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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by ducky698

  1. Just out of curiosity why did it break? Grant
  2. well, um its true, cant have blown cars on road, cant have guns with out years of aguements and baby sitting from police, cant protect your self or your property with out getting charged with something your self, heaven forbid if your car was to make a slight squeel on the road, there is people getting beaten an the rest of it, but where are the only cops we have? busting an 18 year old for just been an 18 year old! the truck laws for east - west are just out of this world, it seems to me that if the government could get aproval to put everyone in cotton wool to go out the house they would! you just cant have any fun here, if so the government has found a way to bill you for it! ) so how do I get to stay in the USA? Grant
  3. welcome to down under now ill swap you, i am sick of liiving down here with all the red tape, legal system etc etc. how do i get over there? Grant
  4. Thankyou very much for that. looks like its transmission for this little black duck I assume the A or B would mean single or double overdrive? I just picked up two of them, one for parts. now just need a gear lever and knob assembley. Grant
  5. Thats pretty much it. if your shift change for going up gears is say a 400 rpm drop per gear change then for a down shift the rpm would be around 400 higher than your current rpm. Grant
  6. Helo, whats the differance? is the A a single overdrive and the B a double over? i was looking for a website, but havent found one. Grant
  7. where would i find specifacations on a 1420-3a spicer transmission? regards Grant
  8. the other side of the road is not to hard to get used to, the gear changeing is just the same, i all so have an Australian car tucked away in Chicago and its fun to drive that over there, the hardest part is when you try overtake! best thing is to play follow the leader! and hope to hell he stays on the correct side of the road. Grant
  9. Thankyou every one for the pics, looks like there is no real common ground except for maybe temps an air psi at top. so i would assume most people look across for most important gauges rather than down. Grant
  10. I think i will have to move the truck along a little and sit it all in there and play! its going to be interesting wireing it all up, there all elictric, no air lines or tach cable, speedo cable at all.
  11. Hello, true, but its actually more difficult than i thought. i know where there going, but the order is quite hard. what would they have been factory, what did they come out with factory? will have a stick, but it wont be to check the fuel! for 3300bucks it better work
  12. My dash gauges arrived today, all 3300.00 dollars worth. what gauges would you put where?? speedo........factory spot tacho..........factory spot the other gauges I am fitting are engine temp trans temp exhaust temp engine oil pressure fuel pressure air pressure fuel level volts turbo boost I am fitting these in the panel next to the speedo/tacho, but what would be the best order to put them in? they will be in rows of 3 speedo and tacho are round 3-3/8 all other gauges are round 2-1/16 any suggestions? Grant
  13. Hello, you should be fine with the steering wheel on the correct side! it will only make it difficult to overtake there! bigger trucks is the go! we have B double running around the citys all the time, they are 85 feet long in every state except WA where they are 90 feet long and are 138,000lbs we get through traffic easy enuf, and we also run Double road trains out of Kewdale a suburb of Perth, they are around 180,000 lbs and 118 feet long once the traffic gets used to them and understands what is needed they are fine on the road. I am amazed that the USA doesnt atleast run B doubles. your road sytem is well set up and the lanes are big enuf to handle them and you will move much more frieght and have less trucks on the road. Grant
  14. That is a nice truck, its good to see the old ones still working. Grant
  15. Hello, there are not many petes down here, there is a few kenworth 60 inch bunks around and there price is around 4500.00 bucks. will get one sooner or later. Grant
  16. Hello, no rust in cab at all, it has many holes in floor. the old gear lever location is in front of centre triangle, but i am putting another floor in so it will have origonal floor, then bracing, then second floor and fill inside 2 floor sections with spray foam. there is nothing up there with interferance issues to worry about, but if something should be an issue i have a gas axe! can wait a couple of days on gear lever, will do rest of floor tomorrow. thankyou. regards Grant
  17. Does anyone have an R700 with a v8 and roadranger? where exactly does the gear lever come through floor? i have just done the subframe under my cab and am about to put the second floor in, but need to know where lever comes out. thanks, regards Grant
  18. trucking life did a story on the driver ages ago, i dont think there was two of them, as Mel was going to drive it, but he couldnt even reverse his mini! so the truck driver who was bringing in there stuff got the job. it had a twin stick box in it. Grant www.lastinterceptor.com
  19. Hello, thankyou, yes it looks like a 250, its a good runner, smooth quiet engine with 18speed quad box. regards Grant
  20. Hello, message me with what your after, as there is a lot of parts here. have scrapped 2 trucks. Grant
  21. Joe my boy The gold dog and the silver dog might have been right when it came in the box 20 years ago after 5 owners and 3 re builds you gota be careful on betting any dough whats under the hood today. We had a crowd down the coast here that had one with a V12 71 under de hood. Went well though. I think from memory it went that well they smashed it up in the end. and where does the dog go on a flintstone? radiator is front of truck.
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