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other dog

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Everything posted by other dog

  1. yeah,I drove a '74 Transtar with a vt903,rated at 320 hp,and it wouldn't stay in the same county with a v8 325 Mack.Turn the fuel up on 'em and a 400 Cummins couldn't hang with them.
  2. I don't think our H-63 was on Dennis Meahan's OldMacks site. I could be wrong though. There is a guy in North Carolina who has several H-61 and H-63 tractors. Brad Wike is his name. He has a good website, although it takes some time to download. (Lots of photos) www.bradsclassictrucks.com I think. The early Mack cabovers, other than the W series, seem to be concentrated on the East coast, and specifically in the Southeast. From what I see, there are not too many of these H-63's around. Appears to be more H-67 cabovers. We are pretty excited about this newest find. The trouble with getting another project truck is that I want to start that project, and I am not even close to finishing the one in the shop. Probably just like everybody else - what I really need is a lot of money, a huge shop and a very understanding wife. My shop is pretty good, and my wife is pretty understanding - I just don't have any money. Ah Well. How's your work doing - any busier? Hello Paul,i've looked at his site. I think some of the H-models at Troutman were his.A lot of companies around this area ran H-models,but I don't know the exact model no.I know they weren't the tall cherry picker cabs,I hadn't seen one of those until the first year I went to the Troutman antique show.They were a little before my time of course .Our work's been pretty steady lately,but i'm still in the same "ain't got no money" boat as you.
  3. other dog

    Ready To Go

    I think I'd better get one. Thanks, Paul VS I think it's money well spent,i've really enjoyed mine and gotten lots of use out of it,and it should last way longer than I will.
  4. I have another favorite cooking tool in the back yard too-the outdoor electric smoker range. My best friend "Traveling Kid" ( he died of a heart attack a few years ago,while driving a truck. He was just past the scales on rt. 58 in Suffolk,Va.) told me how to make it,and it works great-if you don't mind an old electric range in your yard.I had mine in the shed in Appomattox,now i've got one out back behind a small metal shed,kind've out of sight. All you need is an old stove with a drawer in the bottom to store pots and pans.You remove all the wires,pull the insulation out of the bottom of the oven-leave the rest,on the sides and top-then drill some holes through the bottom.You'll have 2 bottoms with empty space in between when you pull the insulation out,and I drilled some holes from inside the oven,then turned it over and drilled some from the bottom-that way the holes aren't straight through,but the heat and smoke still get through to the oven but not flames.Then you just use the drawer for a fire box,using wood and/or charcoal and you've got a cheap smoker that works great.I've cooked turkeys in it,boston butts,chicken on a can,venison,and lots of other stuff.You can use a gas stove too,and they're already ready-you don't have to fool with getting the insulation out or drilling holes,because they've got a burner in the bottom,and you just put a fire in there and you're ready to smoke.
  5. other dog

    Ready To Go

    Oh well,I thought I didn't stick or burn anything because I knew what I was doing,but after I read all that info I found out it's because the pot is designed to be pretty much idiot-proof,just what I need! I think it was money well spent,good for large gatherings.I've made at least one stew in it every year since i've had it,usually more.That's all i've ever cooked in it except one year I made chili.
  6. other dog

    Ready To Go

    Hi Paul-I ordered that pot from Cabela's,probably 7 or 8 years ago...maybe more,I don't remember.I think it cost $179,but i'm not sure about that either. It's a 30 qt. pot,and at the time they had smaller ones and some bigger ones too,but the price jumped way up for the next bigger size which was a 36 qt. and I figured 30 qts. was big enough anyway,and it is for me.I don't know if they still carry them or not,I don't see them in their catalogs anymore. The pot has 3 legs on it that you can't see in the picture because it's sitting on the stand.I used to set the legs on some bricks or something and make a fire under it or around it and it was hard to regulate the heat,but a friend of mine made the stand for me so it's up off the ground high enough to work with it now.I closed the sides in on 2 sides and when I start I put the meat,potatos,and onions in first because that's all the raw ingredients,and let them boil 'til they're done.As the fire burns down I just put just enough wood on it to keep it going the rest of the way-i'll use long pieces of wood so I can pull them out if I need to,or as they burn off I can just push them in further.If the stew looks like it needs more liquid,i'll leave the liquid in the vegetables when I pour them in,if I want to thicken it up i'll just pour the liquid off first.I like to have it boiling when I put the first gallon of vegetables in,that cools it down some,and when it comes back to a boil I put the next gallon in.By the time I put the corn in ,which is always last,i'll have very little or no fire,and it'll stay hot all evening.If it was real cold i'd keep the fire going,but like it was Saturday I just let it go out and the stew was plenty hot enough to eat when I emptied the pot. My brother has a pot that'll make 3 or 4 of mine,but he uses a gas burner under it. You can read all about the pots here-I guess mine is the 29.8 qt. model. http://www.thecellarstore.com/potjiepot.html I just googled "potjie pots"
  7. other dog

