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david wild

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Posts posted by david wild

  1. Those are a DT hubs 3 to 1 reduction or 1 to 1 direct, they will not go on your 65 Mack only 46 and 52 rears, I know of no reduction in weight cap. that WS can pull 500K by it's self as long as you have enough weight on the drives, even with 60k on the drives we have spun out. but we have had a push truck around just in case, biggest problem is going down hills, that's when 2 trucks work best, double the jake power and no problem.  

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  2. What was wrong with the truck, I would like to see more pics. before I ride all the way up there to look at junk, did he give you a email addr. or phone # we bought a new CL and a used one out of Kamloops BC so we are used to going over the border for trucks, add a KW and a Mack Vision, to the list along with the KW I'm driving now. 

  3. The problems with this country are bigger than Trump and Cruz, Trump seems to worry less about who he pisses off, at this point I'd like to see them all gone.

    If ever given the chance to speak with Obama he would know exactly how I feel about him and his anti American attitude, there would be no question in his mind of my feelings about him, that's what I want in the next president, I want to know that he wants us to be no. 1 I don't care about the rest of the world, they do not care about us, I have worked all over the world including Iraq and Africa and the people are great but the leaders are just like ours, corrupt. But every place I have been it's them first then help others, we  help all others then the people of this country. This country has it all and we should use it to the best advantage that we can, kind of like Alaska and it's oil payouts, take care of US citizens first then help the rest with what's left, not we sacrifice so others get more than us.  Close the borders, what's wrong with that, every one else does, why can't we, that slows down the drug trade, that's good, develop our coal and oil, buy up everyone else's while it's cheap, then corner the market, that's good, how about educating the kids of today and teaching them that work is not a nasty four letter word,  We have country full of people that can't find a job yet we can't anyone that wants to work  ???  Most of the problems in this country now stems from people expecting to be taken care of instead of taking care of themselves, look around, one misfit after another, interview someone for a job, we had one the actually thought that he should get medical time off for his wife's period, she cramps and he needed to be there ???? WTF  like I said I'll support Cruz but let him attack Clinton with the same vigor as he attacks Trump.       

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