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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Marcel67

  1. Oepps points for superdog to for mentioning the mh in the next shirt line up
  2. Johoooo points for farmer, lets get some MH shirts! I'm in 3x XL please.
  3. Ok I'm willing to take that punishment, but still enjoyed the pics at the mean time.
  4. Umhhhhh, How are they paying the landing fees at the destination. Is Obanana's credit card still have room for those charges?
  5. Looks like I'm in trouble now! Now I have done it.
  6. I'm sorry didn't like a pissing contest with that guy. My friend send him to me since he know I collect pictures of f series and mh series. So Barry sorry didn't like to put you up with that guy again after reading the the first issues with hanky
  7. 41 chevy I totally agree with you and the others view in this topic, why do we send money to the wrong countries who don't like us and like us to be killed. Well lets bring money to these countries and build roads schools etc. the poeple who really need it like all our vets old or young will pay the toll, witch they didn't deserve. All money from obamacare and other bullshit could have brought this country in better shape if it was back inveted here roads jobs by letting companies expand here instead overseas. Build new road bridges to keep the us moving.
  8. Can't we keep the goverment to be shut down!!! All they do is fuck up a great country. Well came here 23 years ago from Europe ( the netherlands) to escape the bullshit rules taxes and crap to control your health care and the way you live etc. all this goverment crap didnt work over there and to cover these fuckups yes more taxes. If you owne a company they make it impossible to succeed or start one. Only with cheeting taxes using offshore accounts and more back road shit they stay in business. The one that start a company are going bankrupt with in 5 years due to the goverment impute or bullshit regulations. I started with nothing in this country and build up something nice only to fear that we be coming the same as European socialism that don't work and loose it all. Also thanks to the brave American soldiers our country got there freedom back during worldwar 2 . America should walk from the European approach and keep the country the way it was founded. Now we know why the Europeans like bobo Obama so much! He is like one of those idiots! When I was driving my Mh home from Colorado I drove thru the nice little towns and spoke with some folks on the way to Florida and boy they are angry! Sorry wanted to vent.
  9. Congrats! I maybe the rookie with 10 years
  10. What kind of paint did you use on the frame? I like to paint the frame on the MH.
  11. What a shame! But them paying $25 to 30k for that truck don't think so, the most have gotten it cheap.
  12. I replaced the key switch for a new one, so it has to be a connection issue between the switch and the solenoid. I have the professionals look at it. The owner at high power loves old Mack's and is old school mechanic and knows mack well. When it comes to electrical issues I'm lost and don't want the truck go up in smoke. This way I get it done along with some other stuff and get to work.
  13. Thanks well we installed the new parts......... And no starting from the key bridged the solenoid again and it fires wright up. Dropped it off today at my friend at high power diesel. Get all done get her DOT ready so we can start working.
  14. Welcome, the more truck nuts the bigger the party!
  15. Let me know if you need some time in the shop to check it out. The door is pen for you when needed.
  16. Now I know the location after cleaning I follow hancock's advice by putting some electrical grease
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