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Posts posted by randyp

  1. Ain't yu's got this figured out yet. The dog pound is just across the street and the dogs were getting all tangle up trying to pee on one hydrant at a time...LMAO!!!!

    One's a HIS and ones a HERS!

    Well,,,ats the best answer yet, Freight. Finally!, a fellow genius engineerian mind shows up and solves dis mystery! randypee

  2. The answer that I was given is because there is a new water tower up on the left just out of camera shot. An older hydrant was there and the new one is to the tower. I still can't figure because the water tower is tied to the main line! Look in the ambulance mirror, there is a nursing home at the end of the street, and maybe 2 houses in front of the ambulance,water overkill for the area.

    The Fall, autumnish colors in your area are also quite lovely,,,,,,randy

  3. Possible that there are TWO water lines? Plug on left looks older, maybe a smaller line.

    Somebody has an excellent insurance rating

    kinda like when you order a truck with dual exhaust, somebody probably ordered the dual fire plug option, less back pressure, more fires-per-gallon when fighting a fire. C'mon people, Im not even an engineer and I figured that one out,,,randyPEE

  4. Rob,

    I know this is a bit off topic, but it seems to be fairly common that people "name" their vehicles. In which case, I wonder, do you name yours? Secondly, if you do give your trucks names, what have you named this one? And third, how do you remember all of their names?

    And fourth, you cant name one "Killer B", cause its already copyrighted, or patented, or taken or whatever they call that,,,randy

  5. This shifting business don't come easy! After driving 6 loops (2 or 3 miles each on curvy backroads), I am struggling to shift this monster...

    Call me a nerd, but I built a spreadsheet with with all of the ratios so I can "guestimate" rpm drops to help me shift...

    On this last loop, I suceesfully (for the first time) downshifted the main from 5th to 4th...normally, any attempt to downshift either stick results in a complete stop to start agian!

    1700 rpm feels and sounds like it time to shift...I wonder if I am not letting wind up high enough...cruising around at 12-1300 seems about right, maybe I am running the engine too slow...

    Also, I have not been able to make a two stick shift, end up stopping and starting again!

    Those videos make it look sooooooooo easy!

    I guess I shouldnt complain...I only have about 20 miles under my belt...I will get it!

    Dont overthink it, finesse that throttle foot, get RPMs right, and all will work better,,,turn loose and feel the force, Luke,,randy

  6. Slightly modified joke Bollweevil sent me-

    > Subject: Texans Declares War on The United States

    Barack Obama is in the Oval Office when the telephone rings.

    "President Obama," Barack said, as A heavy southern voice said

    "Barack this is Randy P, down at the Joes Crab Shack in Daingerfield, and

    I'm callin' ta tell ya'll that officially we just declared war on you!"

    "Well Randy," Barack replied, "This is indeed important news!

    How big is your army ?"

    "Right now," said Randy, after a moments calculation "there's

    myself, my cousin Harold , my next-door-neighbor Archie, and the

    whole dart team from Hooters. That makes eight!"

    Barack paused, then said. "Randy, I must warn you that I have one

    million men in my army waiting to move on my command."

    "Wow," said Randy. "Guess I'll have ta call ya back!"

    Next day, Randy called again. "Barack, we're still gonna' fight

    you! Since yesterday I have have managed to acquire some infantry


    "And what equipment would that be Randy?" Barack asked.

    "Well sir, we have two combines, a bulldozer, a B-model Mack, and Harry's old farm


    Obama sighed. "I must tell you Randy, that I have 16,000 tanks and

    14,000 armored personnel carriers. Also I've increased my army to

    one and a half million since we last spoke."

    Randy said, "I'll be getting back to ya."

    Next day Randy called and said, "Obama , the war is still on! We

    have managed to git ourselves airborne! We up an' modified Harolds'

    ultra-light with a couple of shotguns in the cockpit, and four boys

    from the Legion have joined us as well!"

    Barack was silent for a minute then cleared his throat. "I must tell

    you Randy that I have 10,000 bombers and 20,000 fighter planes. My

    military complex is surrounded by laser-guided, surface-to-air

    missile sites. And since we last spoke, I've increased my army to


    Randy said, "l'll call you back tomorrow."

    Sure enough, Randy called the next day and said, "Obama! I'm gonna'

    have to call off the war."

    Obama said, "Why the sudden change of heart?"

    Randy said, "We sit ourselves down las' night and had a long chat

    over a bunch of beer, and we done come to realize there is jes' no

    way we can feed two million prisoners.."

    Not enough biscits and mustard in texas to feed that many, and I aint sharing mine,,,Lt Col. randy

  7. The story continues...

    Got the truck from Cat Tuesday afternoon and headed to the shop to get fuel and then go load kyanite for Orchard Park,N.Y. Made it all the way to Thomas Terrace before the engine light came on, or about 10 miles. So I went straight back to Carter Cat and they replaced the wire connectors on intake valve actuators 5 and 6. Now 4 days of trouble free trucking!

