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david wild

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Posts posted by david wild

  1. Isn't funny that the same women that call for equal rights and so on, then vote and support a president that would have rather have Islamic law and make his supporters second class citizens, maybe the women of this country are not as smart as I thought they were, or they regret that life isn't as fun when not on a pedestal. Ms. Flock won't have to worry about me paying for her birth control once she is degraded to breeding stock. hard to carrying on a conversation when your wife has to walk somewhere behind you, I guess women are not that smart after all or at least the liberal ones.

  2. Hopefully we survive the Holidays with out any terrorism attacks, but if we don't, hopefully crap for brains is the only victim, yes libs I said that, if you want to wear the rosy colored glasses and live in fantasy world then you pay the price, not the innocent people.

  3. I have Pics. of that same trailer being pulled into jobsite in OK. 2 years ago by Double ugly (I think M75) Empty weight is so high that it really cannot haul that big of a load. Diminishing return, add more to get more but end up being so heavy it is difficult to permit. we use dollies in a dual lane set up, 80,000 per group, 5 groups gets 400,000 usually like to run 5 or 6 groups then space out and add more groups for bigger loads. dollies provide best empty to loaded weight ratio. Perkins set up can travel at faster speed than dollies but if you weigh 500,000+ lbs how fast do you want to go???? Perkins could not make it up some hills, we had Double Ugly on the job for our loads, old girl hauled them in with no problem, didn't break a sweat. V12 Cummins with Allison for those don't know how they were powered. Wonderful old Mack.

  4. London declares Muslim Brotherhood terrorists, Obama hugs them even more, OK Lefty's how do you justify that ??? I love it when the left makes a grab and run and won't debate their failure, or just blames Bush 7 years later, or better yet "he's Black" like that makes a difference, stupid is stupid no matter what color you paint it.

  5. So I see birddog has been charged, Hey O crap for brains how do feel now about trading bad guys for a deserter, how do you libs defend that ??? Obama followers are as bad as the scum that attack us, because they don't condemn their loon in charge. But hey it's OK we know it's all Bush's fault.

  6. When a White cops shoots a Black and he is in the wrong, White people will hang that White cop, but let a Black or Muslim do wrong and not a word will come from the offenders race or religion ??? You are right, a Muslim will not rat out another Muslim, therefore they are all guilty. I will stand up for anybody even a Liberal if they are in the right, but if you are wrong you will get no support from me, I don't care what your race is, your religion or your beliefs, you stand up for what's right, not what someone tells you. Maybe the union worker should be allowed to think for themselves too. Oops, that won't work, there would not be a union ???

  7. Sold all the new junk, does not run anyway, now purveyor vintage rides that run and we can fix, told help you don't like it, move on, all said glad to have truck that will out run the new junk, Now I think that there might just be a biz in rebuilding old trucks for savy truckers. we have trucks that bob tail a lot coming from job sites, 11 miles to gallon bobtail is way better than the 5 we got with new trucks. figure that out.

  8. And every Friday night all the flights are full going to off shore sites from Kuwait so that the Muslims can practice their degenerate passions, while over there I was told women were for breeding and men for loving ??? sounds like a bunch of wackos to me, but I will admit that I felt very safe walking around the city and late at night at the bazzar. but that still does make it alright to put man in cage and burn him to death, or make the gays jump off the roof of abuilding and I'm no supporter of the gays, but they take things way to far.

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