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What year was the classic ( round light) Mack R model replaced by the ( rectangular light) RD and RB models?

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When was the classic round light Mack R model replaced with the rectangular light RD and set back axle RB models which retained the similar cab?

I know the real replacement for the R was the CH but the classic cab model also survived with the evolved hoods of RD and RB probably at the time when cooling systems got updated.

I also know that there were heavy models of the classic R models designated as RD and also the heavy duty RD 800 series which stayed in production years after.

Did this change also happen at the same time when the classic DM evolved into the set back axle DM690 series too?

I personally prefer the look of the classic R/DM look after 73.


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On 1/15/2021 at 4:18 AM, Jamaican Bulldog said:

Thanks, does that mean that the older heavier RD 6 series kept the old hood for a while but the sloped hood was on the lighter R models?

No. Regular (lighter) series R discontinued in 89 (or even in the late 88?). RD being a heavier mod of an R started from 78 or so and kept the classic round hood with round lights up to 1990 or 1991. Than it (RD not R) purchased new (slopped) hood and stayed in production until 2004.

RB is another story.

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Никогда не бывает слишком много грузовиков! leversole 11.2012

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