    I reloaded at Roll Coaters in Weirton,W.V. Thursday morning. Could have got loaded Wednesday night, but I had to wait for one coil that was over across the street at the sand and gravel place and they didn't open until 7am. Turned out pretty good because I was tired from the late start going to Orchard Park anyway, and I took some pictures of lots of trucks and equipment at the sand and gravel yard.

    Good Pics!! I feel like I been on a lil vacation. You need to start posting pics of trips on a more regular basis, I always look forward to those, ya just need to do it more often. When I worked in strip mine, They rotated "CAT 992" duty on a 1 month basis, I always enjoyed my month on it, usualy would take someone elses month 2 or 3 times during year as most didnt like to run them. Strip mine owned 2 992 G,s with joystick steering stead of steering wheel, awsome, stout machines, but visibility to your rear was terrible so had to be very alert at all times. What do they store in old turnpike tunnel now? How long is it? Go drive some more and get more pics,,,,randy

    This is a 992 Cat loader-makes a Peterbilt look tiny.

    GMC dump truck

    good looking old Autocar.While I was taking pictures of it a dump truck driver coming in stopped and yelled "that truck still runs good".

    I noticed it has current tags on it.

    The plate on the door said it had a 335 Cummins in it and rt915 trans. Might have a 335,but I don't know about that 15 speed!

    The little coil I picked up-had to use 2 extra pieces of wood to keep it off the floor.You don't want your coil touching the floor,or bad things could happen!

    ...especially on a big single like this.

    This was in the Clark loader beside the Cat loader-a V16 Detroit Diesel.

    and the added bonus pictures-

    This is what the north entrance of the old tunnel on the West Va. Turnpike looks like now. I used to have a picture of the south entrance,but must have deleted it. The south entrance is still open and the tunnel is used for storage.

    A closer look.Kinda hard to see any more.

    This is where an old weigh station used to be on rt. 60 between Ansted and rt. 19. It was still there since i've been driving, but I never saw it open. They only used portables there and it's been closed for years.

  8. Dawwwgg,,,,Cat just called, double nickel is ready, get in it, go work, dont play on computer, go work, drive through several states, work, concentrate, work,,,,,,,,randy

    Tom, If you ever decide to quit driving, I think you may have a career in computers, probably computer espionage would be more like it,,,randy

  9. I kinda figured you'd have to come in that way, probably still not much fun backing in that place while trying not to get run over by the idiots flying up and down 11. It used to be bad enough backing in the Chevy dealership at the top of the hill just south of there, no one wanted to slow down for just a couple minutes even if you had the whole road blocked to back in.

    Oh, and if they said that UTV is around 15K, I suspect you can probably buy it for 13.5 somewhere else. Their prices are way out of line there, always have been, always will be till someone puts them out of business. My Dad tried to buy a lawn tractor there back in the 90's, cash deal, he ended up borrowing my pickup to take to NY on vacation and came home with the same tractor for 1800 less.

    im gonna have me one those UTV.s. real soon, of the "Polaris" flavor,,,,randy

  10. its tripple steel just like the macks except the front area the holes for the susp is drilled dif for the weard front axle thats under it.

    Thats some nice looking trucks, dont know laws in other states, do those trucks haul coal strictly offroad? Here in Texas, they wouldnt be legal with dump beds that far behind rear axle, DOT around here would probably get out with guns drawn and cocked,,,,randy

  11. who has been in my back yard. they stole my parts quad box and my goat. they should have knocked on my door and took my wife and the two stupid dogs with them. joe

    Two fellows were walking down the railroad tracks one day, one named Mike and the other was named Rob. Mike saw a goat at bottom of railroad embankment with her head hung up in hogwire fence and she couldnt get it out. Mike ran down embankment and dropped his drawers, grabbed goat, and started having his way with her, uh-huh, he was doing her. Mike finished his business shortly, (lil over 3 seconds), and asked Rob, "You want some of this, Rob?" Rob said, "Yeah buddy, I will try some of that, but you aint gotta run my head in that fence!" anonymous randy NOTICE--ANY RELATIONSHIP TO ANY INDIVIDUALS ON THIS WEBSITE IS PURELY COINCIDENTAL AND NEITHER IMPLIED OR INTENDED

  12. Yeah herb,that was a pretty common paint scheme back in the day,used to be a lot more trucks with this type paint job,i guess with the economy the way it is,people just dont have the money to put in to it anymore. Its a shame too,just dont see the fancy trucks like you used to!......Mark

