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david wild

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Posts posted by david wild

  1. Once again the Government is out of touch with main street, they see a rosy economy, main street sees gloom, Have you tried to hire a worker today, should not call them worker because that is the farthest thing on their mind, can't call them help, they cannot help themselves never mind you, how about person demanding money because they can breathe air. I like that, oxygen thief. Anyway O crap for brains has the lowest fuel prices in like ever (recent memory) some people are trying to get ahead and still the economy can't even get out of bed, and the clown in charge is clueless to what is going on, we can't bomb the bad guys because it will be a environmental disaster, we can't build the pipeline because Buffets trains need to haul the oil so they can derail and spill oil but that is not a problem, we can't mine coal because we might make pollution and our engineers are too stupid according to the loon in charge to build a clean coal plant while the world is full steam ahead on building coal plants. but we can lie to the public and tell them how great wind and solar are, but forget to mention they can't survive with out heavy tax dollar support, and the 30 million uninsured, 8 million bought insurance the other 22 million disappeared, but hey we killed Bin Laden but then it seems we knew his hiding spot for quite awhile but it was good PR for the reelection bid, I call that murder, not justice. and Trump comes along ruffles a few feathers and he is called a Nazi, if he is a Nazi what the hell is O crap for brains ??????? Don't be a lump on the log, speak up, be heard or at least walk around the house nude, your wife might like it or then maybe not.

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  2. O shit for brains needs to tried for treason and put in prison till Allah comes for him. I cannot wait till he is gone and his stench has evaporated, he and the libs are clueless to what is happening in the world, one brain dead leading another.

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  3. I said before we need to sue Obama personally, he lied and that is not covered on presidential protection, he knew what he said was false and he knew costs would go up and coverage would suck, he is personally liable for what he lied about. but if you file suit his gestapo police will hound you to death, IRS, EPA, DOT and ??? can't get any worse I say go for it.

  4. Never saw a broken bucket until one day in central Texas on a well travelled heavy haul route on a bad corner I found one in the middle of the road, appears while turning the bolts broke and split the bucket, I kept it and still have it today, thought of painting gold and putting on display. probably never see another.

  5. What is the 3 speed aux ??? most low, low low, direct and over is in a 4 speed aux, 2 speed fuller 1202 is a low and direct, low is a 50% reduction same as 4 speed in low low, spicer is or has built a 3 speed aux that is/was low, direct and over. if your referring to a Mack late model 2 stick trans then it should be reverse, low and direct. so it depends on what you have ????

  6. You better go hide in the woods someplace off the beaten path if O crap for brains reads your thoughts, he will declare you a enemy of the state. I on the other hand agree and support your thoughts, O crap for brains will never raise a hand against his fellow Muslim brothers. When he speaks of the Bible it is no big thing but when he speaks of the Koran he speaks with reverence, watch him next time, He is a Muslim, he hates us, and soon let's make sure he is gone and pray that Hillary implodes. I personally can't stand O crap for brains and I wish him misery, he ruined many lives with his anti American crap, I would personally have no problem in exacting as much pain on him for what I believe he has done to many Americans. He is a traitor to this country and should be punished for is acts, The Libs follow him because they are baffled by his BS. there is a agenda by him and the media, and that is to bring our great country to it's knees.

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