    Ready To Go

    no , I unloaded in Roanoke Friday night,so I won't be leaving until tomorrow,or maybe Tuesday morning-got an appointment at the eye Dr. tomorrow at 3:45. There's hardly any stew left now-I had stew for lunch today,and stew for supper.
  8. oh...I thought y'all were talking about one of those cannons like I saw on TV that shoots punkins across the field...never mind,my bad
  9. I got that old stew pot all clean and ready for it's next mission.I really should have done it yesterday,but...you know how that goes! I sprayed it out with the hose and it came pretty clean,then I scrubbed it and rinsed it,then boiled it out again,dumped it and reseasoned it with Crisco while it was still hot and dry.All I gotta do now is let it cool and put it away.It probably doesn't need to be reseasoned every time,but it can't hurt,as it's used infrequently.That's probably why it cleans easy and i've never had any problem with anything sticking. Now I can finally sit around and relax,which is one of the things I do best,just don't get to do it very much so I need the practice. I need some ear plugs too,'til Jobyna gets done woofing about me using her good dish towel on the stew pot and getting it dirty.Geez,what's she expect me to wipe it down with? I thought that's what they were for! I know-next time i'll use a pillow case,just to show her who's boss around here. If y'all never hear from 'ol otherdog again,you'll know what happened.
  10. Hey Bulldog Man,this is off topic here,but I saw the best screamin' jimmy video i've seen yet ( for sound anyway ) on youtube yesterday.You might've already seen it,it was posted by tiety and called Shifting a 6-71,and Shifting a 6-71 Part 2
  11. other dog

    Stewed Out

    The stew went well,it was delicious and everyone seemed to have a good time. Had a little bit left over,but not a lot.There was enough where some people took some home with them though.I'm tired as a dog,and tomorrow i've got to boil the pot out again,clean it,and reseason it,but i'm gonna call it a day now and go to bed.
  12. other dog


