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1958 F.W.D.

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Everything posted by 1958 F.W.D.

  1. Captain Clarence Over, to the white courtesy phone, Captain Clarence Over to the white courtesy phone!
  2. I was just looking at your U-Tube (hahahahah Uncle Yardo made a funny...) do you have the front letters M-A-C-K for that thing??? Just curious.
  3. She's a U-Model Porch Chick, right?
  4. yes Nephew Vicenzo, credit is due where it is due, even if your preference in trucks is....(here we go....) "CROOKED"!!!!!!!!bwahahahahahahahah! just kidding. Looks good kid, seriously. Get your grandma to take a pic of you and Papa!!!!!
  5. Vlad, yes Macungie is a small town located about 185km from NYC. The truck show is always on the Friday/Saturday/Sunday of American fathers day weekend which is the third weekend of June. You can also take a tour of Mack's Macungie Assembly Plant, also located in Macungie- they run free shuttle buses from the show to the plant. You can also go to the Mack Museum, about 20km away (they also run buses there and back to the show.) I live in Hellertown, Pennsylvania which is about 32km from Macungie. If you want to see where I live, look for Interstate 78, next to the city of Bethlehem and Allentown. I am about 125km from the airports in NYC. Many many things to see and do in the area. You can see and tour NYC of course (which is very expensive by the way, so unless if you have a lot of money I dont recommend staying in the City, and just go there on day trips.) The City of Philadelphia is also about 160km from NYC, also a nice place, where I am from originally. Baltimore, Maryland is about 320km from NYC, and Washington DC is 400km. If you ever want to come to this part of the USA reach out to me I'd be glad to help you. I am always helping out foreign firefighters see the sights- I have met and helped many fine people from Germany, Ireland, the UK and Australia. Click here, I made you a google map- I hope this works I have never done one of these before. https://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msid=217579609800440660468.0004cab499a424da61d6a&msa=0&ll=39.89288,-75.39917&spn=3.759221,7.020264
  6. ...............and anything with a Detroit in it is like school on Christmas Day.....NO CLASS!!!!!
  7. Is anyone going to Trucktoberfest at the Mack Museum/Customer Center?? I'll be there with the FWD "just to classy up the place a bit."
  8. All the fat chicks in New Zealand and Australia know they have to lean to the right.......
  9. If he flys into NYC, Newark or Philadelphia I'll pick him up!!!!
  10. I concur, I believe it's a Savoy also. Here is a Fury: http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.nfscars.net/forum/picture.php%3Falbumid%3D1314%26pictureid%3D25840&imgrefurl=http://www.nfscars.net/forum/album.php?albumid%3D1314%26pictureid%3D25840&h=540&w=720&sz=84&tbnid=YGjWfiepby3_kM:&tbnh=90&tbnw=120&prev=/search%3Fq%3D1958%2Bplymouth%2Bfury%26tbm%3Disch%26tbo%3Du&zoom=1&q=1958+plymouth+fury&usg=__ezE70NFtEHCEjW0xEQk-6_tCY0U=&docid=uBrIJNwlYyDOOM&hl=en&sa=X&ei=CZFjUOGpAsT00gHzooGYDg&sqi=2&ved=0CCUQ9QEwAg&dur=94
  11. we could really mess with Vinny's head and exchange his U for an Aussie U model one night when he isn't looking.......
  12. I spy, with my eye...in the lineup of firetrucks.... -An anniversary-series Seagrave (very rare and very desireable among firetruck afficianados...) -A 700 Series ("Bathtub") American Lafrance -A C-Model Mack What an awesome museum. As for the military pics- has anyone here ever been to the United States Army Ordnance Museum at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland? It's currently in the process of being moved (where I cant remember for the life of me....) but both the indoor and outdoor collection are AWESOME. I was a firefighter at the post from 1997-2005 and one of these years I am going to scan the shitload of pictures I have of the museum and post them.
  13. Some more info regarding Mass and antiques: http://www.lawlib.state.ma.us/source/mass/cmr/cmrtext/540cmr2.pdf http://www.malegislature.gov/Laws/GeneralLaws/PartI/TitleXIV/Chapter90/Section1
  14. Had this sent to me 5 minutes ago in response to a query on the SPAAMFAA's facebook page: Randy, go read this thread: http://www.steelsoldiers.com/5-ton-up/88358-ma-5-ton-cdl-ma-rmv.html. Apparently, "The web is a wonderful thing and in short order I was able to get a copy of CMR 540 Part 2.0, 2.05 spells out Registration requirements and 2.06 Operators Licensing requirements. At first read it looks like 5 Ton = CDL. However, under Special CDL Exemptions: “5. Recreational Vehicle Operators. Any vehicle operated solely as a personal or family conveyance for recreational purposes may be operated with a Class D License. To be exempt from CDL requirements, the vehicle must be used exclusively to transport family members or personal friends and/or their effects.” ". Later on, " Per Trooper Burdett at Commercial Vehicle Enforcement State Police this applies: 5. Recreational Vehicle Operators. Any vehicle operated solely as a personal or family conveyance for recreational purposes may be operated with a Class D License. To be exempt from CDL requirements, the vehicle must be used exclusively to transport family members or personal friends and/or their effects.
  15. Unfortunately I dont think New York State can help Paul as he is in Massachusetts......Paul I am checking some sources for you, may take a few days- if you promise NOT to drive slow in the left-hand lane and to use your turn signals, unlike all the other drivers from Massachusetts around here.... LOL
  16. Paul, my 1958 FWD Firetruck's GVWR is 28,000. She only weighs 18,500. Even if I put 500 gallons of water in the tank plus 1000lbs of hose and equipment I still have a few thousand until I hit 26,001. In Pennsylvania, it's not a problem as long as she is titled, registered, tagged and insured as a privately owned antique (that is not in commerce.) In some other states however, if the GVWR is over 26,001 you might have to have a CDL.
  17. Again, in some states it does not matter what the physical weight is even after you remove the body......if the GVWR is registered as being over 26,001 lbs you may need to have a CDL.
  18. Paul you need to check the specifics of the law- if the vehicle's GVWR is and/or it is registered for 26,001 lbs or more you might need to have the CDL, even if weighs less than 26,001.
  19. When you say "I want to put miles on it" do you mean revenue-generating miles, as in you will haul freight for profit, or you will just be going to shows and parades for pleasure? Generally the laws in each state are similar, there are some varying nuances. If you wish to haul freight for profit, you are now within the legal definition of "commerce" and you must register it and insure it as a true "tractor." If all you wish to do is go to shows/parades for pleasure, then you can register it and insure it as an antique. Do not get caught by either Smokey the Bear or your insurance company hauling revenue freight with equipment tagged and insured as an antique. Also, some insurance companies have specific regulations, for example I am with JC Taylor (Upper Darby, Pa $125 per year for very good coverage) and I cannot exceed 2500 miles in one year, which is no problem because if I do 500 in a year it was a busy year. Check with insurance carriers for specifics. Here in Pennsylvania, one does not need a CDL to operate an antique commercial vehicle that is NOT operating within commerce, however they must have the appropriate-class non-CDL license. Again, there could be some nuances in Louisiana that differ from Pa- I suggest that you check with a DMV office in La or a state website.
  20. This was precisely the reason the engineer that I spoke with at Waukesha said NOT to run any lead additive...... I do run Sta-Bil in my gas however......Usually Marine formula.
  21. you havnt figured it out yet, you drew yourself leaning to the drivers side.....
  22. "breaker breaker got a picture taker- ole' smokey's at fourty-three.... It's that Japanese toy the trucker's joy that everybody calls C-B.... Yeah, Citizens Band......"
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