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Everything posted by JumperAndSon

  1. I don't see why it wouldn't have. There were a lot of two stroke A-cars back in the day. I think that truck looks pretty awesome Ben
  2. Yea, like the part in the movie where the truck backs up and runs over the traveling salesperson. Like, really? That thing has like a 12 to 1 reverse gear ratio. I'm pretty sure he could've gotten out of the way Ben
  3. And what does that have to do with hot rod farm tractors? Ben
  4. Yes I did, Cousin. It took me about 4 hours. It is part of this kit that I got for Christmas: Ben
  5. Uncle Rob!!!!!! I missed you. I hope you're doing alright and you had a great Christmas. Happy New Year too We'll catch you on the flip flop ole buddy, Ben
  6. Yes, you read that right. I have recently aquired a Detroit Diesel engine that is so quiet that you can't even hear it run and no matter what, it won't leak any oil at all. Behold: Ben
  7. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait just a minute. You people have NO idea what a hot rod tractor looks like. Please take a moment to observe the true definition: Ben
  8. One of the few ads that I will stare at for exended periods of time: Ben
  9. This is what an actual factory 24V71T looks like: I'd wayyyyyyyyyyyyy rather have that Ben
  10. No, my reaction to this video was: Ben
  11. Yea, like seriously? I read about this motor from one of the guys that helped build it. That is a BONE STOCK 24V71N with a bunch of crap all over it. Did anybody notice that when he closed all the flaps on the blowers that it didn't even idle down? That's because that motor has the 4 stock blowers on it that do the job that they were designed to do and all that other crap is just for decoration. And how bout the fact the they "dyno'd it" without actually having a dyno. I like how he goes over "reads" the power numbers from an imaginary screen. In case anybody was wondering, a 20V149TTA (which is the biggest, most powerful Detroit Diesel ever made) makes about 2700 horsepower. And that motor is twice the size and actually has turbos and afetrcoolers to make power. The Big Mike 2 motor is just a regular old 24V71N with a whole bunch of shiney expensive garbage piled all over it and an owner that has a chemical inbalance in his brain. Ben
  12. Big Mike needs to put down the crack pipe. There ain't no way that mess could put down those kind of numbers. That is a stock motor with expensive crap piled on it. See any smoke? Me neither, no load on it at all, not even a puff. Box stock. Good idea, poor execution. Tim
  13. Haha yea. He better or we might have to revolt Ben
  14. Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!! Don't do it! I would hate to see you catch the Blue Oval Disease. Ben
  15. Those guardrails come up awful fast with the right front down! It would make you drop your camera and swallow your cigar, too! Tim
  16. Well if this keeps up, I'm gonna have to go down to Watts and give Barry some "encouraging words" to fix it sooner Ben
  17. Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuude. That is AWSOME! What I would do to have that truck with that load on it now............... Ben
  18. Just got the news that my dad just happened to see (hear) a Brigadier with a 6V92TA where he was working today. Maybe it's a sign Ben
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