    Got the stew on and bubbling away.Had to go to Avon,Oh. Thursday,but I got unloaded and reloaded pretty quick,unloaded in Roanoke last night,and came home and cut up meat,potatoes,and onions until after 1am.Got that cooking now-that's the hardest part,the raw ingredients.After they're done it's just a matter of opening cans and dumping them in.Gotta go now,don't wanna let the pot boil dry or burn anything,or i'll have to go buy 300 cans of Dinty Moore before anybody gets here.
  13. I live on Wyatt Miles Rd,between Tabor rd. and Covered Bridge rd. A flood took out the covered bridge sometime before I moved over here though.
  14. by the way,I forgot-for more about me check out www.thedieselgypsy.com-"truckers at work",Tom Blackwell;''How I Got Started in Trucking",Tom Blackwell,and" guest photos",page 5-Tom Blackwell.I also took the truck show pictures on this site from Greensboro,N.C,Troutman,N.C,and Winchester,Va. And it's just a great trucking website.Bill drove for more than 50 years himself,lot of it in a B-model Mack.He has some great stories of his own.I talk to him on Skype about every weekend. catch you later,Tom
  15. I started driving in Jan. of '79. Started out on a '74 Transtar with a 290 Cummins with a 13 speed,then drove a '78 Astro with 290 and 9 speed,then went to work for H.H.Moore Jr. in Appomattox,Va. driving a '74 transtar with a 903 Cummins and 13 speed,then a '77 F-model Mack with a 300 and 5 speed,'79 F-model 350 Cummins 10 spd,'83 KW 350 9 SPD,84 kw 400 Cummins 9 spd,'85 KW 400 9 spd,then a T-800 anteater around '89 with 400 Cummins 9 spd,then one of my favorites-T-800 with a 444 Cummins and 18 spd, a T-800 with 425 Cat 13 spd,A 9400 IH with 460 N14 Cummins and super ten,a classic XL Freightliner with 460 N14 Cummins and 10 spd. Rockwell,a Freightliner mid-roof with 475 Cat and 10 spd. Rockwell,and the last truck I drove for H.H.Moore was a 9900I International with an ISX 500 Cummins and 10 spd.I drove for H.H.Moore for 25 and a half years, Then I went to work for F.L.Moore and sons (H.H's grandsons) and drove a 9900IX International with an ISX 500 Cummins and 10 speed,then my all time favorite truck,a W 900 KW with an N14 525 Cummins and 13 speed.Now I'm driving a 2006 Peterbilt with a 475 Cat and 18 speed.That's pretty much my truck driving history.It's changed a lot since i've been driving,and I can't say it's been for the better,but if it's what you really want to do,I say go for it.
  16. I don't remember the name of the place,but I got off of 40 at Cherry St,went north a little ways, turned left,and the place was on the left.We also deliver to a couple of places in Knoxville for N.B.Handy,but I don't remember the name of the places.I pass through Knoxville occasionally going to White House,north of Nashville, Chatanooga,and when I go to Birmingham or Mississippi or Louisiana I run down 81 to 40 to 75 to Chatanooga and down I-59 ,instead of running 85 to Atlanta and then running 20 to Birmingham like a lot of the guys do.You bypass Charlotte and Atlanta that way,and it's just better running I think.
  17. it would definately be a slow process if I walked to Tennesee. Wouldn't be a lot faster if I drove that cement mixer out there,using it as a troop carrier.I'D have to leave somebody behind,and besides they'd probably put me out of service at the scales just west of Knoxville,so i'm just gonna forget the whole idea. I'd be running about 53 mph wide open in a 70 mph zone anyway,and that's on the downhill side.That's why I drive it in parades,it's the only time I can keep up with the rest of the traffic. I bet it would be competitive in a slow drag race though.
  18. I get through that area once in a while,but it's been a while since i've been down that way.I delivered a load in Pine Knot,Ky. once too.
  19. I wish you were too,you'd be more'n welcome.
  20. Hi Paul,was your H-model's picture on oldmacks.com ? they had one listed for sale a while back,but I see it's not on there anymore.Just wondering.Never drove an H-model,but they had right many of them at the antique truck show I went to in Troutman,N.C. in July.There was a trucking company that still ran a lot of H-models up until the early 80's at least,I used to see them all the time,but I can't remember the name.Seems to me it was either Harrisonburg Motor Express or Spotswood Trail Express.
  21. Once again I have returned from a week of hauling freight up and down our nation's highways...nothing exciting or out of the ordinary happened,which is good.I went to Avon,Oh. Monday,reloaded at Macedonia for Roanoke,then took a load from Dillwyn to Zelienople,Pa. and reloaded at Pittsburgh back to Lynchburg.Got that off this morning and picked up a load of Kyanite at Dillwyn going to Fremont,Oh. to deliver Monday. I'll be leaving Sunday. Next weekend i'm making a stew,and I wish you all could come. I have a 7 1/2 gallon cast iron stew pot,and make it over a wood fire.I'm not bragging but lot's of people say it's the best stew they ever ate.I make it the same way every time, so it comes out seasoned the same with the same ingredients,right at 7 1/2 gallons.The pot is full,and there's always plenty.If any's left over I can freeze it.That's a lot of stew,but 20-30 people can put away a lot of stew,though last year I had a very light turnout. I just use beef,potatoes,onions,tomatoes,corn,green beans,peas,butterbeans (some people call them lima beans,I call them butterbeans ),secret herbs and spices,worcestershire sauce,and butter-no,land 'o lakes margarine actually.No poke salad though.
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