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david wild

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Posts posted by david wild

  1. Then change of rods or pistons takes care of compression and unit pumps come from donor engine, so I take it this can be done ??  My Mack dealer is paranoid about EPA and won't change file in ecm, We do our own engines so changing internals not that big of problem, ECM not easy. 

  2. OK gear heads tell me why I cannot put a E tech cam and ECM in AI engine and be done with the piss poor performance ?? No I don't give a dam about the EPA, in fact, every time my older truck puffs a little black smoke, I say toot toot I don't give a hoot let's pollute. I think what's good for AL is good enough for me.

  3. YES overseas buyers are buying up all the closed coal mines, go figure. I guess that does not make sense to a liberal, why would some one from some place else need to buy coal mines unless they needed more coal ???? and why would they need more coal if they were not building more coal plants,  and you need more proof of what Obama has done to us ??????  and you do know where babies come from ?? right.

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  4. GA  has been declared not viable for wind power, no wind ?? lotsa sun though but enough to power the carpet mills and saw mills or the drug dealers in ATL. 

    Any one notice the union not out pushing Clinton, was in Cin. OH. teamsters said they are voting for Trump  ???

    I guess if you tell someone that wind works long enough it must be true, still does not work without taxpayer support.

    France just cancelled there no Coal plants plan and are going ahead with new Coal plant, can not resist the price. Obama pissed at France







  5. We have used Mack 460s to haul 13 axle trailers coast to coast and we all ways seem to be there with the big guys with their large cats, our fuel consumption is less, tire wear, driveline problems and yes we go up hills a little slower but our operating costs are lower. The RD888 was the best truck ever built for climbing up and down a mountain, gearing is more important than engine size, if you really want some cool stuff go to worldwide and get a set of DT hubs order your truck with non Mack rears as they won't fit and get a 2 speed aux trans, which I would get no matter what.  We built some Western Stars only because we were having a difficult time getting other manufactures to build what we wanted,  Big cooling systems, Aux trans, real hoses not plastic (they melt) heavy drivelines, we sent our WS to Worldwide for DT hubs, The bigger the load, the slower you go, the more you make, or cheap freight moves fast.  

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  6. I will also ask for a copy of their workers comp policy before getting near my truck, since I have to have one to go on to anyone's property or touch anything that's not mine, let them operate like we have to. I hate to use this word but let them act in a professional business manner.

  7. Went to ID couple weeks ago left with some trucks in OH. they pass me 4 or 5 times a day, every day, got to ID. unloaded started heading to Salt Lake, passed the same bunch still heading west, my truck is set to run perfect at 62 in high and pretty good a little under 55 with a big load, and yet those guys running 70 to 80 are behind me ?????? maybe it's the flip flops and pj bottoms ??? oh and the dreads.

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  8. Don't get me wrong I have plenty of guns, just think it is not needed to inspect my truck, at this rate they will put you in cuffs just to make sure you don't attack them or something. trucking is a business, they treat it like a crime. I expect to be treated like a business person, I operate my business that way and not like thug. 

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  9. I don't understand why people wanting to haul heavy weight want a truck that will do a 100 miles a hour. your either stupid or have never been to a truck wreck with a big load involved, when things go bad with a heavy load they go really bad, most states limit the speed OD loads can go, so why gear to go any faster, kinda like buying 55 ton trailers that will never see 55 tons legally. and if your hauling over your permitted weight than your no better than your local hood stealing hubcaps, your both breaking the law. And no we never haul above our permitted weight, hard to explain to somebody we killed their loved one so we could save a buck.

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  10. the dept. of ???  has said that illegal immigrants took 132 Billion in welfare last year, we gave people that should not even be here 132 Billion dollars of our tax money and we cannot fix our roads, Obama wants to give them more ???????? and he brings in the Muslim Brotherhood into our Government and he is not a traitor ????? and Hillary wants to do more of the same, what is wrong with the liberal voter, are you sick in your mind, do you have a mental defect, ?????  

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  11. On the road for the next few days, but basically the coal industry was destroyed so some baboon farmer in baboon land could have cheap reliable lights and Obama was the front man, he did not do this all himself but he was the guy out front. yes we all lost money so some third world Muslim can have lights. I will enlighten you when I get in and lay out how it all went down. plus I will provide you the facts to prove it.

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  12. Remember those of you that keep speaking of his relationship with the liberals, if he did not get along with them how would have done any biz in liberal land, just because you can do biz with liberals does make you one or make you like them, I have worked in countries that were run by smucks, but we went because our customer (GE) was doing biz there, what would you do ?? stay home ??? Trump dealt with them because it was the best for his biz, that means he would make a great pres. because he has proved that he can work across the aisle ??????? unlike shit for brains that can not work with anyone.

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