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other dog

BMT Benefactor
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Status Replies posted by other dog

  1. Hello Sir. I am looking at a B 53 over here in S.W. and noticed you had one. By chance was this one of the trucks that came out of the large Roanoke, Va fleet sold off about 20 years ago? Wherever yours came from, it is great to see it has survived with its original equipment. My prospect became a spreader truck many years ago. 

    1. other dog

      other dog

      yes, probably. It came from a company called "Concrete Ready Mix" and they had a bunch of B models. They sold out to another company and the new owners got rid of them, thinking they couldn't get anybody to drive equipment that old, and they were probably right.

      I sold it several years ago- too cheap- to a man in Kentucky, and the first thing he did was take the mixer off. People had told me that's what I should do, and I always said "then it would just be another B model, everybody has one of them- but nobody has a B model mixer".

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. I just want a cold beer. Merry Christmas Dog, Jojo 😀

    1. other dog

      other dog

      Merry Christmas to you and yours! I've been wanting a beer for over a week now, they call out to me every time I open the refrigerator.  But when I went to the Dr's. office for that gout over a week ago the first thing the nurse said was " you know, red meat, seafood-especially shellfish- and beer are the worst things for gout". I thought "great, 3 of my favorite things ".

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  3. OD,GPS can be misleading! I followed a set of directions to a customer once,Got 300yds from his facility, and it's on the other side of a railroad  track without a crossing!! The roadbeds 3 foot high! Had to drive miles  to get to the place!

    1. other dog

      other dog

      Yeah, I heard that- I don't even use GPS, just a Rand McNally and a phone. The phone is the thing now, I used to carry a brief case full of city maps! I think I still have most of them.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  4. Been to Simmons quite a few times,used to run the Shenandoah valley quite a bit. I haven't been to a flying j since pilot bought them is it better or the same? I kinda lean toward waffle house over huddle house,depends on the location.

    1. other dog

      other dog

      I don't know, I hardly ever stopped at a flying j.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  5. My photos are to big. How do i shrink them?

    1. other dog

      other dog

      ^,what Larry said. I use "paint" to resize and crop all my pictures.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  6. More damn snow here today! Oh Boy! i'm so damn sick and tired of snow it ain;t funny!

  7. This sucks, to the highest level of sucktivity. The road over here was so slick when I got home yesterday that I almost slid into the mailbox trying to turn into the driveway. Solid hard-packed snow. This morning it snowed more, making it that much slicker, then it started sleeting, making it that much more slickerer. And nary a salt truck, sand truck, or state truck of any kind has been seen...none. I pay my taxes just like everybody else!

    1. other dog

      other dog

      I don't know Paul, that Ranger might demolish that bulldozer!

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  8. Picked up a six pack of new-to-me beer at the store a while ago- Waterfront Blonde Ale. It was on sale and it had a pretty picture of a boat on it- nice, eh? No, it also has a horrible bitter aftertaste- kinda reminds me of a soy sauce, bleach, diesel fuel, and green persimmon mixture. I'm sticking with Anheuser-Busch from now on.

  9. Off to see the tooth doctor tomorrow...

  10. PRIVACY STATEMENT:Due to the fact that Facebook has chosen to involve software that will allow the theft of my personal information, I do declare the following: On this date August 30th, 2014 In response to the new Facebook guidelines and under articles L.111, 112 and 113 of the code of intellectual property, I declare that my rights are attached to all my personal data, drawings, paintings, photos, texts etc... published on my profile. For commercial use of the foregoing my written consent i...

    1. other dog

      other dog

      Beats me, I have no idea what it means either. I copied and pasted it on my facebook page because it seemed like the thing to do.I think if somebody becomes a gazillionaire because of any of my pictures posted I can get a cut.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  11. "where's it at?"..."is it for sale?"..."somebody save it!"..."that's sad"..."the owner's probably an asshole!"

    Makes you not want to post pictures of anything you've seen. I don't know if it's for sale, who cares where it's at-you're not going to go there anyway-you can't "save" everything, it's not sad,and the owner is not an asshole.He's nice enough to let people look and take pictures, the owner is the owner and he could have scrapped everything or cut it up with a torch and left it laying...

    1. other dog

      other dog

      I put that on facebook, not referring to anyone on BMT. One guy even asked me if I could get him the bumper off an Emeryville...I guess he wanted me to sneak in there and steal it for him.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  12. Man got class tomorrow at 8am. Shit.. Just want to sleep.........

    1. other dog

      other dog

      6:45? on the bus by 7? you get up,go doo-doo,take a shower,eat breakfast, brush your teeth,read the paper, and get on the bus in 15 minutes?..wow,you're fast Vinny!

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  13. well, it's back to the old grind today...

    1. other dog

      other dog

      been home sick for 2 days now-cough,sore throat,ear ache,head ache-all at the same time.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  14. Gotta go to Oakland today.

    1. other dog

      other dog

      that's a pretty good hill from Mt. Storm down to Scherr,eh?

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  15. Gotta go to Oakland today.

  16. Gotta go to Oakland today.

    1. other dog

      other dog

      yeah, a 5 hour journey. had to go from there to Pittsburgh to load.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  17. Gotta go to Oakland today.

  18. has an eased mind now knowing old dog is in safe hands w/ his new owner & that he is still close to home & Is to restored & used as a lowboy tractor again . .

  19. Can anyone help me with the torque specs for the front hub bearing nut for a 94 mack ch600?

  20. Can anyone help me with the torque specs for the front hub bearing nut for a 94 mack ch600?

  21. Leaving here shortly to bobtail to Russelville, Arkansas to pick up a trailer.

    1. other dog

      other dog

      pee-pee tank was still half full after 3,000+ miles,filled it this morning.and no more largecar,on I-40 in Tn. I just get in line with everybody else and stay there-can't pass anybody anymore.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  22. Headed to Cleveland with a load of pipes. The only thing I like about Cleveland is seeing it disappear in the rear view mirror.

  23. Back from vacation. It always seems to go way too fast. Had fun surfing and enjoying the cool weather, now back to the nasty heat and work, yuck..

    1. other dog

      other dog

      Mine is over, back to work, leaving tommorrow, lumber going to New Castle, Pa...now I don't wanna go!

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  24. been on vacation half a day now, feel like going back to work.

    1. other dog

      other dog

      I'm trying...worked on my shed some today...feels strange to be sippin' the bud light on Monday though.

      Monday?!! Already?!!

      damn, vacations almost over!

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

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