joint with the older kids thinking it was cool. I have been out of HS for some time now and many of my friends that did drugs now sencerly regret some of the things they did. I have lost a few great friends because they refused to stop abusing. Its sad when I think back of how we were back in grade school and how they chouse a drug over a long time friend. some times people will wake up and relize what they have done to you and themselves. I always give someone a 2nd chance. However I honestly dont have an issue with people wanting to smok a joint or social drinking, poping a pain killer from time to time etc.. to relax. but I do have isser how so many kids today get into drugs soearly, get hooked during HS years and later move onto hard core drugs. I think the main reason I never got into drugs was because I was too busy working on my stuff..go cart, riding lawn mower, alwasy had a wrench in my hand or an idea in my head. I thank my mom for letting me roam the neighborhood looking for side jobs with friends, allowing me to learn things by trial and error. If more parents would let/ make kids stay out side I think many of them would steer clear of drugs.


    Trent I agree on the part of having an understanding mother who lets you have a little freedom. The tighter the lockdown parents keep on there kids the more likely they are to try to rebel by doing what they cant. My mom let me not only have a shed full of old tv's vcr steroes and lawnmowers but also fill half the basement as well. Worst part was my father helped me find the junk too! Mostly today its computers lol.

    I will admit I sometimes go out and drink myself silly or MAYBE share a joint with a few friends but I do it all in moderation, and keep it safe. Always a designated driver or crash at a friends place when im too whacked to drive. Never had a problem. I Dont touch the hard stuff, thats how my friend got hooked on coke, tried it once and kept doing it till he was hooked. He came up to visit right after christmas and man he started to fein so bad he was shaking and sweating begging me to find him some.

  10. Speakin of that, I had a scary :( experience the other day with our new truck driver. This guy just came off the road for Swift, and had never seen a dump truck, much less a Mack. I made a few loads drivin and showin him about the PTO and hoist controls, assuming he knew how to shift the dang truck. When I let the fool get in the seat, he did fine until it was time to downshift. He was in 4th gear, rolling about 15 or 20 mph up to a stop sign when he clutched it and proceeded to jam the T2090 in to first gear. I imagine there is a tooth or two floating around in the transmission right now. What do these people have to do to go through the training process of major trucking companies? If the rest of the new drivers are like this, I can see why synchronized transmissions are not used.

    Thats why so many are turning to automatics.

  11. i see many drugies,smokers,and people who drink. every day i think things are getting worse my best friend does it all i really want a few opinions on this crap i live with

    Wow your 15, freshman or sophmore in highschool? I hear ya, I am 25 but remember the BS back in high school. Thing is it has always been that way, it has always been "getting worse". No matter what school you go to there will always be the dope heads, trouble makers and kids who got nothing to do but party and try to get laid. Ignore them and anything they have to say to you. I just did my thing and said screw em, I got better things to do.

    Wanna know what the key to avoiding the dregs of society and staying strait? HAVE A HOBBY! All of the messed up people I know/knew never did anything creative in there spare time. You have your nice Mack. Fix her up and learn as you go along. You will find that after you really get into what your doing its a high in all its own. And once its finished, you will have a real good sence of accomplishment. You will also find you stoped caring about the problem people and their BS :D Do your own thing, be your own person!

    And I can relate with the problem you have with your friend. One of my closent friends since high school moved down to Flordia 2 years ago with his fiancée. Well he met this stripper, started to fool around with her, His fiancée caught him and dumped him. He is now living with the stripper and devloped a crack/coke habbit. Sad really, especially when I call him and he has to put me on hold while he does a hit. I have tried to help him out and talk to him but he just wont stop. Talk to your friend, he might not stop right away but if you persist it just might work. My brothers friend started to smoke allot, and my brother literally yelled at him till he stopped :) .

  12. I think your right HK trucking

    besides the range selctor transmissions i.e T200 sieres that had the syncro pack for the range selection. I dont know of a synchromesh trans that is MACK mfg. alot of the trucks mfgs made over seas do have car transmissions i.e syncromesh ....LOL

    Ok, let me see if I have this right.

    Synchromesh means that each gear has a synchronizer that brings the countershaft up to speed before the dog teeth engage the gear right?

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