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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Bigdogtrucker

  1. Facebook as some GREAT truck groups! You'll have a good time
  2. Looks pretty good, hope it finds a home!
  3. "Fully restored" as in cab off, nut and bolt job? Or a nice driver restoration? Lot of variables there...Would need some high quality detailed photo's and a list of what's been done to it. After that you can compare to others that have sold in the same condition.
  4. Need 11R24.5's, and some rims. Nothing used/decent around...
  5. We ran Double Coins on an RD at my old job that you mention those Mike, they held up well. Local place I just called has Longmarch and Yokohama's, never heard of the Longmarch brand.
  6. My B is back on the road, and I REALLY need some new front rubber to enjoy it. The old tube 22''s have to go, already have 24.5's on the rear. What brands do you guy's recommend for a ''hobby truck''? Don't need the best, but don't want junk either...
  7. Truck has been listed for a while. Wonder how the frame is being from that area???
  8. Anybody have a spec sheet for a N/A END673 and the ENDT673 @ 205HP? I'd like to compare them, thanks.
  9. When I pull my headlight switch(aftermarket)my lights come on. If I pull out the marker light switch after that(outside two roof lights)my headlight switch makes a ''boing'' like a breaker trips and my lights go out. Wait a few seconds and I can put the headlights on again. Any idea's?
  10. Get some cash up Enck, I'd feel better if you got it. Plus I'll take one of yours in partial trade
  11. WOW, that RD should be in a museum .Also as Mike said the old style hood would have been nice for the final run...
  12. Just a simple sheet metal heavy duty carport based shed on a concrete slab. Something I can enclose and turn into a shop over time.
  13. The exporters have started to contact me(Craigslist)...Just gave one of them a piece of my mind, sure felt good
  14. Anybody have a part number for the 673 cartridge type fuel filter? Thanks
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