    People would have more money if they didnt waste it on washing and waxing, Mark,..........................randy

  13. I picked up a partial load of salvage floor tiles from a towing company in north jersey this week,seen this across the street,thought you guys might get a kick out of seeing it......pretty fancy garbage truck thats for sure! went over and talked to the guy,he said his trucks get washed everyday! 2 macks,and an autocar,saw pictures of the other two,they looked as clean and well maintained as this one!...........Mark

    entirely too much washing and rubbing and tweaking and all at stuff,,kinda pretty though,,randy

  14. Sounds like a page out of my book lately! oh SURE you can get in here,we have trucks here all the time! i feel your pain my friend!.....my only problem with this post is whats this about not washing/waxing your equipment? now thats just poor maintenence right there!...and you with a classic B-model FOR SHAME!.....a clean truck is a happy truck LOL!.....i know this kinda crap can be frustrating! believe me i do! i like the idea about cutting off the fire hydrants! i've backed around more of them in the past few weeks then i think i have in 30 years driving a truck!....now take care of that truck,get them scratches buffed out and all will be well!................Mark

    heh heh I would drive it through the Robo-Wash, but would probably drag something down in there,,,randy

  15. um hehe, um what ya complaining for? try doing it with 3 trailers! you think you got grumpy with one! imagine how grumpy you be with 3 on! been there! the farm owner says yeh sure no worries you will get that around here! you get there and what do you find? cattle grids that are to high, no unloading ramps, muddy narrow dirt tracks only suitable for a dirt bike and the list goes on. you lucky with one. :)


    well, no doubt about it ducky, I would have to refigure my "angle of attack" dragging all that behind me. Bring those to Texas, let me introduce them to a pair of red oak trees and you wont be dragging all those around anymore. I fully agree with you, bout one trailer is all I can stand around here,,and one wife,,,randy

  16. Randy, I hear ya about the tight spots & moving equipment!

    You got 'er done with no "sheet metal modifications" so you done good!

    I get sent to some pretty screwed up places with our RGN trailers sometimes too, like those curvy narrow dead end roads in rich neighborhoods near Lake Winnebago. Drive in, detach, find a place to get the tractor out of the way, unload the machine, reconnect and back ALL the way out again, dealing with rich bastards that pull up behind you and sit there, because THEY'RE important and shouldn't have to pull in a driveway temporarily to let you through!

    We carry a set of plastic mats on each trailer so we can unload tracked machines on the pavement without hurting anything.

    Yesterday I had to drop off a Skytrak forklifr at a jobsite in Green Bay, late afternoon, heavy traffic, jobsite all full of shit so there was no way to get off the road to unload. I had to detach in the street, in the righthand travel lane, unload the machine & drive the machine into the jobsite. As I was walking back out to the trailer, I saw that a friendly cop had pulled in behind the detached trailer with his lighrs on. Uh oh, this might not be good, I thought to myself. Cop walked over & said "This is dangerous, you've got no lights on the back of that trailer & there could be a bad accident!"

    I explained to him that the lights don't work when the trailer is detached, and I had no way to get off the road to unload. Officer then agreed to leave his lights going and sit there til I got reconnected & was ready to leave. I thanked the officer for that. Then I reconnected with lightning speed, stowed my chains & binders & off I went!!!!!! Next stop, pick up a 953 track loader in Kaukauna & bring it back to the yard!!!!!

    heh heh,,,I got winded just reading all that hard work Herb! Amen on all that and it is very hard work, both mental and physical. I actually studied that farm road and dern giant twin red oaks for several days and several pickup trips before deciding. As a matter of fact, was sitting in easy chair night before staring at ceiling, wife said, "You look like you are in deep thought". I told her I was calculating "angle of attack", windage adjustments, effects of temperature and weather, pack extra weight of parachute or not, and memorizing "911" number, also whether there were any friendlies in area to help evacuate me. She told me to continue meditating, she knew better than to ask me any more simple questions. I dont think women really are from the real world,,,,randy

  17. That's not as bad as Jo hitting a tree in the front yard with the pickup. She was backing up, no trailer involved, and put a big dent right in the rear corner of the cab on the right side. The tree has always been there by the way.

    If mine had done that, she would have accused me of moving the tree,,randy

  18. See Randy I told ya you'd be missed if ya didn't sign-in and you were. I got some wax if ya need some. Wax on Wax off....good story, if I need dozer work i'll call ya and see if killer can make it to Tennessee. :lol:


    Wella,,Killer can make it, at blistering pace of 58.214 MPH, not sure if I could stand bellering blue though, still havent gotten a muffler on it. I really gotta put that on my "To do list". Thanks for offer of wax, but I just dont never wax nothing, or wash it for that matter,,heh heh,,I dont rub on em, I just drive em,,,randy

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