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david wild

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Posts posted by david wild

  1. I don't think it's a late 70s more like early 70s august of 75 vin # were in the 20 and up ???? I have the build sheets from Mack for August of 75 from Hayward, most are 20xxx there are some 18xxx but very few ???

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  2. I can send you some video of dollies working and put you in touch with the right people, once you go with dollies you won't use anything else, J&B is using there dollie set up right now 200 ton plus, we did a bunch of big gas compressors in OK all on dollies, at 80K per group it does not take many to haul a heavy load, we used mostly 4and 5 groups that will put you up around 500K and scale 400K payload, maybe a little less depending on your beams.

  3. J&B has 10 lines I think, there is 12 lines in MA. Call 617 269 6600 they were going to sell it last time I spoke to them. If you are going to work off road you can't beat one of the old 200/250 Talbert 32 tire trailers, I know of 1 in FL and Brian T. bought ours. don't know if he still has it. If you learn how to use dollies you can move anything a platform will do, and weigh a lot less, great for going over the road, we ran dollies at most the power plants in the south. also less cost to own and operate but you need to have some skill.

  4. Just a question, with the market overloaded with platform trailers already why would invest in something that you can hire cheaper than you can own ?? Are you worried about the big boys back dooring you ?? they will do that anyway. have looked into dollies like Telkamp or Holland ??

  5. Well now one rancher is dead, everyone happy ??? must be a reason that a man would risk his life, maybe there is more to this story than we know. If the Rancher died standing up to the Government about something that he was right about than he is a hero in my view. may be more people should stand up for what is right, I try and get BS for it. let's all vote liberal then we to can sit at home drinking beer and cooking barbecue all day, but then the country goes broke like all the liberal run cities ???? can't you libs figure it out ????

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  6. Wind does not work in GA, and when the sun goes away for a day or so then what ??? If wind and solar are so great then why does it not get done with out heavy tax support ??? and yeah I would like him beheaded, does not seem to bother him when it happens to someone else???

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  7. Hard to beat handout Libs. there are less of us that work and give to the IRS than those that take and they will vote for the person giving the handouts. change the law, welfare, no vote, being on welfare should not be cozy, that will make you want to get off of it. why work when you can hangout and have someone support you. hey that sounds like my wife ???

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